Tuesday 27 March 2018

Instituto de negociação forex em lahore

Canção de mim mesmo.
Por Walt Whitman.
E o que eu suponho, você deve assumir
Pois todo átomo que pertence a mim pertence a você.
Eu me inclino e seguro à minha vontade, observando uma lança de grama de verão.
Nascido aqui de pais nascidos aqui de pais o mesmo e o deles / delas.
pais o mesmo,
Eu, agora com trinta e sete anos em perfeita saúde,
Esperando não cessar até a morte.
Retirando-se um pouco, bastou o que eles são, mas nunca esquecidos,
Eu porto para o bem ou para o mal, eu permito falar em todos os perigos,
Natureza sem cheque com energia original.
Eu respiro a fragrância eu mesmo, conheço e gosto disso,
A destilação me intoxicava também, mas não deixarei.
destilação, é inodoro,
É para a minha boca para sempre, eu estou apaixonada por isso,
Eu irei ao banco perto da floresta e ficarei sem disfarces e nu
Eu sou louco por isso estar em contato comigo.
Ecos, ondulações, murmúrios, raiz amorosa, fio de seda, virilha e videira,
Minha respiração e inspiração, o bater do meu coração, a passagem.
de sangue e ar através dos meus pulmões,
O cheiro de folhas verdes e folhas secas, e da costa e.
rochas do mar de cores escuras e de feno no celeiro,
Alguns beijos leves, alguns abraços, um abraço de braços,
O jogo de brilho e sombra nas árvores como os ramos flexíveis abanam,
O prazer sozinho ou na pressa das ruas, ou ao longo dos campos.
A sensação de saúde, o trinado no meio-dia, a música de mim se elevando.
da cama e encontrando o sol.
Você tem praticado tanto tempo para aprender a ler?
Você se sentiu tão orgulhoso de entender o significado dos poemas?
Você deve possuir o bem da terra e do sol (há milhões.
Você não deve mais levar as coisas em segunda ou terceira mão, nem olhar através delas.
os olhos dos mortos, nem se alimentam dos espectros em livros,
Você não deve olhar através dos meus olhos, nem tirar as coisas de mim,
Você deve ouvir todos os lados e filtrá-los de si mesmo.
começo e fim,
Mas eu não falo do começo nem do fim.
Nem mais juventude ou idade do que existe agora,
E nunca haverá mais perfeição do que existe agora
Nem mais céu ou inferno do que existe agora.
Sempre o desejo procriador do mundo.
aumentar, sempre sexo,
Sempre uma ligação de identidade, sempre distinção, sempre uma espécie de vida.
Para elaborar não adiantou, aprendeu e desaprendeu sentir que é assim.
entretido, apoiado nas vigas,
Stout como um cavalo, carinhoso, altivo, elétrico,
Eu e este mistério estamos aqui.
Até que isso se torne invisível e receba a prova por sua vez.
Conhecendo a perfeita adequação e equanimidade das coisas, enquanto eles.
discuto que estou em silêncio e vou me banhar e me admirar.
Nem uma polegada nem uma partícula de uma polegada é vil, e nenhuma deve ser.
menos familiar do que o resto.
Como o abraço e amoroso companheiro de cama dorme ao meu lado durante a noite,
e se retira no peep do dia com passos furtivos,
Deixando-me cestas cobertas com toalhas brancas inchando a casa.
Devo adiar minha aceitação e realização e gritar aos meus olhos,
Que eles deixam de olhar para depois e para baixo na estrada,
E imediatamente cifra e mostre-me um centavo
Exatamente o valor de um e exatamente o valor de dois e que está à frente?
Pessoas que eu conheço, o efeito sobre mim da minha vida precoce ou da ala e.
cidade em que eu moro, ou a nação,
As últimas datas, descobertas, invenções, sociedades, autores antigos e novos,
Meu jantar, vestido, associados, olhares, elogios, dívidas,
A indiferença real ou imaginada de algum homem ou mulher que eu amo,
A doença de um dos meus pais ou de mim mesmo, ou doentio ou perda.
ou falta de dinheiro, ou depressões ou exaltações,
Batalhas, os horrores da guerra fratricida, a febre das notícias duvidosas,
os eventos intermitentes;
Estes vêm para mim dias e noites e vão de mim novamente,
Mas eles não são eu mesmo.
Está divertido, complacente, compassivo, ocioso, unitário,
Olha para baixo, está ereto, ou dobra um braço em um certo descanso impalpável,
Olhando com a cabeça curvada para o lado, curioso o que virá a seguir,
Tanto dentro quanto fora do jogo e observando e pensando nisso.
linguistas e contendores,
Não tenho escárnios ou argumentos, testemunho e espero.
E você não deve ser humilhado ao outro.
Não palavras, não música ou rima eu quero, não costume ou palestra, não.
Apenas a calma que eu gosto, o zumbido da sua voz valvulada.
Como você colocou sua cabeça em meus quadris e gentilmente se virou para mim,
E separei a camisa do meu peito e mergulhei sua língua.
para o meu coração nu,
E alcancei até que você sentiu minha barba e alcançou até que você segurou meus pés.
todo o argumento da terra,
E eu sei que a mão de Deus é a promessa da minha própria
E eu sei que o espírito de Deus é meu irmão,
E que todos os homens nascidos são também meus irmãos e as mulheres.
minhas irmãs e amantes
E que um kelson da criação é amor,
E ilimitadas são folhas duras ou caídas nos campos,
E formigas marrons nos pequenos poços abaixo deles,
E migalhas musgosas da cerca do verme, pedras empilhadas, ancinho, verbasco e.
Como eu poderia responder a criança? Eu não sei o que é mais do que ele.
Um presente perfumado e um lembrete projetado
Portando o nome do dono de alguma forma nos cantos, para que possamos ver.
e observe, e diga De quem?
E isso significa, brotando tanto em zonas amplas e zonas estreitas,
Crescendo entre negros como entre brancos,
Kanuck, Tuckahoe, congressista, Cuff, eu dou a eles o mesmo, eu
recebê-los o mesmo.
Pode ser que você transpire dos seios de homens jovens,
Pode ser que se eu os conhecesse eu os amaria,
Pode ser que você seja de pessoas idosas ou de filhos levados em breve.
dos colos de suas mães,
E aqui estão as voltas das mães.
Mais escuras do que as barbas incolores dos velhos,
Escuro para sair de baixo dos telhados vermelhos das bocas.
E percebo que eles não vêm dos tetos das bocas por nada.
E as dicas sobre homens e mães idosos, e a prole tomada.
logo fora de suas voltas.
E o que você acha que se tornou das mulheres e crianças?
O menor broto mostra que realmente não há morte
E se alguma vez houve levou vida, e não espera no.
fim de prendê-lo,
E ceas'd o momento em que a vida apareceria.
E morrer é diferente do que qualquer um supõe e tem mais sorte.
Eu apresso-me a informá-lo que tem a mesma sorte de morrer, e eu sei disso.
não estou contido entre o meu chapéu e botas,
E folhear objetos múltiplos, não dois iguais e todos bons,
A terra é boa e as estrelas são boas, e seus adjuntos são todos bons.
Eu sou o companheiro e companheiro de pessoas, tudo tão imortal e.
insondável como eu mesmo
(Eles não sabem como é imortal, mas eu sei.)
Para mim aqueles que foram meninos e que amam mulheres,
Para mim, o homem que se orgulha e sente como se magoa,
Para mim o doce coração e a velha empregada, para mim mães e os.
mães de mães
Para mim lábios que sorriam, olhos que derramaram lágrimas,
Para mim, filhos e geradores de filhos.
Eu vejo através do pano largo e do guingão se ou não,
E estou por perto, tenaz, aquisitivo, incansável e não posso ser abalado.
Eu levanto a gaze e olho por um longo tempo, e silenciosamente afastei as moscas.
Eu peeringly os vejo do topo.
Eu testemunho o cadáver com seu cabelo enrolado, noto onde a pistola.
O pesado ônibus, o motorista com seu polegar interrogatório, o.
o barulho dos cavalos no chão de granito,
Os trenós de neve, tinidos, gritos, peles de bolas de neve,
Os hurrahs de favoritos populares, a fúria de mobs
A aba da maca da cortina, um homem doente carregado para o hospital,
O encontro de inimigos, o juramento repentino, os golpes e a queda,
A multidão excitada, o policial com sua estrela rapidamente trabalhando a dele.
passagem para o centro da multidão,
As pedras impassíveis que recebem e devolvem tantos ecos,
Que gemidos de over-fed ou half-starv'd que caem sunstruck ou em ataques,
Que exclamações de mulheres levadas de repente que se apressam para casa e.
dê à luz bebês,
Que fala viva e enterrada está sempre vibrando aqui, o que uiva.
contido pelo decoro,
Detenção de criminosos, ofensas, ofertas adúlteras feitas, aceitações,
rejeições com lábios convexos,
Eu me importo com eles ou com o show ou a ressonância deles - eu venho e parti.
A grama seca do tempo de colheita carrega o vagão lento,
A luz clara toca no cinza marrom e verde intertidos,
As braçadas estão cheias do corte da queda.
Eu senti seus choques moles, uma perna reclinada na outra
Eu pulo das vigas e agarro o trevo e o timothy,
E role de ponta-cabeça e enrole meu cabelo cheio de mechas.
Vagando espantado com a minha própria leveza e alegria,
No final da tarde, escolhendo um local seguro para passar a noite,
Acendendo uma fogueira e assando o jogo recém-matado,
Adormecer nas folhas recolhidas com meu cachorro e arma ao meu lado.
Meus olhos assentam a terra, eu me inclino na proa ou grito alegremente do convés.
Eu coloquei minhas sandálias nas minhas botas e fui e me diverti;
Você deveria ter estado conosco naquele dia em volta da caldeira de chowder.
a noiva era uma menina vermelha
Seu pai e seus amigos sentaram-se perto de fumar de pernas cruzadas e
eles tinham mocassins em pé e grandes cobertores grossos.
pendurado em seus ombros,
Em um banco, o caçador, ele estava drogado, principalmente em peles, sua luxuriante.
barba e cachos protegiam o pescoço, ele segurava a noiva pela mão,
Ela tinha longos cílios, a cabeça estava nua, as mechas grossas e retas.
desceu sobre seus membros voluptuosos e alcançou a seus pés.
Eu ouvi seus movimentos quebrando os galhos da pilha de lenha,
Através da meia-porta da cozinha, eu o vi nervoso e fraco,
E foi onde ele se sentou em um tronco e o guiou e lhe assegurou,
E trouxe água e encheu uma banheira para seu corpo suado e pés machucados,
E deu-lhe um quarto que entrou no meu e deu-lhe um pouco.
roupa limpa grosseira,
E lembre-se perfeitamente bem de seus olhos revolvidos e sua falta de jeito
E lembre-se de colocar piasters nas pernas do pescoço e dos tornozelos;
Ele ficou comigo uma semana antes de se recuperar e passar para o norte,
Eu o fiz sentar ao meu lado na mesa, minha maçaneta de incêndio encostada no canto.
Vinte e oito jovens e todos tão amigáveis;
Vinte e oito anos de vida feminina e tudo tão solitário.
Ela se esconde bonita e ricamente abafada pelas persianas da janela.
Ah, o mais caseiro deles é lindo para ela.
Você borrifa na água lá, ainda fica estoque ainda em seu quarto.
O resto não a viu, mas ela os viu e os amou.
Pequenos riachos passavam por todo o corpo deles.
Ele desceu tremulamente de seus templos e costelas.
sol, eles não perguntam quem se agarra rápido a eles,
Eles não sabem quem puffs e declina com pingente e arco de flexão,
Eles não pensam quem eles usam com spray.
na barraca no mercado,
Eu perambulo aproveitando sua réplica e seu embaralhamento e desmembramento.
Cada um tem seu trenó principal, eles estão todos fora, há um grande calor dentro
O ágil de suas cinturas joga mesmo com seus braços maciços,
Overhand os martelos balançar, overhand tão lento, overhand tão certo,
Eles não se apressam, cada homem bate em seu lugar.
embaixo de sua corrente amarrada,
O negro que dirige a longa roda do pátio de pedra, firme e firme.
alto ele está parado em uma perna na corda,
Sua camisa azul expõe seu amplo pescoço e peito e solta mais.
Seu olhar é calmo e imponente, ele joga a aba do chapéu.
longe de sua testa,
O sol cai em seu cabelo crespo e bigode, cai no preto de.
seus membros polidos e perfeitos.
Eu também vou com a equipe.
Para nichos à parte e junior bending, não uma pessoa ou objeto em falta,
Absorvendo tudo para mim e para esta música.
é que você expressa em seus olhos?
Parece-me mais que toda a impressão que li em minha vida.
Eles se levantam juntos, eles lentamente circulam ao redor.
E reconhecer vermelho, amarelo, branco, jogando dentro de mim,
E considere verde e violeta e a coroa tufada intencional,
E não chame a tartaruga indigna porque ela não é outra coisa,
E o bosque nunca estudou a gama, ainda que trate muito bem para mim,
E o olhar da égua da baía envergonha minha tolice.
Ya-honk ele diz, e soa para mim como um convite,
O atrevido pode supor que não tem sentido, mas eu escuto perto,
Encontre seu propósito e coloque lá em cima em direção ao céu invernal.
chickadee, o cão da pradaria,
A ninhada da porca grunhida enquanto puxam suas tetas,
A ninhada da galinha de peru e ela com suas asas meio espalhadas,
Eu vejo nelas e em mim a mesma velha lei.
Eles desprezam o melhor que posso para relacioná-los.
Dos homens que vivem entre o gado ou o gosto do oceano ou da floresta,
Dos construtores e diretores de navios e os manejadores de machados e.
mauls e os condutores de cavalos,
Eu posso comer e dormir com eles semana após semana.
Eu indo em minhas chances, gastando por vastos retornos,
Adornando-me para me dar o primeiro que me levará,
Não pedindo ao céu para descer para a minha boa vontade,
Dispersando livremente para sempre.
O carpinteiro veste sua prancha, a língua do seu anteparo.
assobia sua língua ascendente selvagem,
Os filhos casados ​​e solteiros voltam para casa para o jantar de Ação de Graças,
O piloto pega o pino-rei, ele abaixa com um braço forte,
O companheiro está de pé no baleia, lança e arpão estão prontos,
O atirador de pato caminha por trechos silenciosos e cautelosos,
Os diáconos são ordenados com as mãos cruzadas no altar,
A fiação recua e avança para o zumbido da roda grande,
O fazendeiro para nas barras enquanto caminha no primeiro dia e no chão.
olha para a aveia e centeio,
O lunático é levado por fim ao asilo como um caso confirmado,
(Ele nunca mais dormirá como fez no catre de sua mãe.
A impressora do jornal com cabeça cinzenta e mandíbulas magras trabalha no seu caso,
Ele se livra de tabaco enquanto seus olhos brilham com o manuscrito;
Os membros malformados estão amarrados à mesa do cirurgião,
O que é removido cai horrivelmente em um balde;
A garota quadrada é vendida no leilão, o bêbado concorda.
o fogão da sala de bar,
O maquinista arregaça as mangas, o policial viaja a sua batida,
as marcas do porteiro que passam,
O jovem dirige o vagão expresso (eu o amo, embora eu o faça).
As correias do mestiço nas botas leves para competir na corrida,
O tiroteio ocidental dos perus atrai velhos e jovens, alguns se inclinam sobre eles.
rifles, alguns sentam em toras,
Saindo da multidão, caminha o atirador, toma sua posição, nivela sua peça;
Os grupos de imigrantes recém-chegados cobrem o cais ou dique,
Como as patas de lã enxameavam no campo de açúcar, o superintendente as vê.
da sela dele
A corneta chama no salão de baile, os cavalheiros correm para o seu.
parceiros, os dançarinos se curvam,
A juventude jaz acordada no sótão do telhado de cedro e toca no.
O Wolverine põe armadilhas no riacho que ajuda a encher o Huron,
O squaw envolto em seu pano amarelo está oferecendo mocassins e.
sacos de pérolas para venda,
O conhecedor olha ao longo da galeria de exposições com metade do corpo fechado.
olhos curvados para os lados
Quando as mãos do convés aceleram o barco a vapor, a prancha é lançada.
os passageiros em terra,
A jovem irmã segura a meada enquanto a irmã mais velha a enrola.
fora em uma bola, e pára de vez em quando para os nós,
A esposa de um ano está se recuperando e feliz tendo uma semana passada.
seu primeiro filho
A garota ianque de cabelos limpos trabalha com sua máquina de costura ou no.
fábrica ou moinho,
O homem da calçada se apoia em seu compactador de duas mãos, o líder do repórter.
voa rapidamente sobre o livro de notas, o pintor de sinais está a rotular.
com azul e dourado
O menino do canal trota no caminho de reboque, o guarda-livros conta com o seu.
escrivaninha, o sapateiro enrola seu fio,
O maestro bate o tempo para a banda e todos os artistas o seguem,
A criança é batizada, o convertido está fazendo suas primeiras profissões,
A regata é espalhada na baía, a corrida é iniciada, (como o branco.
O tropeiro assistindo seu dirigido canta para eles que se desviariam,
O pedler sua com sua mochila nas costas, (o comprador desordenado.
sobre o centavo estranho;)
A noiva não enrola o vestido branco, o ponteiro dos minutos do relógio.
O comedor de ópio se reclina com a cabeça rígida e os lábios abertos,
A prostituta arrasta seu xale, seu gorro balança sobre ela embriagado e.
A multidão ri de seus juramentos de guarda, os homens zombam e piscam para.
(Miserável! Eu não rio de seus juramentos nem zombar de você;)
O presidente que ocupa um conselho de gabinete é cercado pelos grandes.
Na praça, três matronas imponentes e amistosas com braços entrelaçados.
A tripulação do bando de peixe repetiu camadas de alabote no porão,
O Missourian cruza as planícies carregando suas mercadorias e seu gado,
Quando o colecionador de passagens passa pelo trem, ele avisa pelo.
tilintar de mudanças frouxas,
Os homens do chão estão colocando o chão, os estanhados estão estanhando o chão.
telhado, os pedreiros estão pedindo argamassa,
Em arquivo único, cada um deles apoiava o seu trabalho aos operários;
Estações perseguindo umas às outras a multidão indescritível é reunida.
é o quarto do sétimo mês, (que saudações de canhão e armas pequenas!)
Estações perseguindo umas às outras os arados mais resistentes, a segadeira corta,
e o grão de inverno cai no chão;
Nos lagos, o pescador vigia e espera no buraco.
a superfície congelada,
Os cotos ficam grossos ao redor da clareira, o invasor ataca profundamente.
Flatboatmen fazem rápido em direção ao anoitecer perto do algodão-madeira ou pecan-trees,
Os caçadores de coon atravessam as regiões do rio Vermelho ou atravessam.
aqueles drenados pelo Tennessee, ou pelos do Arkansas,
Tochas brilham no escuro que paira sobre o Chattahooche ou Altamahaw,
Patriarcas sentam-se à ceia com filhos, netos e bisnetos.
Em paredes de adobe, em tendas de lona, ​​caçadores de descanso e caçadores depois.
o esporte do dia deles
A cidade dorme e o país dorme
O sono vivo pelo tempo deles, os mortos dormem pelo tempo deles,
O velho marido dorme por sua esposa e o jovem marido dorme junto a sua esposa;
E estes tendem para dentro de mim, e eu tendem para fora para eles,
E como é ser desses mais ou menos eu sou,
E destes e todos eu tecer a canção de mim mesmo.
Independentemente dos outros, sempre respeitoso com os outros,
Materna e paterna, criança e homem
Coisas com o material que é grosso e coisas com as coisas.
Um dos Nação de muitas nações, o menor o mesmo e o.
maior o mesmo,
Um sulista logo como um nortista, um plantador indiferente e.
hospitaleiro pelo Oconee eu vivo,
Um ianque ligava o meu próprio caminho pronto para o comércio, minhas articulações eram as mais simples.
articulações na terra e as articulações mais severas na terra,
Um Kentuckian andando pelo vale dos Elkhorn na minha pele de cervo.
leggings, um Louisianian ou georgiano,
Um barqueiro sobre lagos ou baías ou ao longo das costas, um Hoosier, Badger, Buckeye;
Em casa, com sapatos de neve Kanadian ou no mato, ou com os pescadores.
Em casa, na frota de barcos de gelo, velejando com o resto e atacando,
Em casa nas colinas de Vermont ou nos bosques do Maine, ou no.
Camarada dos californianos, camarada dos ocidentais livres do norte, (amando.
suas grandes proporções)
Camarada de jangadas e carvoeiros, camarada de todos que apertam as mãos.
e bem-vindo a beber e carne,
Um aprendiz com o mais simples, um professor do mais pensativo,
Um principiante que está começando a experienciar miríades de estações,
De cada matiz e casta sou eu, de todo posto e religião,
Um agricultor, mecânico, artista, cavalheiro, marinheiro, quaker,
Prisioneiro, homem de fantasia, barulhento, advogado, médico, padre.
Respire o ar mas deixe a abundância atrás de mim
E não estou preso e estou no meu lugar.
Os sóis brilhantes que vejo e os sóis escuros que não posso ver estão em seu lugar,
O palpável está em seu lugar e o impalpável está em seu lugar.)
não são originais comigo
Se eles não são seus tanto quanto meus eles não são nada, ou quase nada,
Se eles não são o enigma e a desvinculação do enigma, eles não são nada,
Se eles não estão tão próximos quanto estão distantes, não são nada.
Este é o ar comum que banha o globo.
Eu não jogo marchas apenas para vencedores aceitos, eu faço passeatas.
conquistou e matou pessoas.
Eu também digo que é bom cair, batalhas são perdidas no mesmo espírito.
em que eles são ganhos.
Eu sopro através dos meus encaixes meu mais alto e mais alegre para eles.
E para aqueles cujos navios de guerra afundaram no mar!
E para aqueles que afundaram no mar!
E para todos os generais que perderam compromissos e todos superaram heróis!
E os incontáveis ​​heróis desconhecidos são iguais aos maiores heróis conhecidos!
É para os ímpios exatamente como os justos, eu faço compromissos.
Eu não vou ter uma única pessoa desprezada ou deixada de lado,
A mulher, esponja e ladrão é convidada,
A escrava pesada é convidada, a venerealee é convidada;
Não haverá diferença entre eles e o resto.
Esse é o toque dos meus lábios nos seus, esse o murmúrio de saudade,
Essa profundidade e altura distantes refletem meu próprio rosto,
Essa é a mescla pensativa de mim mesmo e a saída novamente.
Bem, eu tenho, para os chuveiros de quatro meses, e a mica no.
lado de uma rocha tem.
A luz do dia surpreende? faz o twitter inicial do redstart.
através da floresta?
Eu surpreendo mais do que eles?
Eu posso não contar a todos, mas vou te contar.
Como extrai força da carne que como?
Mais tempo foi perdido me ouvindo.
Esses meses são vácuos e o chão, mas chafurda e sujeira.
vai para o quarto-removido,
Eu uso meu chapéu como quiser dentro ou fora.
médicos e calculado perto,
Não encontro gordura mais doce do que paus nos meus próprios ossos.
E o bem ou o mal eu digo de mim mesmo eu digo deles.
Para mim, os objetos convergentes do universo fluem perpetuamente,
Todos estão escritos para mim e eu preciso entender o que a escrita significa.
Eu sei que esta minha órbita não pode ser varrida pela bússola de um carpinteiro,
Eu sei que não passarei como um carlacue de criança cortado com um queimado.
Eu não incomodo o meu espírito para se justificar ou ser entendido,
Eu vejo que as leis elementares nunca pedem desculpas,
(Eu acho que não me comporto mais do que o nível em que planto minha casa,
Se nenhum outro no mundo estiver ciente eu sento o conteúdo,
E se todos e cada um estiverem conscientes, sento-me contente.
E se eu chego ao meu dia de hoje ou em dez mil ou dez.
Eu posso alegremente aceitar isso agora, ou com a mesma alegria que posso esperar.
Eu rio do que você chama de dissolução,
E eu conheço a amplitude do tempo.
Os prazeres do céu estão comigo e as dores do inferno estão comigo,
O primeiro eu enxerto e aumento em mim, o último eu traduzo.
em nova língua.
E eu digo que é tão bom ser mulher quanto ser homem
E eu digo que não há nada maior que a mãe dos homens.
Nós nos esquivamos e depreciamos o suficiente
Eu mostro que tamanho é apenas desenvolvimento.
É uma ninharia, eles vão mais do que chegar lá cada um, e.
Eu chamo a terra e o mar pela metade à noite.
Noite dos ventos do sul - noite das grandes poucas estrelas!
Ainda acenando noite - noite de verão nua e louca.
Terra das árvores adormecidas e líquidas!
Terra do por do sol partido - terra das montanhas enevoadas-topt!
Terra do vítreo derramar da lua cheia apenas tingida de azul!
Terra de brilho e manchas escuras na maré do rio!
Terra do cinza límpido das nuvens mais brilhante e claro por minha causa!
Terra com cotoveladas remotas - terra rica de flores de maçã!
Sorria, para o seu amor vem.
O amor apaixonado indescritível.
Eu vejo da praia seus dedos tortos,
Eu acredito que você se recusa a voltar sem me sentir,
Devemos ter uma volta juntos, eu me despir, me apressar fora da vista da terra,
Almofada me suave, me balançar em sonolento billowy,
Me arremesse com amorosa molhada, eu posso te pagar.
O mar respira respirações amplas e convulsivas
Mar da salmoura da vida e de sepulturas ainda não preparadas,
Uivador e scooper de tempestades, mar caprichoso e delicado,
Eu sou integral com você, eu também sou de uma fase e de todas as fases.
Extendedor de amies e aqueles que dormem nos braços um do outro.
(Devo fazer minha lista de coisas na casa e pular a casa que.
da maldade também.
O mal me impulsiona e a reforma do mal me impulsiona, fico indiferente,
A minha marcha não é a marcha do descobridor de defeitos ou do rejetor,
Eu umedecer as raízes de tudo que cresceu.
Você adivinhou que as leis celestes ainda precisam ser trabalhadas e corrigidas?
Doutrina suave como ajuda constante como doutrina estável,
Pensamentos e ações do presente nosso despertar e começar cedo.
Não há melhor do que isso e agora.
A maravilha é sempre e sempre como pode haver um homem mau ou um infiel.
E o meu uma palavra do moderno, a palavra En-Masse.
Aqui ou daqui para frente é tudo a mesma coisa para mim, eu aceito o tempo absolutamente.
Só essa maravilha desconcertante mística completa tudo.
Materialismo primeiro e último imbuindo.
Buscar stonecrop mixt com cedro e ramos de lilás,
Este é o lexicógrafo, este químico, isso fez uma gramática de.
os velhos cartuchos
Esses marinheiros colocam o navio em perigosos mares desconhecidos.
Este é o geólogo, isso funciona com o scalper, e isso é um.
Seus fatos são úteis, e eles não são minha morada,
Eu, mas entrei por eles em uma área da minha morada.
E mais os lembretes da vida incontável, e da liberdade e extração,
E faça contas curtas de neutras e castrados, e favorece os homens e.
as mulheres se equipam totalmente,
E bater o gongo da revolta, e parar com os fugitivos e eles que.
conspirar e conspirar.
Turbulento, carnudo, sensual, comendo, bebendo e criando,
Nenhum sentimentalista, nenhum stander acima de homens e mulheres ou à parte deles,
Não mais modesto que imodesto.
Desaperte as portas dos batentes!
E tudo o que é feito ou dito retorna finalmente para mim.
Por Deus! Não aceitarei nada que nem todos possam ter.
em contrapartida nos mesmos termos.
Vozes das gerações intermináveis ​​de prisioneiros e escravos,
Vozes das doenças e desespero e dos ladrões e anões,
Vozes de ciclos de preparação e acréscimo,
E dos fios que conectam as estrelas, e dos úteros e dos.
E dos direitos deles os outros estão em baixo,
Do deformado, trivial, chato, tolo, desprezado,
Nevoeiro no ar, besouros rolando bolas de estrume.
Vozes de sexos e luxúrias, vozes veladas e eu removo o véu,
Vozes indecentes por mim esclarecidas e transfiguradas.
Mantenho-me tão delicado ao redor das entranhas quanto na cabeça e no coração
A cópula não é mais importante para mim do que a morte é.
Vendo, ouvindo, sentindo, são milagres e cada parte e etiqueta de mim.
O aroma desses axilas é mais fino que a oração,
Esta cabeça mais que igrejas, bíblias e todos os credos.
meu próprio corpo, ou qualquer parte dele,
Mofo translúcido de mim será você!
Bordas sombreadas e descansa, será você!
Colter masculino firme será você!
O que quer que seja para o tilth de mim, será você!
Você meu rico sangue! seu fluxo leitoso, strippings pálidos da minha vida!
Mama que pressiona contra outros seios, será você!
Meu cérebro será suas circunvizinhas ocultas!
Raiz da bandeira doce lavada! lagoa-snipe timorosa! ninho de guardada.
ovos duplicados! será você!
Mix'd feno de cabeça, barba, músculos, será você!
Engordando seiva de bordo, fibra de trigo viril, será você!
Sol tão generoso será você!
Vapores iluminando e protegendo meu rosto, será você!
Você suado riachos e orvalhos ele será você!
Ventos cujos genitais suaves se esfregam contra mim, serão vocês!
Campos musculares largos, ramos de carvalho vivo, espreguiçadeira carinhosa na minha.
caminhos sinuosos, será você!
Mãos que eu tomei, cara que eu beijei, mortal que eu já toquei,
será você.
Cada momento e tudo o que acontece me emociona com alegria,
Eu não posso dizer como meus tornozelos se dobram, nem de onde a causa do meu menor desejo,
Nem a causa da amizade que eu emito, nem a causa do.
amizade eu levo de novo.
Uma glória da manhã na minha janela me satisfaz mais do que a metafísica.
A pouca luz desvanece as sombras imensas e diáfanas,
O ar é bom para o meu paladar.
Scooting obliquamente alta e baixa.
Mares de suco brilhante sufocam o céu.
O pesado desafio do leste naquele momento sobre minha cabeça
A provocação zombeteira, Veja então se você deve ser o mestre!
Se eu não pudesse agora e sempre mandar o nascer do sol para fora de mim.
Encontramos a nossa própria alma na calma e fresca do amanhecer.
Com o rodopio da minha língua, eu abarca mundos e volumes de mundos.
Isso me provoca para sempre, diz sarcasticamente,
Walt você contém o suficiente, por que você não deixa transparecer?
Você não conhece o discurso de como os botões abaixo de você estão dobrados?
Esperando na escuridão, protegido pelo gelo,
A sujeira recuando diante dos meus gritos proféticos
I causas subjacentes para equilibrá-los, finalmente,
Meu conhecimento minhas partes vivas, mantendo em concordância com o significado de todas as coisas,
Felicidade, (quem quer que me ouça deixe-o sair em busca.
Englobam mundos, mas nunca tentem me envolver,
Eu me amontoo mais rápido e melhor simplesmente olhando em sua direção.
Eu carrego o plenum da prova e tudo mais na minha cara,
Com o silêncio dos meus lábios eu confundo completamente o cético.
Para obter o que eu ouço nessa música, deixar os sons contribuírem para ela.
cacho de palitos cozinhando minhas refeições,
Eu ouço o som que eu amo, o som da voz humana
Eu ouço todos os sons correndo juntos, combinados, fundidos ou seguindo,
Sons da cidade e sons da cidade, sons do dia e da noite,
Jovens falantes para aqueles que gostam deles, o riso alto de.
pessoas que trabalham em suas refeições,
A base de raiva da amizade desarticulada, os tons fracos dos doentes,
O juiz com as mãos apertadas na mesa, seus lábios pálidos pronunciando.
O heave'e'yo de estivadores que descarregam navios pelo cais, o.
abster-se dos âncoras levantadores,
O anel de alarmes, o grito de fogo, o zumbido de estrias rápidas.
Motores e carros de mangueira com timbre premonitório e luzes coloridas,
O apito a vapor, o rolo sólido do trem de carros se aproximando,
A marcha lenta jogou na cabeça da associação marchando dois e dois,
(Eles vão guardar algum cadáver, os topos da bandeira são cobertos com musselina preta.)
Eu ouço a corneta com chave, ela desliza rapidamente pelos meus ouvidos,
Ele sacode as dores loucas e doces através da minha barriga e peito.
Ah, isso realmente é música - isso combina comigo.
O orbic flex de sua boca está derramando e me enchendo cheio.
A orquestra me gira mais do que Urano voa,
Arranca tais ardores de mim que eu não sabia que possuía,
Ele me navega, eu limpo com os pés descalços, eles são lambidos pelas ondas indolentes,
Eu sou cortado por granizo amargo e bravo, eu perco meu fôlego,
Íngreme em meio a morfina mel, minha traqueia estrangulada em falsas da morte,
Finalmente deixo de novo sentir o quebra-cabeça dos quebra-cabeças,
E isso nós chamamos de ser.
(Volta e volta nós vamos, todos nós, e sempre voltamos para lá)
Se nada mais se desenvolvesse, o quahaug em sua casca era suficiente.
Eu tenho condutores instantâneos em cima de mim, quer eu passe ou pare,
Eles apreendem cada objeto e conduzem-no inofensivamente através de mim.
Tocar minha pessoa na de outra pessoa é o máximo que posso suportar.
Chamas e éter fazendo uma corrida para minhas veias,
Ponto traiçoeiro de mim chegando e lotando para ajudá-los,
Minha carne e sangue jogando raios para atacar o que é dificilmente.
diferente de mim mesmo
Por todos os lados, provocadores provadores enrijecendo meus membros,
Esforçando o úbere do meu coração pelo gotejamento retido,
Se comportando licenciosamente para mim, não tendo nenhuma negação,
Me privando do meu melhor como para um propósito,
Desabotoando minhas roupas, segurando-me pela cintura nua,
Iludindo minha confusão com a calma da luz do sol e campos de pasto,
Imodestamente deslizando os outros sentidos,
Eles subornaram para trocar com o toque e ir pastar nas bordas de mim,
Nenhuma consideração, nenhuma consideração pela minha força de drenagem ou minha raiva,
Buscando o resto do rebanho para apreciá-los um pouco,
Então, tudo se unindo para ficar em um promontório e me preocupar.
Eles me deixaram impotente para um marauder vermelho,
Todos eles vêm ao promontório para testemunhar e ajudar contra mim.
Eu falo descontroladamente, eu perdi a minha inteligência, eu e mais ninguém sou o.
I went myself first to the headland, my own hands carried me there.
Unclench your floodgates, you are too much for me.
Did it make you ache so, leaving me?
Rich showering rain, and recompense richer afterward.
Landscapes projected masculine, full-sized and golden.
They neither hasten their own delivery nor resist it,
They do not need the obstetric forceps of the surgeon,
The insignificant is as big to me as any,
(What is less or more than a touch?)
The damp of the night drives deeper into my soul.
Only what nobody denies is so.)
I believe the soggy clods shall become lovers and lamps,
And a compend of compends is the meat of a man or woman,
And a summit and flower there is the feeling they have for each other,
And they are to branch boundlessly out of that lesson until it.
And until one and all shall delight us, and we them.
And the pismire is equally perfect, and a grain of sand, and the egg.
And the tree-toad is a chef-d'oeuvre for the highest,
And the running blackberry would adorn the parlors of heaven,
And the narrowest hinge in my hand puts to scorn all machinery,
And the cow crunching with depress'd head surpasses any statue,
And a mouse is miracle enough to stagger sextillions of infidels.
grains, esculent roots,
And am stucco'd with quadrupeds and birds all over,
And have distanced what is behind me for good reasons,
But call any thing back again when I desire it.
In vain the plutonic rocks send their old heat against my approach,
In vain the mastodon retreats beneath its own powder'd bones,
In vain objects stand leagues off and assume manifold shapes,
In vain the ocean settling in hollows and the great monsters lying low,
In vain the buzzard houses herself with the sky,
In vain the snake slides through the creepers and logs,
In vain the elk takes to the inner passes of the woods,
In vain the razor-bill'd auk sails far north to Labrador,
I follow quickly, I ascend to the nest in the fissure of the cliff.
I stand and look at them long and long.
They do not lie awake in the dark and weep for their sins,
They do not make me sick discussing their duty to God,
Not one is dissatisfied, not one is demented with the mania of.
Not one kneels to another, nor to his kind that lived thousands of.
Not one is respectable or unhappy over the whole earth.
They bring me tokens of myself, they evince them plainly in their.
Did I pass that way huge times ago and negligently drop them?
Gathering and showing more always and with velocity,
Infinite and omnigenous, and the like of these among them,
Not too exclusive toward the reachers of my remembrancers,
Picking out here one that I love, and now go with him on brotherly terms.
Head high in the forehead, wide between the ears,
Limbs glossy and supple, tail dusting the ground,
Eyes full of sparkling wickedness, ears finely cut, flexibly moving.
His well-built limbs tremble with pleasure as we race around and return.
Why do I need your paces when I myself out-gallop them?
Even as I stand or sit passing faster than you.
What I guess'd when I loaf'd on the grass,
What I guess'd while I lay alone in my bed,
And again as I walk'd the beach under the paling stars of the morning.
I skirt sierras, my palms cover continents,
I am afoot with my vision.
Along the ruts of the turnpike, along the dry gulch and rivulet bed,
Weeding my onion-patch or hosing rows of carrots and parsnips,
crossing savannas, trailing in forests,
Prospecting, gold-digging, girdling the trees of a new purchase,
Scorch'd ankle-deep by the hot sand, hauling my boat down the.
Where the panther walks to and fro on a limb overhead, where the.
buck turns furiously at the hunter,
Where the rattlesnake suns his flabby length on a rock, where the.
otter is feeding on fish,
Where the alligator in his tough pimples sleeps by the bayou,
Where the black bear is searching for roots or honey, where the.
beaver pats the mud with his paddle-shaped tall;
Over the growing sugar, over the yellow-flower'd cotton plant, over.
the rice in its low moist field,
Over the sharp-peak'd farm house, with its scallop'd scum and.
slender shoots from the gutters,
Over the western persimmon, over the long-leav'd corn, over the.
delicate blue-flower flax,
Over the white and brown buckwheat, a hummer and buzzer there with.
Over the dusky green of the rye as it ripples and shades in the breeze;
Scaling mountains, pulling myself cautiously up, holding on by low.
Walking the path worn in the grass and beat through the leaves of the brush,
Where the quail is whistling betwixt the woods and the wheat-lot,
Where the bat flies in the Seventh-month eve, where the great.
goldbug drops through the dark,
Where the brook puts out of the roots of the old tree and flows to.
Where cattle stand and shake away flies with the tremulous.
shuddering of their hides,
Where the cheese-cloth hangs in the kitchen, where andirons straddle.
the hearth-slab, where cobwebs fall in festoons from the rafters;
Where trip-hammers crash, where the press is whirling its cylinders,
Wherever the human heart beats with terrible throes under its ribs,
Where the pear-shaped balloon is floating aloft, (floating in it.
myself and looking composedly down,)
Where the life-car is drawn on the slip-noose, where the heat.
hatches pale-green eggs in the dented sand,
Where the she-whale swims with her calf and never forsakes it,
Where the steam-ship trails hind-ways its long pennant of smoke,
Where the fin of the shark cuts like a black chip out of the water,
Where the half-burn'd brig is riding on unknown currents,
Where shells grow to her slimy deck, where the dead are corrupting below;
Where the dense-starr'd flag is borne at the head of the regiments,
Approaching Manhattan up by the long-stretching island,
Under Niagara, the cataract falling like a veil over my countenance,
Upon a door-step, upon the horse-block of hard wood outside,
Upon the race-course, or enjoying picnics or jigs or a good game of.
At he-festivals, with blackguard gibes, ironical license,
bull-dances, drinking, laughter,
At the cider-mill tasting the sweets of the brown mash, sucking the.
juice through a straw,
At apple-peelings wanting kisses for all the red fruit I find,
At musters, beach-parties, friendly bees, huskings, house-raisings;
Where the mocking-bird sounds his delicious gurgles, cackles,
Where the hay-rick stands in the barn-yard, where the dry-stalks are.
scatter'd, where the brood-cow waits in the hovel,
Where the bull advances to do his masculine work, where the stud to.
the mare, where the cock is treading the hen,
Where the heifers browse, where geese nip their food with short jerks,
Where sun-down shadows lengthen over the limitless and lonesome prairie,
Where herds of buffalo make a crawling spread of the square miles.
Where the humming-bird shimmers, where the neck of the long-lived.
swan is curving and winding,
Where the laughing-gull scoots by the shore, where she laughs her.
Where bee-hives range on a gray bench in the garden half hid by the.
Where band-neck'd partridges roost in a ring on the ground with.
their heads out,
Where burial coaches enter the arch'd gates of a cemetery,
Where winter wolves bark amid wastes of snow and icicled trees,
Where the yellow-crown'd heron comes to the edge of the marsh at.
night and feeds upon small crabs,
Where the splash of swimmers and divers cools the warm noon,
Where the katy-did works her chromatic reed on the walnut-tree over.
Through patches of citrons and cucumbers with silver-wired leaves,
Through the salt-lick or orange glade, or under conical firs,
Through the gymnasium, through the curtain'd saloon, through the.
office or public hall;
Pleas'd with the native and pleas'd with the foreign, pleas'd with.
the new and old,
Pleas'd with the homely woman as well as the handsome,
Pleas'd with the quakeress as she puts off her bonnet and talks melodiously,
Pleas'd with the tune of the choir of the whitewash'd church,
Pleas'd with the earnest words of the sweating Methodist preacher,
impress'd seriously at the camp-meeting;
Looking in at the shop-windows of Broadway the whole forenoon,
flatting the flesh of my nose on the thick plate glass,
Wandering the same afternoon with my face turn'd up to the clouds,
or down a lane or along the beach,
My right and left arms round the sides of two friends, and I in the middle;
Coming home with the silent and dark-cheek'd bush-boy, (behind me.
he rides at the drape of the day,)
Far from the settlements studying the print of animals' feet, or the.
By the cot in the hospital reaching lemonade to a feverish patient,
Nigh the coffin'd corpse when all is still, examining with a candle;
Voyaging to every port to dicker and adventure,
Hurrying with the modern crowd as eager and fickle as any,
Hot toward one I hate, ready in my madness to knife him,
Solitary at midnight in my back yard, my thoughts gone from me a long while,
Walking the old hills of Judaea with the beautiful gentle God by my side,
Speeding through space, speeding through heaven and the stars,
Speeding amid the seven satellites and the broad ring, and the.
diameter of eighty thousand miles,
Speeding with tail'd meteors, throwing fire-balls like the rest,
Carrying the crescent child that carries its own full mother in its belly,
Storming, enjoying, planning, loving, cautioning,
Backing and filling, appearing and disappearing,
I tread day and night such roads.
And look at quintillions ripen'd and look at quintillions green.
My course runs below the soundings of plummets.
No guard can shut me off, no law prevent me.
My messengers continually cruise away or bring their returns to me.
pike-pointed staff, clinging to topples of brittle and blue.
I take my place late at night in the crow's-nest,
We sail the arctic sea, it is plenty light enough,
Through the clear atmosphere I stretch around on the wonderful beauty,
The enormous masses of ice pass me and I pass them, the scenery is.
plain in all directions,
The white-topt mountains show in the distance, I fling out my.
fancies toward them,
We are approaching some great battle-field in which we are soon to.
We pass the colossal outposts of the encampment, we pass with still.
feet and caution,
Or we are entering by the suburbs some vast and ruin'd city,
The blocks and fallen architecture more than all the living cities.
I turn the bridgroom out of bed and stay with the bride myself,
I tighten her all night to my thighs and lips.
They fetch my man's body up dripping and drown'd.
The courage of present times and all times,
How the skipper saw the crowded and rudderless wreck of the.
steamship, and Death chasing it up and down the storm,
How he knuckled tight and gave not back an inch, and was faithful of.
days and faithful of nights,
And chalk'd in large letters on a board, Be of good cheer, we will.
How he follow'd with them and tack'd with them three days and.
would not give it up,
How he saved the drifting company at last,
How the lank loose-gown'd women look'd when boated from the.
side of their prepared graves,
How the silent old-faced infants and the lifted sick, and the.
sharp-lipp'd unshaved men;
All this I swallow, it tastes good, I like it well, it becomes mine,
I am the man, I suffer'd, I was there.
The mother of old, condemn'd for a witch, burnt with dry wood, her.
children gazing on,
The hounded slave that flags in the race, leans by the fence,
blowing, cover'd with sweat,
The twinges that sting like needles his legs and neck, the murderous.
buckshot and the bullets,
All these I feel or am.
Hell and despair are upon me, crack and again crack the marksmen,
I clutch the rails of the fence, my gore dribs, thinn'd with the.
ooze of my skin,
I fall on the weeds and stones,
The riders spur their unwilling horses, haul close,
Taunt my dizzy ears and beat me violently over the head with whip-stocks.
I do not ask the wounded person how he feels, I myself become the.
My hurts turn livid upon me as I lean on a cane and observe.
Tumbling walls buried me in their debris,
Heat and smoke I inspired, I heard the yelling shouts of my comrades,
I heard the distant click of their picks and shovels,
They have clear'd the beams away, they tenderly lift me forth.
Painless after all I lie exhausted but not so unhappy,
White and beautiful are the faces around me, the heads are bared.
of their fire-caps,
The kneeling crowd fades with the light of the torches.
They show as the dial or move as the hands of me, I am the clock myself.
I am there again.
Again the attacking cannon, mortars,
Again to my listening ears the cannon responsive.
The cries, curses, roar, the plaudits for well-aim'd shots,
The ambulanza slowly passing trailing its red drip,
Workmen searching after damages, making indispensable repairs,
The fall of grenades through the rent roof, the fan-shaped explosion,
The whizz of limbs, heads, stone, wood, iron, high in the air.
He gasps through the clot Mind not me--mind--the entrenchments.
(I tell not the fall of Alamo,
Not one escaped to tell the fall of Alamo,
The hundred and fifty are dumb yet at Alamo,)
'Tis the tale of the murder in cold blood of four hundred and twelve.
Nine hundred lives out of the surrounding enemies, nine times their.
number, was the price they took in advance,
Their colonel was wounded and their ammunition gone,
They treated for an honorable capitulation, receiv'd writing and.
seal, gave up their arms and march'd back prisoners of war.
Matchless with horse, rifle, song, supper, courtship,
Large, turbulent, generous, handsome, proud, and affectionate,
Bearded, sunburnt, drest in the free costume of hunters,
Not a single one over thirty years of age.
massacred, it was beautiful early summer,
The work commenced about five o'clock and was over by eight.
Some made a mad and helpless rush, some stood stark and straight,
A few fell at once, shot in the temple or heart, the living and dead.
The maim'd and mangled dug in the dirt, the new-comers saw them there,
Some half-kill'd attempted to crawl away,
These were despatch'd with bayonets or batter'd with the blunts of muskets,
A youth not seventeen years old seiz'd his assassin till two more.
came to release him,
The three were all torn and cover'd with the boy's blood.
That is the tale of the murder of the four hundred and twelve young men.
Would you learn who won by the light of the moon and stars?
List to the yarn, as my grandmother's father the sailor told it to me.
His was the surly English pluck, and there is no tougher or truer,
and never was, and never will be;
Along the lower'd eve he came horribly raking us.
My captain lash'd fast with his own hands.
On our lower-gun-deck two large pieces had burst at the first fire,
killing all around and blowing up overhead.
Ten o'clock at night, the full moon well up, our leaks on the gain,
and five feet of water reported,
The master-at-arms loosing the prisoners confined in the after-hold.
to give them a chance for themselves.
They see so many strange faces they do not know whom to trust.
The other asks if we demand quarter?
If our colors are struck and the fighting done?
We have not struck, he composedly cries, we have just begun our part.
of the fighting.
One is directed by the captain himself against the enemy's main-mast,
Two well serv'd with grape and canister silence his musketry and.
clear his decks.
They hold out bravely during the whole of the action.
The leaks gain fast on the pumps, the fire eats toward the powder-magazine.
He is not hurried, his voice is neither high nor low,
His eyes give more light to us than our battle-lanterns.
Two great hulls motionless on the breast of the darkness,
Our vessel riddled and slowly sinking, preparations to pass to the.
one we have conquer'd,
The captain on the quarter-deck coldly giving his orders through a.
countenance white as a sheet,
Near by the corpse of the child that serv'd in the cabin,
The dead face of an old salt with long white hair and carefully.
The flames spite of all that can be done flickering aloft and below,
The husky voices of the two or three officers yet fit for duty,
Formless stacks of bodies and bodies by themselves, dabs of flesh.
upon the masts and spars,
Cut of cordage, dangle of rigging, slight shock of the soothe of waves,
Black and impassive guns, litter of powder-parcels, strong scent,
A few large stars overhead, silent and mournful shining,
Delicate sniffs of sea-breeze, smells of sedgy grass and fields by.
the shore, death-messages given in charge to survivors,
The hiss of the surgeon's knife, the gnawing teeth of his saw,
Wheeze, cluck, swash of falling blood, short wild scream, and long,
dull, tapering groan,
These so, these irretrievable.
In at the conquer'd doors they crowd! I am possess'd!
Embody all presences outlaw'd or suffering,
See myself in prison shaped like another man,
And feel the dull unintermitted pain.
It is I let out in the morning and barr'd at night.
and walk by his side,
(I am less the jolly one there, and more the silent one with sweat.
on my twitching lips.)
My face is ash-color'd, my sinews gnarl, away from me people retreat.
I project my hat, sit shame-faced, and beg.
Somehow I have been stunn'd. Stand back!
Give me a little time beyond my cuff'd head, slumbers, dreams, gaping,
I discover myself on the verge of a usual mistake.
That I could forget the trickling tears and the blows of the.
bludgeons and hammers!
That I could look with a separate look on my own crucifixion and.
I resume the overstaid fraction,
The grave of rock multiplies what has been confided to it, or to any graves,
Corpses rise, gashes heal, fastenings roll from me.
Inland and sea-coast we go, and pass all boundary lines,
Our swift ordinances on their way over the whole earth,
The blossoms we wear in our hats the growth of thousands of years.
Continue your annotations, continue your questionings.
Is he waiting for civilization, or past it and mastering it?
Is he from the Mississippi country? Iowa, Oregon, California?
The mountains? prairie-life, bush-life? or sailor from the sea?
They desire he should like them, touch them, speak to them, stay with them.
head, laughter, and naivete,
Slow-stepping feet, common features, common modes and emanations,
They descend in new forms from the tips of his fingers,
They are wafted with the odor of his body or breath, they fly out of.
the glance of his eyes.
You light surfaces only, I force surfaces and depths also.
Say, old top-knot, what do you want?
And might tell what it is in me and what it is in you, but cannot,
And might tell that pining I have, that pulse of my nights and days.
When I give I give myself.
Open your scarf'd chops till I blow grit within you,
Spread your palms and lift the flaps of your pockets,
I am not to be denied, I compel, I have stores plenty and to spare,
And any thing I have I bestow.
You can do nothing and be nothing but what I will infold you.
On his right cheek I put the family kiss,
And in my soul I swear I never will deny him.
(This day I am jetting the stuff of far more arrogant republics.)
Turn the bed-clothes toward the foot of the bed,
Let the physician and the priest go home.
O despairer, here is my neck,
By God, you shall not go down! hang your whole weight upon me.
Every room of the house do I fill with an arm'd force,
Lovers of me, bafflers of graves.
Not doubt, not decease shall dare to lay finger upon you,
I have embraced you, and henceforth possess you to myself,
And when you rise in the morning you will find what I tell you is so.
And for strong upright men I bring yet more needed help.
Heard it and heard it of several thousand years;
It is middling well as far as it goes--but is that all?
Outbidding at the start the old cautious hucksters,
Taking myself the exact dimensions of Jehovah,
Lithographing Kronos, Zeus his son, and Hercules his grandson,
Buying drafts of Osiris, Isis, Belus, Brahma, Buddha,
In my portfolio placing Manito loose, Allah on a leaf, the crucifix.
With Odin and the hideous-faced Mexitli and every idol and image,
Taking them all for what they are worth and not a cent more,
Admitting they were alive and did the work of their days,
(They bore mites as for unfledg'd birds who have now to rise and fly.
and sing for themselves,)
Accepting the rough deific sketches to fill out better in myself,
bestowing them freely on each man and woman I see,
Discovering as much or more in a framer framing a house,
Putting higher claims for him there with his roll'd-up sleeves.
driving the mallet and chisel,
Not objecting to special revelations, considering a curl of smoke or.
a hair on the back of my hand just as curious as any revelation,
Lads ahold of fire-engines and hook-and-ladder ropes no less to me.
than the gods of the antique wars,
Minding their voices peal through the crash of destruction,
Their brawny limbs passing safe over charr'd laths, their white.
foreheads whole and unhurt out of the flames;
By the mechanic's wife with her babe at her nipple interceding for.
every person born,
Three scythes at harvest whizzing in a row from three lusty angels.
with shirts bagg'd out at their waists,
The snag-tooth'd hostler with red hair redeeming sins past and to come,
Selling all he possesses, traveling on foot to fee lawyers for his.
brother and sit by him while he is tried for forgery;
What was strewn in the amplest strewing the square rod about me, and.
not filling the square rod then,
The bull and the bug never worshipp'd half enough,
Dung and dirt more admirable than was dream'd,
The supernatural of no account, myself waiting my time to be one of.
The day getting ready for me when I shall do as much good as the.
best, and be as prodigious;
By my life-lumps! becoming already a creator,
Putting myself here and now to the ambush'd womb of the shadows.
My own voice, orotund sweeping and final.
Come my boys and girls, my women, household and intimates,
Now the performer launches his nerve, he has pass'd his prelude on.
the reeds within.
climax and close.
Music rolls, but not from the organ,
Folks are around me, but they are no household of mine.
Ever the eaters and drinkers, ever the upward and downward sun, ever.
the air and the ceaseless tides,
Ever myself and my neighbors, refreshing, wicked, real,
Ever the old inexplicable query, ever that thorn'd thumb, that.
breath of itches and thirsts,
Ever the vexer's hoot! hoot! till we find where the sly one hides.
and bring him forth,
Ever love, ever the sobbing liquid of life,
Ever the bandage under the chin, ever the trestles of death.
To feed the greed of the belly the brains liberally spooning,
Tickets buying, taking, selling, but in to the feast never once going,
Many sweating, ploughing, thrashing, and then the chaff for payment.
A few idly owning, and they the wheat continually claiming.
Whatever interests the rest interests me, politics, wars, markets,
The mayor and councils, banks, tariffs, steamships, factories,
stocks, stores, real estate and personal estate.
I am aware who they are, (they are positively not worms or fleas,)
I acknowledge the duplicates of myself, the weakest and shallowest.
is deathless with me,
What I do and say the same waits for them,
Every thought that flounders in me the same flounders in them.
Know my omnivorous lines and must not write any less,
And would fetch you whoever you are flush with myself.
But abruptly to question, to leap beyond yet nearer bring;
This printed and bound book--but the printer and the.
The well-taken photographs--but your wife or friend close and solid.
The black ship mail'd with iron, her mighty guns in her turrets--but.
the pluck of the captain and engineers?
In the houses the dishes and fare and furniture--but the host and.
hostess, and the look out of their eyes?
The sky up there--yet here or next door, or across the way?
The saints and sages in history--but you yourself?
Sermons, creeds, theology--but the fathomless human brain,
And what is reason? and what is love? and what is life?
My faith is the greatest of faiths and the least of faiths,
Enclosing worship ancient and modern and all between ancient and modern,
Believing I shall come again upon the earth after five thousand years,
Waiting responses from oracles, honoring the gods, saluting the sun,
Making a fetich of the first rock or stump, powowing with sticks in.
the circle of obis,
Helping the llama or brahmin as he trims the lamps of the idols,
Dancing yet through the streets in a phallic procession, rapt and.
austere in the woods a gymnosophist,
Drinking mead from the skull-cap, to Shastas and Vedas admirant,
minding the Koran,
Walking the teokallis, spotted with gore from the stone and knife,
beating the serpent-skin drum,
Accepting the Gospels, accepting him that was crucified, knowing.
assuredly that he is divine,
To the mass kneeling or the puritan's prayer rising, or sitting.
patiently in a pew,
Ranting and frothing in my insane crisis, or waiting dead-like till.
my spirit arouses me,
Looking forth on pavement and land, or outside of pavement and land,
Belonging to the winders of the circuit of circuits.
man leaving charges before a journey.
Frivolous, sullen, moping, angry, affected, dishearten'd, atheistical,
I know every one of you, I know the sea of torment, doubt, despair.
How they contort rapid as lightning, with spasms and spouts of blood!
I take my place among you as much as among any,
The past is the push of you, me, all, precisely the same,
And what is yet untried and afterward is for you, me, all, precisely.
But I know it will in its turn prove sufficient, and cannot fail.
single one can it fall.
Nor the young woman who died and was put by his side,
Nor the little child that peep'd in at the door, and then drew back.
and was never seen again,
Nor the old man who has lived without purpose, and feels it with.
bitterness worse than gall,
Nor him in the poor house tubercled by rum and the bad disorder,
Nor the numberless slaughter'd and wreck'd, nor the brutish koboo.
call'd the ordure of humanity,
Nor the sacs merely floating with open mouths for food to slip in,
Nor any thing in the earth, or down in the oldest graves of the earth,
Nor any thing in the myriads of spheres, nor the myriads of myriads.
that inhabit them,
Nor the present, nor the least wisp that is known.
I launch all men and women forward with me into the Unknown.
There are trillions ahead, and trillions ahead of them.
And other births will bring us richness and variety.
That which fills its period and place is equal to any.
I am sorry for you, they are not murderous or jealous upon me,
All has been gentle with me, I keep no account with lamentation,
(What have I to do with lamentation?)
On every step bunches of ages, and larger bunches between the steps,
All below duly travel'd, and still I mount and mount.
Afar down I see the huge first Nothing, I know I was even there,
I waited unseen and always, and slept through the lethargic mist,
And took my time, and took no hurt from the fetid carbon.
Faithful and friendly the arms that have help'd me.
For room to me stars kept aside in their own rings,
They sent influences to look after what was to hold me.
My embryo has never been torpid, nothing could overlay it.
The long slow strata piled to rest it on,
Vast vegetables gave it sustenance,
Monstrous sauroids transported it in their mouths and deposited it.
Now on this spot I stand with my robust soul.
O manhood, balanced, florid and full.
Crowding my lips, thick in the pores of my skin,
Jostling me through streets and public halls, coming naked to me at night,
Crying by day, Ahoy! from the rocks of the river, swinging and.
chirping over my head,
Calling my name from flower-beds, vines, tangled underbrush,
Lighting on every moment of my life,
Bussing my body with soft balsamic busses,
Noiselessly passing handfuls out of their hearts and giving them to be mine.
after and out of itself,
And the dark hush promulges as much as any.
And all I see multiplied as high as I can cipher edge but the rim of.
the farther systems.
Outward and outward and forever outward.
He joins with his partners a group of superior circuit,
And greater sets follow, making specks of the greatest inside them.
If I, you, and the worlds, and all beneath or upon their surfaces,
were this moment reduced back to a pallid float, it would.
not avail the long run,
We should surely bring up again where we now stand,
And surely go as much farther, and then farther and farther.
not hazard the span or make it impatient,
They are but parts, any thing is but a part.
Count ever so much, there is limitless time around that.
The Lord will be there and wait till I come on perfect terms,
The great Camerado, the lover true for whom I pine will be there.
never will be measured.
My signs are a rain-proof coat, good shoes, and a staff cut from the woods,
No friend of mine takes his ease in my chair,
I have no chair, no church, no philosophy,
I lead no man to a dinner-table, library, exchange,
But each man and each woman of you I lead upon a knoll,
My left hand hooking you round the waist,
My right hand pointing to landscapes of continents and the public road.
You must travel it for yourself.
Perhaps you have been on it since you were born and did not know,
Perhaps it is everywhere on water and on land.
Wonderful cities and free nations we shall fetch as we go.
And in due time you shall repay the same service to me,
For after we start we never lie by again.
And I said to my spirit When we become the enfolders of those orbs,
and the pleasure and knowledge of every thing in them, shall we.
be fill'd and satisfied then?
And my spirit said No, we but level that lift to pass and continue beyond.
I answer that I cannot answer, you must find out for yourself.
Here are biscuits to eat and here is milk to drink,
But as soon as you sleep and renew yourself in sweet clothes, I kiss you.
with a good-by kiss and open the gate for your egress hence.
Now I wash the gum from your eyes,
You must habit yourself to the dazzle of the light and of every.
moment of your life.
Now I will you to be a bold swimmer,
To jump off in the midst of the sea, rise again, nod to me, shout,
and laughingly dash with your hair.
He that by me spreads a wider breast than my own proves the width of my own,
He most honors my style who learns under it to destroy the teacher.
but in his own right,
Wicked rather than virtuous out of conformity or fear,
Fond of his sweetheart, relishing well his steak,
Unrequited love or a slight cutting him worse than sharp steel cuts,
First-rate to ride, to fight, to hit the bull's eye, to sail a.
skiff, to sing a song or play on the banjo,
Preferring scars and the beard and faces pitted with small-pox over.
And those well-tann'd to those that keep out of the sun.
I follow you whoever you are from the present hour,
My words itch at your ears till you understand them.
I wait for a boat,
(It is you talking just as much as myself, I act as the tongue of you,
Tied in your mouth, in mine it begins to be loosen'd.)
And I swear I will never translate myself at all, only to him or her.
who privately stays with me in the open air.
The nearest gnat is an explanation, and a drop or motion of waves key,
The maul, the oar, the hand-saw, second my words.
But roughs and little children better than they.
The woodman that takes his axe and jug with him shall take me with.
The farm-boy ploughing in the field feels good at the sound of my voice,
In vessels that sail my words sail, I go with fishermen and seamen.
On the night ere the pending battle many seek me, and I do not fail them,
On that solemn night (it may be their last) those that know me seek me.
My face rubs to the hunter's face when he lies down alone in his blanket,
The driver thinking of me does not mind the jolt of his wagon,
The young mother and old mother comprehend me,
The girl and the wife rest the needle a moment and forget where they are,
They and all would resume what I have told them.
And I have said that the body is not more than the soul,
And nothing, not God, is greater to one than one's self is,
And whoever walks a furlong without sympathy walks to his own.
funeral drest in his shroud,
And I or you pocketless of a dime may purchase the pick of the earth,
And to glance with an eye or show a bean in its pod confounds the.
learning of all times,
And there is no trade or employment but the young man following it.
may become a hero,
And there is no object so soft but it makes a hub for the wheel'd universe,
And I say to any man or woman, Let your soul stand cool and composed.
before a million universes.
For I who am curious about each am not curious about God,
(No array of terms can say how much I am at peace about God and.
Nor do I understand who there can be more wonderful than myself.
I see something of God each hour of the twenty-four, and each moment then,
In the faces of men and women I see God, and in my own face in the glass,
I find letters from God dropt in the street, and every one is sign'd.
And I leave them where they are, for I know that wheresoe'er I go,
Others will punctually come for ever and ever.
try to alarm me.
I see the elder-hand pressing receiving supporting,
I recline by the sills of the exquisite flexible doors,
And mark the outlet, and mark the relief and escape.
I smell the white roses sweet-scented and growing,
I reach to the leafy lips, I reach to the polish'd breasts of melons.
(No doubt I have died myself ten thousand times before.)
O suns--O grass of graves--O perpetual transfers and promotions,
If you do not say any thing how can I say any thing?
Of the moon that descends the steeps of the soughing twilight,
Toss, sparkles of day and dusk--toss on the black stems that decay.
Toss to the moaning gibberish of the dry limbs.
I perceive that the ghastly glimmer is noonday sunbeams reflected,
And debouch to the steady and central from the offspring great or small.
I sleep--I sleep long.
It is not in any dictionary, utterance, symbol.
To it the creation is the friend whose embracing awakes me.
It is not chaos or death--it is form, union, plan--it is eternal.
life--it is Happiness.
And proceed to fill my next fold of the future.
Look in my face while I snuff the sidle of evening,
(Talk honestly, no one else hears you, and I stay only a minute longer.)
Very well then I contradict myself,
(I am large, I contain multitudes.)
Who wishes to walk with me?
and my loitering.
I sound my barbaric yawp over the roofs of the world.
It flings my likeness after the rest and true as any on the shadow'd wilds,
It coaxes me to the vapor and the dusk.
I effuse my flesh in eddies, and drift it in lacy jags.
If you want me again look for me under your boot-soles.
But I shall be good health to you nevertheless,
And filter and fibre your blood.
Missing me one place search another,
I stop somewhere waiting for you.
DayPoems Poem No. 1900.
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IGI Investment Bank launches Fund Select Portal.
Karachi, January 20, 2011: IGI Investment Bank Limited has introduced "Fund Select Portal". This is a unique web based portal facilitating both corporate and retail investors with on-line access.
Karachi: January 20, 2011 - IGI Investment Bank Limited has introduced " Fund Select Portal ". This is a unique web based portal facilitating both corporate and retail investors with on-line access to information concerning their investment and the industry. The announcement was made through a Press Conference in Karachi.
"It is my privilege and honor to introduce the Fund Select Portal. This web portal is just another milestone we have achieved in our attempt to be the best at what we do. Reducing the burden on our work force and increasing efficiency for our clientele is the aim of this portal, thus streamlining all aspects of real time access to financial information for our clientele," highlighted Mr. Syed Javed Hassan, Managing Director and Chief Executive of IGI Investment Bank Ltd.
Mr. Asif Rashid Baloch, Head of Investment Advisory speaking at the occasion said, "This is the first time in Pakistan a web based portal has been developedВ to track the investment returns of Mutual Funds for customers on a real time basis. Customers will have access to investment information such as composition of existing portfolio, return on portfolio, account statement, investment history. industry specific information and much more on Fund select Portal. Going forward we believe the same application will provide the ease and confidence to a new generation of retail investors to venture out from the traditional investment avenues such as bank deposits & NSS to a wider investment universe, where all the investments are tracked on real time basis"
About IGI Investment Bank.
IGI Investment Bank is a part of the IGI Financial Services Group, established in 1990 and is licensed to carry out investment financing and leasing activities under the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan. PACRA has awarded it a long-term credit rating of 'A' and short-term rating of 'A1' which ensures a strong risk absorption capacity. For more information, please log on to igi. pk or call 0800-2-34-34.
Karachi, 7 th January 2010: IGI Investment Bank Ltd., part of the IGI Financial Services Group, has recently launched a comprehensive suite of services specifically designed for the needs of its high net-worth clients. Individuals looking to invest will now have access to the resources and expertise of a financial group involved in businesses ranging from Investment Banking, Securities Brokerage, Insurance, Asset Management, etc., to provide them the best set of investment solutions from across the industry.
IGI Investment Bank Ltd. has been serving corporate and individual investors for the last two decades, and is known across the industry for its integrity and reliability. As part of the expanding IGI Financial Services Group, we have created internal synergies to grow in size while remaining one of the most dynamic and flexible investment firms. This makes it possible for us to pool our expertise and create a customized strategy for every investor that comprehensively covers every aspect of their financial well being.
Investors will be assigned personal Wealth Managers, and a highly experienced Investment Committee which will oversee and review investment strategies that are carefully modified to meet the unique requirements of every individual. Our clients have the opportunity to diversify into an entire portfolio of assets including Mutual Funds, Stocks, Government & Corporate Bonds, Commodities (such as Gold, Oil & Silver), Insurance, and Shariah compliant investments, all through a single point of contact. Special services are also available for clients interested in Tax Planning and the establishment of specific trusts to oversee their Estate or Charitable activities, while they may also avail both secured and unsecured credit where eligible.
Raeda Latif, Head of at IGI Investment Bank, when contacted said. "We aren't interested in a quick sell; instead we utilize proven economic and financial constructs to make informed decisions, conduct business in a way that maintains our history of financial integrity, and most importantly, provide our clients with the exclusive level of service they expect".
As asset markets around the globe ready themselves for the challenges of 2010, high net worth investors will recognize the value of IGI Wealth Management's proactive, well informed and strategic decision making. With personalized strategies, exemplary service, and a commitment to relationships built on trust, IGI may prove to be exactly what the market has been searching for.
July 24, 2009: IGI Investment Bank, a part of the IGI Financial Services recently signed a distribution agreement with Pak-Qatar Family Takaful Limited aiming to further strengthen its portfolio by adding Family (Life) Takaful Insurance to its insurance advisory services. According to this agreement, clients would be able to secure their own and their family’s future the Islamic way through a host of Shariah compliant Takaful - Islamic insurance products offered to the Bank. IGI Investment Bank would therefore successfully be able to cater to all those clients who are seeking a Halal alternative to conventional insurance.
The recently appointed CEO and Director of IGI Investment Bank, Syed Javed Hassan stated, “IGI Investment Bank aims at going that extra mile in providing its valued customers with not only the very best standards of conventional insurance products, but also with a comprehensive bouquet of Shari'ah compliant insurance products to create a greater synergy between the client’s need and the solution provided by us.”
Also present on the occasion, Mr. P. Ahmed, Director and CEO of Pak-Qatar Family Takaful Limited stated, “I commend the management of IGI Investment Bank for their bold initiative to provide Family (Life) Takaful coverage to their customers. They have certainly set a precedent for other Banks to follow. Clearly, we can no longer ignore the religious values of the people and this agreement between IGI Investment Bank and Pak-Qatar Family Takaful just shows how sincerely we respect these values.”
About IGI Investment Bank.
IGI Investment Bank is a part of the IGI Financial Services Group, established in 1990 and is licensed to carry out investment financing and leasing activities under the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan. PACRA has awarded it a long-term credit rating of ‘A’ and short-term rating of ‘A1’ which ensures a strong risk absorption capacity. For more information, please log on to igi. pk or call 0800-2-34-34.
About Pak-Qatar Family Takaful Limited.
Pak-Qatar Family Takaful Group, the pioneers of Family Takaful, is a technology-driven Shari’ah compliant company sponsored by some of the leading financial institutions from the State of Qatar. The company has a rating of ‘A-‘ (having stable outlook) from JCR-VIS Credit Co. Ltd. It has a network of 24 branches present in 14 cities and is quickly growing in its corporate and individual customer base. For more information, please log on to pakqatar. pk or call 111-TAKAFUL.
IGI Investment Bank, a part of the IGI Financial Services after meeting all the necessary financial and regulatory requirements, is now effectively listed on the Islamabad Stock Exchange (ISE).
IGI Investment Bank is already listed on the Karachi and Lahore Stock exchanges and by gaining a place in the ISE, it will be one of the few banks that enjoy the privilege of being listed on all the major stock exchanges of the country.
In response to the listing, Mr. Samir Ahmed, Managing Director and CEO of IGI Investment Bank stated, “We were keen to maintain a presence in all stock markets in the region and by being listed on the ISE we have now opened the door for investors in Islamabad and other northern areas to trade directly in our shares. This will no doubt add depth and stability to trading on the market, especially in view of the increasing growth performance by IGI Investment Bank as the largest investment bank in Pakistan with a paid up capital of 2.1 Billion.“
In conclusion of his remarks, Mr. Samir Ahmed thanked the management and all officials of the Islamabad Stock Exchange for their cooperation and support to the Bank and expressed his confidence that such cooperation and support will continue further in the future for the benefit of all concerned.
About IGI Investment Bank.
IGI Investment Bank is a part of the IGI Financial Services Group, established in 1990 and is licensed to carry out investment financing and leasing activities under the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan. PACRA has awarded it a long-term credit rating of ‘A’ and short-term rating of ‘A1’ which ensures a strong risk absorption capacity. For more information, please log on to igi. pk or call 0800-2-34-34.
About the Islamabad Stock Exchange (Guarantee) Limited.
The Islamabad Stock Exchange (ISE) was incorporated as a guarantee limited Company on 25th October, 1989 in Islamabad with the main object of setting up of a trading and settlement infrastructure, information system, skilled resources, accessibility and a fair and orderly market place that ranks with the best in the world. The purpose for establishment of the stock exchange in Islamabad was to cater to the needs of less developed areas of the northern part of Pakistan.
April 13, 2009: IGI Investment Bank, a part of the IGI Financial Services successfully signed a bancatakaful agreement with Pak Kuwait Takaful Company Limited (PKTCL) for its upcoming insurance advisory service. According to this agreement, clients would be able to secure their future without compromising on their faith as PKTCL would offer a host of Shariah complaint general Takaful - Islamic insurance products to the Bank. Thus IGI Investment Bank would successfully be able to cater to all those clients who are seeking an alternative to conventional insurance.
Present on the occasion, Mr. Samir Ahmed CEO and managing director of IGI Investment Bank stated, “IGI Investment Bank aims at going the extra mile in providing its valued customers with not only the very best standards of conventional insurance products, but also with a comprehensive bouquet of Shari'ah compliant insurance products to create a greater synergy between the client’s need and the solution provided by us.”
Also present on the occasion, Mr. Imtiaz Bhatti CEO of Pak Kuwait Takaful Company Limited stated, “The Takaful way of insurance in Pakistan is greatly needed and much awaited as a significant segment of the population desire Shariah-compliance in all their financial dealings. By providing our products to IGI Investment Bank, I am confident that we are getting closer to our aim of filling the gap and introducing Shariah compliant products for the benefit of all Muslims in Pakistan”
About IGI Investment Bank.
IGI Investment Bank is a part of the IGI Financial Services Group, established in 1990 and is licensed to carry out investment financing and leasing activities under the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan. PACRA has awarded it a long-term credit rating of ‘A’ and short-term rating of ‘A1’ which ensures a strong risk absorption capacity. For more information, please log on to igi. pk or call 0800-2-34-34.
About Pak Kuwait Takaful Company Limited.
Pak Kuwait Takaful Company Limited is a multinational joint venture partnership between Pakistan, Kuwait, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia and Sri Lanka. With an initial paid up capital of Rs. 250 million and an authorized capital of Rs. 500 million, along with the financial strength and backing of its equity partners, Pak Kuwait Takaful Limited is well-poised to launch Takaful operations in an environment of trust and reliability.
March 6, 2009 (Friday): IGI Investment Bank a part of the IGI Financial Services Group and New Jubilee Life Insurance Limited (NJI Life) marked the beginning of a long lasting relationship by signing an agreement at the IGI Financial Services head office.
According to the agreement, NJI Life will be joining hands with IGI Investment Bank to provide bancassurance whereby its customers will have the privilege of availing innovative and custom made life insurance products tailored by NJI Life.
Present at the ceremony, Mr. Javed Ahmed the Managing Director and CEO of NJI Life stated, “We are honored to provide our life insurance services and products to the customers of IGI Investment Bank, one of the country’s leading investment banks. Being the pioneers of bancassurance in Pakistan, we are confident that we will provide the highest level of services and guidance to our new bancassurance partners - IGI Investment Bank”
Also present at the ceremony, Mr. Samir Ahmed Managing Director and CEO of IGI Investment Bank said, “We have been striving to transform our bank to a one-stop financial service provider which offers solutions to a diverse range of financial requirements. Thus, by signing an agreement with NJI Life we are taking a positive step towards achieving this goal.”
About IGI Investment Bank:
IGI Investment Bank established in 1990 provides a host of specialized services which include finance, treasury management and mutual funds advisory has grown to become Pakistan’s largest investment bank with a paid up capital of PKR 2.1 Billion. It has also been awarded a long term credit rating of ‘A’ and ‘A1’ by the Pakistan Credit Rating Agency (PACRA). For more information, please log on to igi. pk or call 0800-2-34-34.
New Jubilee Life Insurance Company Limited (NJI Life) is a subsidiary of the Aga Khan Fund for Economic Development (AKFED), Switzerland. It was incorporated in Pakistan on 29 June 1995 as a Public Limited Company under the Companies Ordinance 1984. Its shares are quoted on the Karachi Stock Exchange.
IGI Investment Bank, a part of the IGI Financial Services group signed a Memorandum of Understanding with American Life Insurance Company (Pakistan) Limited - ALICO to introduce insurance and savings products for its customers. The signing ceremony took place at the IGI Financial Services head office in the presence of senior executives representing both companies.
Speaking on the occasion, Mr Samir Ahmed, MD & CEO of IGI Investment Bank stated, “By joining hands with ALICO we aim to provide a complete range of financial services to our customers under one roof, and we are confident that this initiative will facilitate us in offering convenience and value-added services to our customers.”
Mr. Arif Sultan Mufti, Chairman & CEO of ALICO said, ‘In a country still relatively new to the concept of bancassurance, we aim to increase its potential in a market where exposure to financial markets is still on a rise. Going into an understanding with IGI Investment Bank, we hope to create a long term relationship with them, providing our expertise in the field of insurance, whilst aiming to cater to the masses through different channels’.
About IGI Investment Bank.
IGI Investment Bank is a part of the IGI Financial Services Group, established in 1990 and is licensed to carry out investment financing and leasing activities under the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan. PACRA has awarded it a long-term credit rating of ‘A’ and short-term rating of ‘A1’ which ensures a strong risk absorption capacity. For more information, please log on to igi. pk or call 0800-2-34-34.
ALICO first started its operation in Pakistan in 1952 and continued till 1972 when the life insurance industry was nationalized. By 1972, ALICO had issued 72,000 policies and had invested more than US$36 million in the country’s economy. In 1994, ALICO was the first foreign life insurer to re-enter Pakistan. It commenced its operations in May 1995 with a paid-up capital of PKR 130 million which today stands at PKR 500 million. Along with commitment, ALICO brings to Pakistan an extensive international expertise and cutting edge technology being used by our operations in the most developed markets.
Karachi : January 17, 2009 – The Pakistan Credit Rating Agency PACRA maintains A for long term and A1 for short term ratings for IGI Investment Bank one of the leading investment banks in Pakistan and part of IGI Financial Services Group. The rating is significant as it comes at a time when the overall industry outlook is projected negative due to turmoil in the money & capital markets and general slowing down of economic activity.
The primary function of PACRA is to evaluate the capacity and willingness of an entity to honor its obligations. The ratings are independent, professional and reflect the Bank’s strong relative positioning in the field emanating from the resilience exhibited by IGI Investment Bank during the current liquidity crisis. Furthermore, these ratings are recognition of IGI’s strong risk absorption capacity, good asset quality, sound equity base and quality risk management.
Mr. Samir Ahmed, CEO IGI Investment Bank, on this achievement stated, “These ratings are a result of IGI Investment Bank’s commitment to its stakeholders and excellent risk management practices adopted by the Bank. IGI has never compromised on the quality of assets and is committed to optimizing value for its shareholders. The ratings are recognition of our efforts and a source of confidence”.
The rating projects prospects of various investment banks operating in the country on a stand-alone basis and give due consideration to the macro economic challenges being faced by the entire economy that led to a difficult operating environment for the industry. IGI Investment Bank continues to be one of the most professional investment banks in Pakistan.
IGI Investment Bank is a part of the IGI Financial Services Group was established in 1990 and is licensed to carry out investment financing and leasing activities under the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan. For more information please log on to igiinvestmentbank. pk or call 0800-2-34-34.
IGI Investment Bank, a part of the IGI Financial Services Group, launched the variable rate deposit plan, a product linked with KIBOR offered to depositors seeking to avail flexible profit rates at different intervals during the tenure of deposit.
With variable rate deposit plan, investors get the flexibility to choose the best possible profit margin, by resetting their rate of return on a monthly, quarterly, semi-annual or annual basis according to the 1M, 3M, 6M and 1Y KIBOR respectively most suited to their personal financial position.
Samir Ahmed, CEO, IGI Investment Bank Limited, addressing a media round table meeting held for media members stated, “Today investors opt for secure investment avenues that ensure an attractive return in the form of a sustained stream of income. Hence, to cater to the expressed needs of investors, we have taken a step forward by designing a deposit plan that offers a variable rate of return on savings. Variable rate deposit plan is offering, investors, to derive optimum benefit from the rising KIBOR rates and thereby enhancing returns on deposits.”
Established in 1990, IGI Investment Bank is a Group company of IGI Financial Services and Packages Group Limited and provides a host of specialized services designed to meet the financial needs of investors.
Karachi : December 19, 2008 – The Board of Directors of the Investment Banks Association of Pakistan (IBAP) re-elected Mr. Rashid Mansur, CEO – Escorts Investment Bank Ltd, as Chairman - IBAP for the second term, in a recent meeting held in Karachi. Mr. Samir Ahmed, MD & CEO – IGI Investment Bank, a seasoned banker with 25 years experience of International Banking & Capital Markets, was elected as the Vice Chairman IBAP.
Rashid Mansur is a qualified Associate of the Chartered Institute of Bankers London (ACIB). He has had 18 years of experience with HBL including ten years on overseas assignments. Other designations held include senior level positions in both Private and Public sectors such as head of an Investment Bank, Leasing Modaraba, Insurance Company, and Board of Investment and Trade, Punjab.
Speaking on the issues presently facing the financial sector of Pakistan, Mr. Mansur said “Without a credible Reform Program backed by strong ‘Regulatory will’, it would not be realistic to assume that normalcy will return to our Financial Sector. & ldquo; He further emphasized the importance for all stakeholders to gather and design a major reform initiative, covering the ownership, management and governance of the Exchanges once the dust settled down.
Investment Banks Association of Pakistan (IBAP) is a new wave of recently introduced phenomena of Investment Banking in Pakistan. For more information please logon to ibap. biz.
Escorts Investment Bank Limited has come a long way since it was established in 1996. For more information please logon to escortsbank/ or call: 042- 637 1931-34.
IGI Investment Bank is a part of the IGI Financial Services Group was established in 1990 and is licensed to carry out investment financing and leasing activities under the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan. For more information please call 0800-2-34-34.
IGI Investment Bank’s Corporate Finance Department structured, advised and successfully executed the substantial acquisition of Dawood Lawrencepur Limited (DLL). This resulted in 49% holding of DLL by Dawood Corporation respectively. This was the first time the Bank was appointed as Manager to the Offer for an acquisition engagement. The Public announcement was published in the newspaper on May 24, 2008, providing an opportunity for IGI Investment Bank to be highlighted as an active participant in the Pakistani financial markets.
In a similar transaction, the Corporate Finance department also advised and structured the substantial acquisition of 49.5% of Central Insurance Company Limited (CICL) by Dawood Corporation. The Newspaper announcement can be viewed in the Business Recorder on June 7, 2008. This was a challenging transaction as various legal issues along with SECP and Insurance ordinances came into affect. The totall transaction size for both the Dawood Corporation acquisitions was approximately PKR 3.5 Billion.
IGI Investment Bank’s Corporate Finance Department arranges and advises on Debt and Equity issues, including Private Placements and Public Listings. It also performs underwriting of Equity and Debt Issues, Lease and Debt Syndications, Corporate Restructurings, Mergers and Acquisitions and Divestitures.
Established in 1990, IGI Investment Bank provides a range of specialized services as corporate finance, cash & treasury management, commercial financing & leasing and mutual funds advisory to meet the financial needs of investors. akistan Credit Rating Agency has awarded IGI Investment Bank a long term credit rating of ‘A’ and a short term credit rating of ‘A1’. For more information, please log on to igiinvestmentbank. pk or call 0800-2-34-34.
IGI Investment Bank has announced revised profit rates for its вЂ˜Step Up Savings Plan. ’ вЂ˜Step Up’-a Certificate of Deposit product allows customers to deposit their cash for the duration of their choice whilst receiving a fixed profit rate on their investment. The improved Plan will offer depositors an opportunity to invest cash for as little as one month at an annual rate of 8.50% and an annualized rate of up to 13% on a deposit of 3 years, making it one of the most competitive deposit schemes around.
With the Step Up Savings Plan, investors can deposit their cash for durations of 1, 2, 3, 4 or 6 months and 1, 1.5, 2 or 3 years depending on their liquidity requirements. Profits vary according to the duration of deposit and the profit payment frequency required by the investor; monthly, quarterly, semi-annually or annually. The maximum profit that can be availed is 13% for investors depositing their cash for a period of only 3 years and receiving their profit at maturity.
Raeda Latif, Head of Marketing-IGI Financial Services said, вЂ˜The Step Up Savings Plan is ideal for customers who want to deposit their money for a fixed period with the security of a known return while receiving the most competitive profit rates. ” IGI Investment Bank is unique in offering such a deposit scheme which provides profit rates of up 13%.
IGI Investment Bank Limited provides a range of specialized services designed to meet the financial needs of investors. Established in 1990, IGI Investment Bank provides services as corporate finance, cash & treasury management, commercial financing & leasing and mutual funds advisory. Pakistan Credit Rating Agency has awarded IGI Investment Bank a long term credit rating of вЂ˜A’ and a short term credit rating of вЂ˜A1’. For more information, please log on to igiinvestmentbank. pk or call 0800-2-34-34.
Note: Rates as of Dec 01, 2007. Please click here for new rates.
As the only financial institution at the event, IGI Investment Bank had an opportunity to network with key players in the plastic & packaging industry from a unique platform. The Corporate Marketing team was present at their stall to promote the leasing and lending facilities offered by the Bank.
Due to the current increase in local and international demand, the plastic and packaging sector is another booming sector in Pakistan and is contributing directly to the growth, development and exports of the country. More than 200 leading names from the world’s plastic, printing, packaging and food industries also participated at the exhibition with representation of 20 countries from all across the globe. The exhibition was also given extensive media coverage by over 13 media channels and 15 representatives from print.
IGI Investment Bank Ltd is one of the leading investment banks in Pakistan. It was established in 1990 and carries a long-term PACRA credit rating of ‘A’ and short-term credit rating of ‘A1’ with a listing on the Karachi and Lahore Stock Exchanges. For more information please log on to igiinvestmentbank. pk or call 0800-2-34-34.
In association with the British Council & Shakespeare Association of Pakistan, IGI Investment Bank sponsored an вЂ˜Evening with Zia Mohyeddin’ for literary enthusiasts on March 18, 2008. Mr. Zia Mohyeddin, a renowned TV personality was the chief guest at the occasion where he gave a presentation on Shakespeare and how the author has significantly transformed the English language. “The author introduced a new word in every third sentence he wrote & also introduced many of the clichГ©s we are used to hearing nowadays such as вЂ˜in the heart of hearts’ & вЂ˜ wild goose chase, ” said Zia who has been fond of Shakespeare from a very young age.
IGI Investment Bank had the opportunity to interact with over a 100 guests; the event was well attended by CEO’s, educationists, and students all who shared a passion for Shakespeare.
The Shakespeare Association of Pakistan hosts several events throughout the year to promote a literary movement in Pakistan & is a registered, non-profit literary society affiliated with the International Shakespeare Association in the United Kingdom. In the past, the association has provided support to schools, has arranged conferences and has provided translation of Shakespeare in urdu and other Pakistani languages for various events.
IGI Investment Bank is participating in the 2 nd South Asian Capital Markets Conference 2008 organized by the South Asian Federation of Exchanges held in Dhaka – Bangladesh. Business delegates from all over Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Sri lanka and Mauritius, will be present at the conference including executives representing the South Asian Stock exchanges, securities regulators, clearing companies, securities depositories, prominent commodity exchanges, stock brokers, fund managers and other securities market professionals.
The conference has been organized with the objective of establishing common standards and practices in business accounting in the securities market’s; encouraging co-operation among the member countries so as to promote development in their respective securities markets; and to encourage cross-border listing and trade by adequate and fair representation of members in international forums.
Mr. Aftab Chaudhry, Secretary General & Managing Director SAFE / CEO Islamabad Stock Exchange Ltd will be giving the opening address for the conference which will last for 2 days till Friday February 01, 2008. The conference will host presentations and panel discussions on pertinent topics such as Regional regulatory Models for South Asian Markets; Integration of Regional Markets and Cross-border trade; Modern Trading Products and Technological solutions; Brokerage Industry; Facilitating Agents for Cross-Border Trade; Investing in the South Asia Region and The Role of Central Bankers in the Integration of Regional Markets.
Mr. Samir Ahmed, CEO of IGI Investment Bank and Mr. Syed Javed Hassan, Executive Director of IGI Investment Bank will be present at the conference. Mr. Samir Ahmed will speak on “Exploring avenues of cooperation amongst the Regional Brokerages” while Mr. Javed Hassan will participate in a panel discussion regarding “Scope for Private Equity in the South Asia Region”.
The initiative for providing a platform to a wide range of capital market players under the title of “South Asian Capital Markets Conference” was taken from the SAFE conference held in 2006 in Columbo, Sri Lanka. IGI Investment Bank being a Gold Sponsor of the 2nd South Asian Markets Conference 2008 believes in promoting alliances for ‘regional co-operation’.
IGI Investment Bank Ltd, a packages group company is one of the leading investment banks in Pakistan. Established in 1990, it carries a long-term PACRA credit rating of ‘A’ and short-term credit rating of ‘A1’ with a listing on the Karachi and Lahore Stock Exchanges.
The occasion was attended by the officials of PEL and Investment Participants (IPs) and the investor notes were presented to the IPs.
Syed Mohammed Ali Raza, Head of Corporate Finance for IGIBL, added on the occasion that the successful close of the issue was a key achievement for both PEL and IGIBL as the issue was the most competitive debt raised by PEL so far. IGIBL shall also be conducting more commercial paper issues for several other blue chip clients in the near term.
IGI Investment Bank is licensed by the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan to carry out Commercial Financing and Lending and Leasing Services under the NBFC Rules. Pakistan Credit Rating Agency has awarded IGI Investment Bank a long-term credit rating of ‘A’ and a short-term credit rating of ‘A1’.
Established in 1990, IGI Investment Bank is part of the Packages Group of Companies serving individual consumers, small businesses and large corporations and institutions with a broad range of investment banking products and services such as Mutual Funds Distribution; Corporate Finance; Commercial Financing and Leasing; Cash and Treasury Management. For more information please log on to igiinvestmentbank. pk or call 0800-2-34-34.
IGI Investment Bank at the 3 rd Annual Auto, Auto Parts and Accessories Exhibition.
Local and International Auto manufacturers gathered from across the globe at the 3rd annual Auto, Auto Parts & Accessories Exhibition from December 12th to December 15th. IGI Investment Bank Ltd. was the only financial institution present at the event amongst exclusive automotive manufacturers, giving it an ideal platform to inform worldwide prospects about the bank’s leasing and lending facilities. The event was also attended by automotive entrepreneurs on both national and international levels.
IGI Investment Bank offers specialized lending and leasing solutions to meet the financial needs of its clients, by providing big savings on capital outlays, preservation of available resources, maintenance of existing credit lines and tax advantages. Corporate Marketing Head, Faraz Ahmed along with his marketing team were present at the exhibition to promote the leasing and lending facilities offered by the Bank.
IGI Investment Bank Ltd is one of the leading investment banks in Pakistan. It was established in 1990 and carries a long-term PACRA credit rating of вЂ˜A’ and short-term credit rating of вЂ˜A1’ with a listing on the Karachi and Lahore Stock Exchanges.
IGI Investment Bank introduces the Step Up Savings Plan, a Certificate of Deposit scheme which provides Investors with the opportunity to deposit their cash for a time period of as little as one month at an annual rate of 8.25%. This is a unique offer provided only by IGI Investment Bank ensuring investors get an annualized rate of 8.25% on their investment along with the flexibility to invest their cash for the duration of their choice.
The Step Up Savings plan offers investors to deposit their cash for duration of 1, 2, 3, 4 or 6 months and 1, 1.5, 2 or 3 years depending on their liquidity requirements. Profits in every category vary according to the profit payment frequency required by the investor; monthly, quarterly, semi-annually or annually. The maximum profit that can be availed is 11% for investors depositing their cash for a period of only 3 years and receiving their profit annually.
The Step Up Savings Plan has been developed as a result of increasing demand for a flexible Deposit Scheme making it ideal for all types of investors, ranging from corporations, high net-worths and real estate dealers to sole proprietors, salaried individuals and housewives.
IGI Investment Bank is licensed by the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan to carry out Commercial Financing and Lending and Leasing Services under the NBFC Rules. Pakistan Credit Rating Agency has awarded IGI Investment Bank a long-term credit rating of ‘A’ and a short-term credit rating of ‘A1’.
Established in 1990, IGI Investment Bank is part of the Packages Group of Companies. For more information please log on to igiinvestmentbank. pk or call 0800-2-34-34.
IGI Fund Select Mall Event.
In continuation with its objective to increase awareness about mutual funds, IGI Fund Select is conducting activities throughout various malls in Karachi. Starting on the weekend of November 16th, the Fund Select team will have kiosks at ‘The Forum’ for two weekends and then ‘Park Towers’ for two weekends thereafter to interact with mall shoppers and to promote their mutual funds advisory service. “The objective of the activity is to have direct contact with customers who are interested in investing and saving for their future. We will help them plan, decide, and execute their investment decisions to meet their financial objectives at no additional cost.” said Ambereen Israr,
Head of Fund Select. Along with receiving investment advice, customers will be able to enter a lucky draw contest and win prizes during the event.
Fund Select is IGI Investment Bank’s mutual fund advisory service which started operations in June 2006 and has come a long way in providing education and awareness of mutual funds to investors. It has managed to attract over Rs. 15 billion in investments from both retail and institutional clients since its launch. The company offers a range of tailor-made investment strategies based upon clients’ objectives and financial needs to give them the attractive returns, risk minimization, diversification, tax benefits, convenience and liquidity through personalized solutions.
Fund Select is a division of IGI Investment Bank, a Packages Group company. For more information, please log on to igi. pk or call toll free on 0800-2-3434.
IGI Investment Bank – Mobilizing Investment in the Mutual Fund Industry.
IGI Investment Bank’s mutual funds advisory service “Fund Select” has contributed greatly to the mobilization of funds in the mutual fund Industry. At a time when awareness of mutual funds is largely uncommon, Fund Select has managed to attract investments of over Rs.10 billion into various open-end funds in a period of one year since its launch in June 2006.
Licensed by SECP to undertake Investment Finance Services, Fund Select offers a range of tailor-made investment strategies for its clients based upon their objectives and financial needs. Fund Select employs a highly professional and dedicated team with extensive international and domestic experience in debt and equity markets. The distribution network comprises of over 15 asset management companies, with over 40 funds making Fund Select a truly one-stop-shop-solution for all investment needs.
The Head of Fund Select at IGI Investment Bank, Ambereen Israr said: “Our goal is to provide institutions and individuals with a mutual funds advisory service and to help them plan, decide, and execute their investment decisions to meet their financial objectives at no extra cost.”
Fund Select has come a long way in creating awareness and informing people of the many benefits mutual funds have to offer - attractive returns, risk minimization, diversification, tax benefits, convenience and liquidity through personalized solutions with high service standards in the mutual funds industry.
Fund Select is a division of IGI Investment Bank, a Packages group company. For more information, please log on to igi. pk or call toll free on 0800-2-3434.
IGI Financial Services at the Dawn life style.
IGI Financial Services participated in the Dawn Lifestyle Exhibition 2007 held on the 22nd, 23rd and 24th June 2007 at the Karachi Expo Center. The participating organizations were IGI Investment Bank Ltd, IGI Insurance Ltd, and IGI Securities with their respective brands (Fund Select, Travel, Fire, Marine, Auto Insurance and I-Trade).
This was the seventh successful year for the “All about Lifestyles” Exhibition in which companies belonging to different arenas gathered to display & promote their services. The ambience was that of a gala full of people, music, games; the turn out like every year was substantial and the dedication of our team at the IGI Financial Services stall made the event a success for us.
IGI Financial Services is a dynamic family of diversified companies belonging to the Packages Group that provides investment banking, insurance, asset management and full service brokerage in stocks and securities to a variety of customers nationwide. You can call us toll free at 0800-23434 to speak to our representative.
Tax Credit on Investing in Mutual Funds.
The amount of tax credit can be calculated in the following way:
Determine the amount on which you may be entitled to receive the tax rebate. It will be either of the following, whichever is lower: The Actual amount of Investment 10% of your taxable annual income, or Rs. 200,000 Identify the average tax rate for your annual taxable income as per the Income Tax Ordinance 2001.
Aqui está um exemplo. Let's say the total annual taxable income is Rs. 1,800,000 and invested amount is Rs. 500,000 in Mutual Funds. Assuming that the average rate of tax applicable on the annual taxable income is 15%, the schedule below shows the amount of tax credit that will be received:
Total Annual Taxable Income.
Average rate of tax*
Amount Invested in Mutual Funds.
Selection of amount on which Tax Credit is allowed : Amount of Tax Credit.
Amount invested = Rs. 500,000.
10 % of Taxable income = Rs. 180,000 15% x 180,000 = 27,000.
Maximum amount = Rs. 200,000.
Since Rs. 180,000 is the lower of the three amounts, tax credit will be given on this amount. According to the above illustration, the investor will be entitled to a tax credit of Rs. 27,000 (i. e. the investor will pay less tax by this amount) which will be an added benefit on top of the return that will be made on the Mutual Fund Investment. The procedure for claiming the tax credit is simple and easy. The investor has to present a copy of the account statement of the investment in Mutual Funds at the time of filing of tax returns.
investments made in mutual funds before 30th June 2007 shall be eligible for claiming tax credit for the year ending 30th June 2007 and in order to avail tax rebate under Section 62 of the Income Tax Ordinance 2001, you are required to hold your investment for one year. Please feel free to contact your Fund Select Investment Advisor or call us toll free at 0800-23434.
First Ever Return Guarantee product developed by IGI Investment Bank for.
IGI Investment Bank now offers a first of its kind Return Guarantee product in the form of Put Option. Put Options on mutual funds is a new concept in Pakistan. A Put Option gives the holder the right but not the obligation to sell mutual funds at a fixed price on or before a given date. Through this Put Option customers can fix an interest rate today on an open-end mutual fund for the cash investments they will receive in future.
IGI Investment Bank shall be offering this option for NAFA Cash Fund and KASB Liquid Fund, NAFA and KASB are the main players in the mutual funds industry in Pakistan. The potential clients for this product are government institutions, financial institutions, insurance companies, private sector companies and individuals.
IGI Investment Bank is one of the country's leading investment banks. It is a joint venture of the International Finance Corporation (IFC) and Packages Group (PG), which also includes International General Insurance – IGI, a major shareholder in IGI Investment Bank Insurance.
IGI Investment Bank is serving individual consumers, small businesses and large corporations and institutions with a broad range of investment banking products and services, including Portfolio Management; Mutual Funds Distribution; Corporate Finance; Commercial Financing and Leasing; Cash and Treasury Management.
First International Investment Bank Limited (INTERBANK) and Karachi Electric Supply Corporation Limited (KESC) have teamed up to sign an agreement, according to which INTERBANK’s Fund Select Advisory will operate as the investment advisor for KESC Provident Fund.
The Pakistan Credit Rating Agency (PACRA) has assigned a rating of ‘A+’ (Single A plus) to the proposed secured TFC issue of PKR 500mln by First International Investment Bank Limited (INTERBANK). The rating indicates a low expectation of credit risk and a strong capacity for timely payment of financial commitments.
First International Investment Bank Limited (INTERBANK) has introduced Fund Select; this is a special open-end Mutual Funds Advisory Service for corporate and retail investors. The announcement was made on July 20, 2006 at a Press Conference held in Sheraton Hotel Karachi, which was attended by senior managers from Asset Management Companies and Financial Institutions; Media Representatives; INTERBANK Management and Mutual Funds Distribution team.
INTERBANK takes the lead as an investment bank to represent approximately 25 open funds in Pakistan. During the soft launch, this service received a tremendous response from both corporate and retail customers.
First International Investment Bank Limited (INTERBANK) is issuing rated, secured and listed Term Finance Certificates (TFCs) of PKR 500mln during the current year. The announcement was publicized in the Abridged Prospectus published on June 30, 2006 in Business Recorder and Nawa-e-Waqt.
The instrument will be secured by way of first parri passu charge on present and future assets of the bank with a 25% margin. The Bank intends to utilize the proceeds of the TFCs to establish its asset management business, strengthen the brokerage function and further expand the investment portfolio.
INTERBANK and Royal Rodale Sports & Recreational Complex have teamed up to sign an agreement, according to which the Consumer Financing Division at INTERBANK will provide Membership Fee Financing facility to prospective members of Royal Rodale.
Systems Limited is one of Pakistan’s pioneering Information Technology firms with a strong market presence, since its inception in 1977. The company has also manifested itself strongly in the international market and currently generates nearly USD 7.50 million in revenue.
First International Investment Bank Limited (INTERBANK) - one of the leading investment banks in the country - has successfully acquired 100% shares of Finex Securities Limited. The strategic acquisition of Finex Securities offers complimentary distribution strength and expanded market coverage to INTERBANK in the financial markets. Established in 1990, INTERBANK has played a pioneering role in the Pakistani financial markets by advising and arranging the first public floatation of corporate bonds, the first issue of corporate commercial paper, and the first bankers’ acceptance program in the country. Finex Securities, with more than one decade of presence in the financial markets has always been in the forefront in equity, money market and forex broking business in Pakistan. Finex’s key strength is the in-depth knowledge and expertise of its employees in their respective business areas and its blue-chip client-base.
INTERBANK and SYSMAX (PVT) LTD. have teamed up to sign an agreement according to which INTERBANK will provide Membership Fee Financing facility to prospective DA Country & Golf Club members.

Ganhar Dinheiro Online & # 8211; Ganhe Dinheiro Online Magazine.
What is IVF?
IVF stands for (In-vitro fertilization). IVF is the process of taking men’s sperms and female eggs out of the both human bodies and cross them out of human body in the controlled environment. When the embryo is produced then the embryo is placed inside the human body. Normally 3-4 pre-embryos are placed in the ovary of the women. These embryos develop into a normal baby. Patients will have several other options regarding the disposition of the remaining pre-embryos. One option is to freeze pre-embryos for your later use. You can tell your physician to freeze the embryos for future use.
In-vitro fertilization treatment:
The In-vitro fertilization treatment is an option to several couples who cannot conjure up in the course of what is seen as the conventional or straight therapies but this is not always the case as women without a male or same sex partnerships have used IVF with sperm donors in order to conceive their children. There is no specific numbers on which IVF treatment is repeated in a couple. This is determined by the couple together with the physician.
IVF Success Rate:
IVF Success rate depends on the age of the female partner. The more age of the female the less chances of the success of In-vitro fertilization treatment. After the age of 35 the success rate of IVF treatment reduces.
IVF cost varies from consultant to consultant and clinic to clinic. The cost of IVF treatment in Pakistan are 2.5 Lakh to 5 Lakhs arrpox.
IVF Centers In Pakistan:
Baqai Medical Centre, 20-D. G-8, Markaz Islamabad.
Phone: 2851357, 2851566.
IVF Centers In Islamabad:
Reproductive Research Laboratory and IVF Centre.
21-E, Fazle-e-Haq Road.
(Opp. Federal Government Services Hospital)
Tel: + 92 51 2872368 and 2873835.
IVF Centers In Lahore:
Hameed Latif Hospital.
14 Abu-Bakar Block,
New Garden Town. Lahore.
Tel : +92-42-5837014, 5837019, 5862718, 5862623.
IVF Treatment Explained In URDU.
IVF Treatment Process:
IVF In Pakistan.
IVF In Pakistan.
IVF Treatment In Pakistan.
Medicine For Men.
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Keep me update plz.
Meri shadi ko 2 sal hogaye h aur abi tak bacha nai hoa elaj b bht krwaya h phr b koi chance nai Meri or Meri wife ki umar b 25 saal h plz hamen b guide kiya jaye by Abbas soomro larkana.
Salam sar main ya pochna chatahon ivf karachi main sasta aur acha khanan hota hy plz mujh baten.
ma na app sa ya pata karna tha ka mare aik bate ha jo 7year ke h aaus ka bad ma pregnet nahi ho ee mara sara test harmoon hsg sab normal han app moja bata sakta han ka moja kaya karna chaeya. thanks.
ap apni tubes blockage check karwain. doctor say consult kar k.
Meri shadi ko 7saal hogai hain mera ivf fail hogaya hy poor quality of eggs ki waja se because i have 0 a. m.h antimolariane harmone nd high insuline so what u sugest for me. I m very depressed now what can I do next? Kya mujhy 2nd time ivf karwana Chaney?
Egg donate with ivf hoga apka jo yahan pak mai nahi hota.
thanks to inform us & plz keep it up.
may ny buhat alaaj krwa leya hai iui bi krwa leya pher bi pregnet nahe hue mere sahdi ko 5year ho gay hai may buhat parehsan hu mujy egg problem hai aap mery ley koe allj batey thanks.
very low sperms what i do.
Gonadil F, Serbex Z or CAC 1000.
Use all three medicines for one month….. on two daily basis.
Meri shadi ko 2 sal Hogy h me pregnant n hui nuke ivf k bry m pata karna h or ivf c 5000 ka b.
Pehlay BB apni aur apnay husband ki reports tu check karainain.
As salam alikum mera name zia hy main aap ko apni report kasy send kron aap report check kr k hamyin treqa ilaj batyin baby test tube ya med.
contact me at 0331-9703700 (9AM to 3PM only)
M learnpakistan ki website per dobara aya hun. I am thankful to you.
Mari shadi ko 2 sal ho gy mary husbant m sperm count ka masla tha m nay apki medicine use ki ab mi hamal say hun sukeria.
Ap apna masla pora likhain, masla hai kia matlab, kuch clear ni hota is tarah say . So Please to the point bat karain.
Aur ik note desi aur jali hakeem is website per anay say baz rahain.
Samra ap ne IUI kaha sy krwaya tha.
i need more informations regarding ivf and other related methods.
Good information is provided.
salam mujhe is website se bohut saara faida hua hai mein ap ki bohut shukar guzar hoon.
Mere man sadat hn muje ek byti hn wo 8sal ki hn mri shadi ko 12 Sal ho chuke hn or mri ek tub nahi in plz muje reply part.
I wish to do IVF treatment, tell me the center name in Karachi for treatment.
mujhy 11 year shadi ky ho ghy meger bachy nahhy hovy main ivf krana chata hon. ivf k bary main informatiom dain thanks.
Want to know processs, time, centers and cost for IVF treatment.
bohat ache information he meri marrige ko 2 sal hune wale he mera koi baby nai he m cahti hu mera baby hu meri age 35 he aur m husband 23 year k he.
rozana milo hazbend sy.
I have done marriage in the year of 2003, and still don’t have children due to sprue deficaincy in my body. Dr. Sb will you please consult. Need your quick response.
i need more informational for ivf in urdu.
very nicely explained in Urdu also, so many people can know what is IVF.
I am doing a treatment from Lahore by Saqib Sadiq .. One of the best doctors.. I did visit Dr Rashid Lateef also but he did not give a proper response to me and my wife regarding IVF. We have started our treatment and In Sha Allah i am very hopefull that it will be successful.
Aoa app ka dr saqib ka clinic kahan ha.
Salam apka ivf hogaya plz bataye success hua ya nahi mere 3 yimes fail hochuke hain acha plz bataye et k baad apne full rest kiya tha aur namaz neeche baithke padhti thiin ya kaiseplz batayen.
Plz tell about ur treatment how is successful? Waiting ur reply.
Aoa dr. Saad sb mujy ivf ka kharcha bata dean pl meri age 55 year ha aur wife ki age 40 year koi illaj ya. Phr koi noskha bata dean pl. Ta k. Ulaad paida ho jaye. Pl. Resposta.
I done my PGD by doc saqib from mid city hospital. .. but unfortunately it’s failed… I mean very upset …
Yes, Because we have lack of competitive doctors in Pakistan.
mujay be baby nahe ho rahay our mujay blooding be time par nahe hoti 3 year ho gaya try kartay ho gaya doctor khtay ivf h ga kya mnjy baby ho jaya ka.
Meri sadi ko 10 sAl ho gae he baha ni he both ziada presh uo ivf me kitne pakistani krh ata he or ssta ilaj kaha hota he alia mera emel acres nai he.
I want to know its side effect and centre in Sargodha if have?
Hi, I have PCOS and have no periods from last six months at all i have irregular periods sometime its for a year. i have been trying for a baby from last six years have no success. my age is 35 and my partner is 52. we are looking for IVF treatment, if i don’t have any periods how it would be possible to conceive with IVF and how long will be the treatment?
Mene ivf karwaya h mera kamyab nhi hua dr ne kaha mere egg black nishan h is ka koi elaj h?
ihave two dauhgter but now i want a boy baby plz plz help me.
If u successful plz tell me.
Any success for boy ?
U get any success for boy ?
I want to know about ivf done which hospitals and whivh one best.
Here is the list of hospitals that are available in Lahore for the IVF treatment.
Kamran Fertility Clinic – Lahore +92-42-37354845 Temple Road, Mozang, Lahore, Punjab Pakistan. Tel: +92-42-35753803 Fax: Email: Website: Services IVF Clinic Male Infertility Treatment Female Infertility Treatment Fertility Clinic Urologist Sperm / Embryo Freezing Premature Ejaculation Delayed Ejaculation Low Libido Gonococal Urethritis Chancroid Syphilis Granuloma Inguinale Infertility Clinics in Lahore – Paquistão.
Infertility Centre – Lahore +92-42-35714418 Surgimed Hospital,1-Zafar Ali Road, Lahore Punjab, Pakistan. Tel: +92-42-35714411 Fax: Email: Website: Nasim Fertility Center – Lahore +92-42-35300124 4-H, Johar Town, Canal Road, Near Hanjerwal Bridge, Lahore Punjab, Pakistan. Tel: +92-42-35300124 Fax: Email: Website: Lahore Institute of Fertility & Endocriology (LIFE) Lahore +92-42-35830214 Hameed Latif Hospital (Conference Hall, 2nd floor), Lahore Punjab, Pakistan. Tel: +92-42-35830214 Fax: Email: Website: Bio Test Clinic – Lahore +92-42-37590161 681-Shadman-1, Opposite Fatima Memorial Hospital Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan. Tel: +92-42-37582570 Fax: Email: Website: Services IVF Clinic Male Infertility Treatment Female Infertility Treatment Fertility Clinic Urologist Sperm / Embryo Freezing Premature Ejaculation Delayed Ejaculation Low Libido Gonococal Urethritis Chancroid Syphilis Granuloma Inguinale Services IVF Clinic Male Infertility Treatment Female Infertility Treatment Fertility Clinic Urologist Sperm / Embryo Freezing Premature Ejaculation Delayed Ejaculation Low Libido Gonococal Urethritis Chancroid Syphilis Granuloma Inguinale Services IVF Clinic Male Infertility Treatment Female Infertility Treatment Fertility Clinic Urologist Sperm / Embryo Freezing Premature Ejaculation Delayed Ejaculation Low Libido Gonococal Urethritis Chancroid Syphilis Granuloma Inguinale Services IVF Clinic Male Infertility Treatment Female Infertility Treatment Fertility Clinic Urologist Sperm / Embryo Freezing Premature Ejaculation Delayed Ejaculation Low Libido Gonococal Urethritis Chancroid Syphilis Granuloma Inguinal e.
Plz ivf ki cost batA de.
I have five babies by lscs. After last lscs ligation done. There are four girls and one male. After few months male baby was expired. My age is 45 years. I want a male baby in (IVF) method is it possible.
i would like to now the coast of ivf treatment txn.
my age is 40 and my wife’s 39 and we had decided to go for ivf let me know wat is your complete pacakge.
im staying here in abudhabi, and we did treatment and all our reports are normal, and doctors recomended for IVF.
PLEASE advise us..
Want to go for IVF plze suggest me about it. Thanx
Plz tel me the price of ivf I want do but can’t afford 5 lekh can u tel me the lowest cost plz.
Main jb 13 year ki ti tu muje haviy period or regular every month hoty thy… jb 17 ki hoi tu start my period problem kabi 2 month kabi 3 or kabi 3 say bhi zeada month tak period miss hony lage… boht chak karwya..
dots ko …main ab uk main hou… mera treatment ho raha ha…muje dots ny ivf ka kha ha… kia ye karwany say theek ho jaye gye …and I want baby.
meri shadi ko 7 saal ho gaey hn mag abi tak koi baccha nahi hai. meri wife ki dono tubes theek nahi hen men ne multan se leproscopy bhi krai hai. men ab IVF krana chata hon mera seimens 65% normal hai. mje ap k mashware ki zarorat hai. i mwaiting ur reply. obrigado.
I have three daughter, I want boy. Por favor atualize.
Allah Day Ga. Don’t Worry. IVF is not for this purpose.
Meri follo pain tube bolck hain baqi eggs aur mere husband k spam theek hai ek beta b hai Kia ap muje ivf ki cost bata sakte ho meri age 33 hai aur husband ki 46 plz jawab zaroor de shukriya.
wait and raise them wel, you wil got your son as son in law inshaallah.
Thanks to inform us & plz keep it up!
sir mere wife k sath ye masla ha k us ki anda dani me eggs peda ni ho re han. kea ivf k elaj se eggs peda ho sakte han ya ni. piz urgent mail.
Sorry, If No eggs then No fertality from your wife. Send reports at zobia. javed at gmail she can advice better.
Sir plz check my semen report and suggest that what can i do can i sent my semen report.
I am Dr muhammad, I have tested your medicine Good results indeed.
Thank You for your review. Please serve the nation and humanity. Use your profession to serve humanity. You will get results too in your practice.
i have been married for 1.5 years and have not conceived..my husband is normal as he has a kid already but i suffer from hormonal imbalance and have never had mensuration cycle on my own it always had to be induced with medicine like progylution … i really want to conceive pls tell me what to do…
Get Yourself checked by FCPS Medicine Doctor for hormonal problem. FCPS must.
ASSLAM-O-ALIKUM doctor mare shadee ko 5 sall ho gay hain or meain ab tak concive nahi kar pai altrasound meain 3saal tak to kuch aaya nahi lakin ab poly syst batate hain or mera date ka problembe ho gaya shadi ka baad phly theak thee ab 2 month kay baad dat aati ha advise me ab tak jitny bi doctors ka paas gai ho koi bi sahi gaid nahi karta sub jabein bharny k liya bathy heain meain na hameed lateef hospital ka barry meain suna ha kaap ka ilaj kafi mahga hota ha agr meain is hospital say ilaj karwana chahoo to kitni rakam ki zarorat hogi mare umar 27 or husband ki 30 ha or unki test ropot 65%ha plezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz reply me.
Please mention, Your Husband Sperm Analysis Report and Your Fertility reports. send at dr. farhan at gmail and zobia. javed at gmail.
We will inshyAllah advice you better.
meri umar 19 saal ha mery pehly baby ki delivry se pehky hi death ho gai thi men pher se pregnet hu lekin me next time twise baby chahti hu so plz advise me muje kia karna ho ga.
hi, i want to knw the best doctor for ivf in pakistan.
thanx to give knowledge.
hi, we are considering IVF-ICSI treatment as we have no kids for 6 years. i want to know which of these are good IVF clinics in Pakistan. please share your experinces as more and more people need your help.
1) ICSI islamabad.
3)salma kafeel IVF Islamabad.
4)Life ivf lahore.
5) Craft ivf lahore.
any one please share your experience.
me ne ivf karwya he but nh howa me dobara karwana chati hon mujy forn karwa lyna chay ya thora arsa bad karwana chay kis tara acha result ay ga plz tell me.
i like ur this website more detail in my e mail.
mara sprem test thik tha . aik dafa iui karwaya tha but in vain ab kia karna chahiey aur wife ka wait kafi zyada ha tu kia mujhy ivf karwana chahiey k nai.
meri 3 daughters hy aur ab mjy aik son ki zrort hy. kia is process sy ma aik bety ka baap bn skta ho? meri wife ki age 28 saal hy aur meri 34 saal. is process pr kitni cost ay ge aur successful hony k kitny chances hy?
i like learn pak.
maximum ivf ki kitni attempt le skte hn?
mary sperm 20 percent active hain. 45 percent slow hain. aur 35 percent dead hain. meri shahdi ko 4years ho gy hain. aur koi baby nahi ha. meri mras main koi falt nahi ha. plz help karain main kiya karon. plz reply me. from kashif.
Ap ki report and mere report almost same hain. Ap koi medicines le rahy ho kia? Apna contact number tu batao plz..
a salam, meri shadi ko 3 saal ho gae hen.3 sal me meri 2 baby hoi but aik din k bad hi un ki death ho gai.2nd baby ki birth me buht complication ho gai thi pre mature baby hoi n 2nd day hi death ho gai.2no baby operation se hoi.2nd bar during operation buht bleeding hoi tu lady doctor ne tubes ko punch kar dia. ab doctor ne mujhe ivf ka kaha hy. meri age 30 hy. tu plz mujhe guide karen. i live in hyd.
I have three daughter I want a boy is it possible through ivf.
plz tell me cost of ivf.
You may need approx five lakhs for a standardized IVF.
sir , can any body tell me about IVF is avalable in saudi arabi ? obrigado.
Please contact with the following hospital as far these are our best knowledge.
Olaya Medical Complex, Riyadh.
Address : King Fahad Road – Olaya – Riyadh.
P. O.Box : 91877 / Riyadh 11643.
Fax No. : +966 – 11 & # 8211; 4633582.
Arryan Hospital, Riyadh.
Address : Khurais Road, Riyadh.
Fax No. : +966 – 11 & # 8211; 4904444.
Al Qassim Hospital, Qassim.
Address : Othman Bin Affan Street, Buraidah – Al Qassim.
P. O. Box : Box 1313, Buraidah – 51431.
Dubai Medical Center, Dubai Healthcare City.
Address : Dubai Healthcare City, Dubai.
P. O.Box : 505005, Dubai.
Bone, Joint and Spinal Hospital, Riyadh –
Address : King Fahad Road – Olaya – Riyadh.
P. O. Box : 91877 / Riyadh 11643.
Fax No. : +966 – 11 & # 8211; 4633582.
Al Takhassusi Hospital, Riyadh.
Address : Takhassusi Road – Rahmaniya – Riyadh.
Fax No. : +966 – 11 & # 8211; 2833000.
Please note we only reply quality questions asked on learnpakistan and sawwaljawwab only if quality question asked in English. Vulgar questions are reported as SPAM.
Please inform me the IVF Cost and also some good and afordable clinics in Faisalabad, with complete address and contact numbers.
Hello learn Pakistan Salam.
I’m going for ivf of my wife please help and also pray.
i since marraige 7 yaers i have no child my wife one ovary.
Plz send to me ivf treatment information. Thx.
Plz let me know in Lahore which ivf centre is good. Thanks.
How much coust for ivf in lahore. whic one is good ivf centre in Lahore. Thx.
best site good information.
Aoa, Plz let me know which IVF centre is good in Lahore. Thanks you very much.
I have one daughter who is 5 years old from scissor..after that last year I got pregnant but unfortunatly my left tube was ruptured n remove by opperation.. Now I want to have a baby plz tell me about iui and ivi which is suitable for me my age is 25… Plz rep.
Mere shading ko 7 sail ho guy Han . 3 mescarrege ho Choky Han . iui bhi kra Choky Han . ap kisi ni IBF ka mashwra dia hi . m 37saal ki ho mere husband 50 k Han. kia ivi kamyab hoga air Lahore m kitni cost at GI. Plz btain.
Sorry . typing mistake hi GI hi . m NY IVF and ICSI tarika elaj k vary m aur in py kitini total cost hi air kids clinic py jain . plz a cha mashwra din.
no sperm count in semen is, it further treatment plz help me thx.
I need appointment. how can I get it. and cost. Please make appointments in October.
I wanna make appointments. Please tell me what I need. how much cost.
Doctor meri shadi ko aik sail aur 4 maheeny ho gy ha laikin main consive nai kr pa rai ..kch test krwaya jin main utrus fibriods plus right side tube blocked ha… Is situation main mjy kia krna chaheyay..periods main koi masla nai ha pory time pr aty gain…
Doctor meri shadi ko aik sail aur 4 maheeny ho gy ha laikin main consive nai kr pa rai ..kch test krwaya jin main utrus fibriods plus right side tube blocked ha… Is situation main mjy kia krna chaheyay..periods main koi masla nai ha pory time pr aty gain…merit age is 31.
We got marriage almost two year my wife have egg problem. Plz let me know IUI or IVF is good for us. Thanks.
hi meri shadi ko 5sal ho chke hen i have no kid IVF karana chahti hun but i can not afford can u help me.
mail me important articles and information.
please tell of procedure of IVF and how many amount occurred on this.
i need more information about ivf and IUI also.
mujhe mobil number chahy main ap se baat karni hai ap masly ke bary main.
Please email at bloggermian [at] gmail.
Dear sir, I am 35 years old. According to My Semien Test Report I have 0 (zero)sperm count. Is there any possobilty or treatment available and can I avail the facility of IVF. As for as my wife is concerned, She is perfect.
Waiting for u reply.
mujhay ivf ki up date chahiay.
A. A may god bless all of u n aapke sdqe mujhe bhi. after five years of marriage I have no child yet my husband HV azospermia problem wht can we do can anybody help us?
I am 35 year old. I checked my hormones and all tests everything is perfect. I had 16 weeks permanency but miscarriage. After that we went to fertility center for IUI and we did twice once we got 5 big size eggs and we did not let it go and second time there was two eggs but it did not work. Now can you please suggest what is better IUI or IVF? I am leaving abroad and if I come to Pakistan for IVF is it safe to travel to abroad after that completing IVF procedure but before delivery?
thanks good information.
mere shadi ko 6 saal ho choky ha hum 5 iui karwa choky ha mere husband ka sperm dead ha plz humri help kary hum buhat pareshan ha.
Sir plz check my semen report and suggest that what can i do.
Sir plz rep mee pllzzz can i sent u the report.
sir, the ovary of my wife was removed when she was young, as she was having an infection which would have led to cancer. so, currently she has uterus, but no ovary and meaning she is not having the ability to produce egg.
so my question to you is that is her ivf still possible?
can she concieve?
and do we have to arreng egg of some one or is there any facility that your fertility centre can provide egg?
plz do reply asap.
thankyou v much sir.
Sir mare shadi ko 7 years ho gai hain bt mare husband mulk se bahir hain nd hum ne waqfe waqfe se 10 month sat guzare hain mare reports normal hain mare husband ka 65% ha bt wo sex teek nahe kar sakte plz help me want baby.
sir i need more informations about infertility..
I want to know about ivf done which hospitals in Islamabad.
Aoa. meri shadi ko 4 saal ho gaye hain buchy nhi koi treatment nhi kerwaya test kerwaya hy blood and hormonal OK hain ultra sound bhi ALHAMDOLILLAH. mojhe periods just two or three days kelye aaty hain yeh shaadi k baad howa by shadi invitations main chicken and meat Khan say hoMojhe please batain k conceive nah kerny ki kia reasons ho sakti hain ya mojhe kia treatment kerna chaiye.
Please can you give me details for IVF/ICSI treatment centers in Islamabad and approx cost. (any particular one that you suggest)
Address: H#11, ST, 54 F-7/4 Islamabad-Pakistan.
call: +92-051-2655512 &13.
Contact Person: Dr. Nasim Ashraf, Medical Director.
Company: Islamabad Clinic Serving Infertile Couples (Pvt) Ltd.
Address: Saudi Pak Tower,1st Floor, Low Rise,61-A, Jinnah Avenue, Islamabad, , Pakistan.
Telephone 1: 92–2800257.
Telephone 2: 92–2800256.
Mobile Number: 92-300-5202716.
Physicians: Dr. Nasim Ashraf.
Scientific Director: Dr. Anjum Siddiq.
Address: First Floor, Low rise, Saudi Pak Towers, Blue Area.
i want to knw name of injection which are use in IVF proces.
i have lot of information about IVF/ICSI treatment mansoor dot ahmad 88 at rat yahoo dot com contact me.
i want to know name of injection which are use for IVF and duration of this treatment.
asalam sir meri shadi ko 5year ho chukay hen laken koi baby nahin multi test lab multan say test karwaya tha laken us nain kaha kay meray sperm kam hen to sir please mujhay.
koi achi medicin bta den.
Aoa. Mairi shadi ko 9 saal ho gaye hain. My age is 29 n my husband is 39. I hv gone through 5 miscarriages . Bohat doc k dikha chuki hun. now I want to know should I hv to go for ivf ?
shadi ko 8 sal ho chuke, ham dono ki age 45 hai, koi elaj bataen, kafi doctors ko check kar waya hai.
Please share your reports.
سر میری شادی کو11 سال هو گے پر کوی ا ولاد نهی میرے لیے یہ طریقہ علاج صیح هے کیا علاج کتنا مہنگا هو گا رهنمائ کریں شکریہ.
Minimum 2-3 Lakh. Depends on doctors/hospital/facilities.
aoa sir meri shadi ko 5 saal ho gaye hain wife aik bar b conceive nhi ker saki ab hum ny ivf treatment decide kiya hai tell me kaya ye kerwana sahi hai or kaya charges hon gay or kitna time lagy ga is sary process main. mery seperms count b kam hain or germs b weak hain or meri wife k eggs b properly develop nhi hoty dr. ko chck kerwaya hai mostly nay kaha hai wife somehow ok hao zayda prob nhi main prob muj main hai. so plz help me .
m 30 year . i got marriage 10 year ago n now i hav 9 year baby boy. he from my first husband after 2nd marriage i got pregnant but due to some northern arias tour i miscarried that after 2 year i again pregnant . pregnancy confirmation date 5 dec 2015 but after two months there was a just sac i had tvs ultrasound from hameed Latif Hospital in sac just 2.5 mm embryo we consulted gynecologist Dr. neelofer laghari she said i should abortion (D&c) so i done that now m much worried i need baby but m scared for again that process plz tell it was just my bad luck or disease if disease then plz tell me about treatment.
Hi Meri shadi ko 6 yrs ho gai hain aik dafa b conceive nai kiya shadi say phelay period theek tha but after one ur of marriage periods irregular ho gai + weight gain b hona shuru ho gaiya.
I went to a lot of doctors but koi faida nai howa she put me on 6 month course Jis mein first 5 days duphaston thn 12 day ultrasound thn hmg Massone 10000 iu ka injection after seeing my ultrasound karaya.
But Mughy cyst ban gai.
Thn I done tube test which was ok but.
Still no success.
Thn I went to hameed Latin for iui still no success.
Now I changed the doc she puts me again on duphaston for 7 days than prolifen frm period 3rd day thn 11 th day ultrasound in which I have a 2.3 mm follicle she prescribed 5000ivfc injection abd 10 days of duphaston after tht what should I expect now and wht should I do please help me.
I got pcos I had 2 miscarriages few years ago gained weight now type (II) diabetic not conceiving since 2005 please suggest me the appropriate cure em 33 nd my hubby 51:)
i am aoun from lahore i used your medicne for my husband. he has now good power and we are planning to have a baby soon.
sir meri shadi ko 5years ho gay hain mainy last year concieve kiya baby ki growth waghaira mein koi problem nhi thi but 6th month mein high blood preasure ki wjah se pait mein baby ki death ho gai sesyrian k through usay nikala geya mere husband k out of country honay ki wjah se 6 months a gape aa geya ab unhain aaye huwe 3 months ho chuke hain but i didnt concieve yet boht medicines b li but koi faida nhi huwa now i want to do ivf treatment kia iski success k chances hain or mere liyay kitne percent plz inform me ASAP mere husband one and half month k liye mazeed yahan hain.
Trust In Allah. 3 Months ka course apko bta dia jaye ga. Just Ap husband ka seman analysis karwa lain. Aur report hamain bta dain.
keya IVF Shareyat me zaiz ha keya.
Low sperm count what can i do.
Any can anybody till me ivf center in peshawar.
Dear Kamran Here you go:
Imranz Clinic – Peshawar.
Address: Hotel One, Hayatabad, Peshawar.
Services: Fertility Hospital , Fertility Clinic, Sexologist, Fertility Treatment Centre, Infertility Treatment Centre, Fertility Doctor, IVF Clinic.
Aga Khan University Hospital – Peshawar.
Address: Khattack Medical Centre, Dabgari Garden, Peshawar.
Services: Test Tube Baby, Infertile Couples, Sexual Diseases, Fertility Counseling, Artificial Inseminations, Male Infertility Management, Sperm Injection.
A. oA sir g mera ek friend hai jo k is qabil ni k wo sex kar saky lakin bachy k khwaish mand hai 4 saal ho gaye shadi ko jo ap ne uper injction ka btya hai wo chaty hain k masnui treqa say bacha peda kr saky tu ye bta day k illaj kha say ho ga thanks larky ki age 28 or larki ki 32 age hai plz reply me fast.
i am from abbottabad i have following sperm analysts Report , sperm counting 82 million, active 50% damage 10% non active 40% i want ivf or icsi would u like to tell me how much it as cost . and what would be procedures.
Your Report is Fit, Don’t worry you don’t need IVF.
Sir I need yr help, my Sperm Counts 9 million my wife didn’t conceive yet , my marriage time 18 months. So what can I do now PLz Reply ASAP.
I’m 31 years old and my wife is 34 years old. We are first cousins and have been married for more than 5 years now but haven’t been successful in producing an offspring yet. The initial 2 yo 3 years of our married life were quite stressed and we rarely had any sexual contact. That contributed towards added stress in our life and my career. But for the last 2 years, we’ve been regularly trying (rather over-trying sometimes) but to no avail. We’ve been consulting popular gynaecologists of Rawalpindi too and all they say after multiple laboratory investigations is that we’re both normal and we should just keep trying regularly and lower the tension in our family life. They just prescribe aphrodisiacs to me and ovulation induction courses to my wife. But so far, nothing has happened and now my wife has recently developed a regular headache and high blood pressure. This has been happening for the last about 4 months now. My only concern is that I’ve lost trust in the quality of the medical professionals of this country because of past few bad experiences.
when I called at your number, I got good reply and hope for baby. I am using your medicine now and I feel much better. We are expecting a baby soon.
Your medicine is perfect.
Well done, Mr. Shahzad, You are real Pakistani Hero who believe in quality. at least much better than amateurs doctors here.
Mana ivf last month hameed latif sa karwia tha par successful nahin hua 3 lack 25 pay ky thy now I am too much sad mere husband k saperm problem ha.
can anybody till me ivf center in quetta ?
What do u mean by not have good repute. We were planning to do ivf from hameed latif. So what r the other options for ivf in Lahore with good repute?
second option is.
14 Abu Bakr Block New garden town.
Mr. Umer thanks for your reply. I appreciate your thoughts. The main factor behind my success is “Khidmat”. This is success for me.
Mera ivf hua last month par successful nahin raha mana hameed latif sa karwia tha.
How much they charges for ivf?
aoa . plz tell me the best doc in karachi who is doing ivf and also tell me about govt institue hows doing ivf.
can anybody tell me ivf center in quetta?
Salam, Sir I want 2 send u my husband’s semen analysis report & ni right fallopian tube is blocked, where I discuss, u have any mail address r number which u reply also, Thanx.
There are a number of reasons that contribute to the fallopian tubes blockage such as:
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)
Family planning (remains of birth prevention drugs may block fallopian tubes)
Bacterial infections such as Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhea.
Continuous abortions may also damage fallopian tubes.
Past Surgery could cause Scarring, Adhesion, Scar tissues.
Reoccurrence Infection and Ectopic pregnancy tighten fallopian tubes.
Trauma leads towards blocked fallopian tubes.
Unhygienic delivery may also damage fallopian tubes.
Endometriosis and tightness of organs nearby fallopian tubes cause vaginal infection.
Ruptured appendix and abdominal surgery may also block fallopian tubes.
Dear Please tell us exactly tell us that which type of blockage you have on you diagnosis report then call us at +923313875050.
Mujhy ye janna hy k agr koi woman kch childs k bad operation krwa ly k usko or childs na hon to wo operation again open ho skta hy. Kya usko again Bachey ho sktey hyn?
I am sorry, It is not possible to have babies again via normal intercourse.
Bilkul be or bache ni ho sakthy ak baar opration ho jaye to.
Get with Scientific Director: Mr. Michal Terance Leonard from SALMA & KAFEEL MEDICAL CENTRE.
H. No. 11, St. 54 F-7/4, Islamabad, Pakistan.
Phone: +92-051-2655512 & 13
ICSI (PVT) Ltd has also good repute in IVF , Get with Physicians: Dr. Nasim Ashraf.
First Floor, Low rise, Saudi Pak Towers, Blue Area, Islamabad, Pakistan.
They have Good IVF treatment procedure facility.
For IVF In Lahore Pakistan.
Address: 14 Abu Bakr Block New garden town, LAHORE, Pakistan.
They Offer Guided process to patients and describe IVF treatment process in detail before proceeding to IVF Treatment.
how much ivf compleat cost and time plz.
Dear sir, I am 35 years old. According to.
My Semien Test Report I had 12 % sperm count. by using your medicines i have 33% sperm count. I am happy now.
I am sorry to say that you are suffering from the Azospermia, There is no such medical treatment (medicine) that can increase sperm count. Non-Obstructive Azoospermia has no treatment. Testicular Sperm Aspiration can also help. Get with specialist and try to know the causes that why sperm are not mixed with your semen (either sperms are not produced or there is some blockage that is preventing sperms from being mixed in semen while ejaculation).
sir mjy bachpan me harnia tha. jo ab bi mjy dard hota hy but meri shadi ko 2 years ho gae hain mery baby ni hua. meri reports me sperm count 00 show hota hy. kia ap k pass is ka hall hy koi agar hy to plz tell me?
Sorry dear, Hamari product 10% tak ki sperm count m bhi effect karti hain. You have Azospermia (Zero sperm count) yani sperm exist hi ni kartay. so we can’t do anything.
I have polycystic overy syndrom. Ma 32 years ke ho. mra husbnd ke reports clear ha. MRE shadi ko 6 sal ho gay ha shadi k phoran bad ma pregnant ho gas thee PR MNA apna husband sa poch k taets kha k DNC or wa le q k on dino ma final ma thee master degree k. ap mja PhD is k bad pregnancy nh hoe ma both parashan ho shayad an mre life khatam ho gas ha. no one can understand my greif.
mere husband ki rapid liner progression 10 thi or ab apki medicine say wo normal range 25% m hu gai hain. allah nay hamian 7 saal bad baby boy day dia. thank aur shukeria bohat chota lafz hai apki service k liye. allah apko hamesha khush abad rakhay.
Aoa married since 4yrs initially my hasbnd hb low sperm motality n then after completion of Your 3 months course he iz fine but aftr imidiatly i got infevtion due to which i can’t control my urine n whenevr i had relation with hubby itbgot wrost n then dr daiganose me with left tube blackage as dr said it could b spam but ther is no kid yet i feel burning sensation vry often on entrance of my vigina which effect my sexual life badly . Plz help me what should i do m much worried.
It is good to know that apko Hamarai medicine say baby concieve hu gaya. Actually, apko apni health kisi lady doctor say check karwain. Inshyallah ap dobara baby conceive kar lein gi.
Hi doc i have 2 baby girls via c section. doctor said just 2 chances r more. i want baby boy. can i do it via ivf.2ndly is thiervant centre in peshawar. is it unislamic?
meri shadi ko 7 year ho gaye aur ek bar bhi concive nhi kia due to high fsh 101 aur husband k sperm 9 % hain mujhe kia krna chahye.
How much cost of IVF process. plz info….
Can someone please tell me if there are any fully qualified women docters who carry out ivf?
Can someone please tel me if there are any fully qualified women docters in these clinics who carry out ivf?
Me Ms farhan. Allah k lie muje bstaen kme ab kia karon meri shadi ko 5 sal ho gaey mri age 45 or mery hasband ki 35 hy bohat ielaj karwaya sb bekar doctor kety hen mery egg mecheor nahi hoty or muje period b do ya teen mah k bad aaty hen doctors progloton 21 din khany k bd period aa jaty hen . Mery hasband k report theek hen. Or hm ivf afford nahi kr sakty muje bataen me kia karon.
Yes, you have eggs maturity problem. I think 45 is too late for conceiving baby.
asalam o alaekum…… hamari shadi ko 4 saal ho gay h lekin baby nhn hua bohat ilaj kerwaya hy husband ki test kerwai 56% hy….. meri har report notmal hy……. ivf ky bary m bohat sy logo ny kaha h kerwany ko….. meri age 26 h or mery husband ki 30.
My semen analiyas 10% and sperm court 30 ml and volume 1.75 meri and waife report alls ok plz tel me mai kya keroo shadi ko 3 year hu gy hai.
Read reviews of our readers for All Night Men. Use it once. Rest God’s Will.
Senhor. what minimum price of Ivf treatment. i will be wait ur ans. Obrigado.
Aoa. sir meri shadi ko 11 saal hogaye hein meri reports theek hein but husband ki rapid linear progression 0 hai. mein bht pareshan hoon. kafi treatment karwaye hein but koi faida nhi howa plz meri help karein. dr suggested me icsi lekin yeh bht costly hai meray pass paisay nhi. ager mein loan bhi loon tou icsi karwaon but meray in laws kahtay hein k is ka faida nhi hoga tum conceive nhi karo gi. plz aap koi advise karein mein bht pareshan hoon. plz help me. i live in karachi.
Aoa. sir plz mujhay batadein k mein karon meri shadi ko 11 saal ho chukkay hein but cant conceive meri reports theek hein but husband ki rapid linear progression 0 hai. dr suggest me icsi but i cant afford aap koi hal batadein. iam 33 yrs and my husband is 42.mein karachi mein rehti hoon. koi acha ivf center batadein khi mein jis ka success rate acha ho. plzzzzz help me mein bht pareshan hoon.
Ye ICSI kia hi miss zehra.
Me aur meri wife k sary test howay hai me Abu Dhabi me Ho mere testical problem thi wo resolve Ho gai jiski waja se ab Sb normal hai we want ivf can u just please let us know how much time it will require and how much full cost of ivf if we come only one month Pakistan for this can it be possible or we required more time please answer.
My name is M. M.MUSTAFA. meree shadee ko aek saal hogia hae merae bachae naheen hain hum dono kee umar 24 years hae. Due to testicul torsion, i have one testicul. mae nae urollogest se apnee tube bhee khulwai hae ur testicul biopsy bhee. biopsy mae maturing arrest hae simon test mae azoo spermia hae meree wife theek hae.
.can you help me?
By the way M. M.MUSTAFA, when you had once tesicul, why don’t you made your test first. Why make someone others life miserable due to your problem (your wife). She will suffer with you in old age. Just because of old age.
Aoa…my marriage duration is of 1 year….and I don’t have a baby…. Secondly…. Due to some sort of family background my husband is not willing of even any report or check…… And in their family from 5 couples only couple has 4 babies ….my all tests and reports are normal …..what should I do.
Yahi tu common problem hai mardu ga. Do you know in 80% cases male are faulty. Contact me at 0331-9703700.
i got marriage 11 years and there are four daughters i have. is there any treatment through which i would got son and how many expenses there will be for this treatment and process.
pls reply as early as possible.
Yes, You will get baby boy inshyAllah. Boost your sperm count and intercourse frequency.
Sir meri shading ko 5 saal ho gay hain meri wife 1st month pregnent hoi thee par baby ki grooth nahi hoi or wo khud hi khatam ho geya us k bad pregnancy hi nahi hoi aap humy btay k hum nai bohat ilaag bhi karwaya par kuch nahi howa aap hi humy kuch mashwraa dein k hum kia Kary. please jawab zaroor dena thanks.
o khud hi khatam ho geya means “Evaporated” Pani that kia Bukharat ban kar ur gaya. It was your baby man, use proper words. You don’t have love for your kids. Allah knows matter of hearts. Kids are blessing man, you should be aware of that. I can’t help you.
sir due to testicular torsion i have one testicular, after one year my marriage i have no child my repot of semen is azoospermia, i consult with urologist after surgery he opened my tube my biopsy report is maturing arrest but still azoospermia, what i can do? please help me.
I am sorry, Azoospermia has no cure in medical science. If you have 5% motility we can take it too 35% motility by using good medicines. But for azoospermia there is no cure.
sir meri superm count report main.. excellent motility 40% sluggish motility 10% or non motility 50 % volume 3.2 ha Main apni excellent motility 60% se zayada tak Kaisay increase Karoon please suggest me.
assalamoalokum sir, main bohat parshan hon meri shadi ko 8 month ho gay hain aur aulad nai hui main nay apni aur apni wife ki report krwai hai meri wife ki report thick mery sperm ka may masla hai pahli report krawi thi aus may semon 10% ay thy lakin jab dubara krwai to bilkul oo hai main kiya kr sakta hon please help me.
Dear Bohat Kuch Ho Sakta Hai. IVF hi sirf Hal Nahi, A little bit lifestyle changes, A little bit medicine and you are OK to conceive the baby.
any ivf centre in peshawar?
Merri shadi ko 7 years hogai hain. Abi tak kids nhy hain. Husband ki reports normal hy. I have low a. m.h anti molarain harmone nd high isuline resistance that’s y my eggs poor quality. So I m so depressed now what can I do. Any medication for me ? I m waiting for your reply. Kindly reply soon.
Dr. Sb here is maqbool from islamabad, i want to get your suggestion pleasse i have sperm problem , i did several simon test , it shows infection with qty 36%, i go through extensive treatment whenever i stop medicine or break few days it goes down , during medicine it goes 60,70,80 last 120, as soon i stop medicine i face problem of timing , plz help me what to do with it , i have 5 years of marriage life have no baby yet, my wife treatment also going on, her all test are fine.
i am 48 yrs old woman got remarried trying to conceive naturally about 4 months but failed. last month my fsh level on 3rd day of my cycle was 8.67 and mah level was low at 0.19 which took place a yr ago. my husband report is normal. but he diabatic and has erectile problem he is 46yrs old. plz advise me what I do should I try for ivf ?
Sir mara shadi k 5 sal hogai hai abi tak bachai nahe hai . Ivf pai kitnai din lagtai hai. Aur kitna kharcha aiga.
hi i m 36 years old my sperum count 6.4 saglish 20% active 0 dead 80% how to increase.
Meri shadi ko 11 saal ho gae hy or me do mrtba concive bhi kr cuki ho phli mrtba 4 month miscarrige hua and 2nd time actopic pregnecy or phir abhi tk concive nahi kia plz guide me.
Salam. Shahzad, I got married in last november five months has been passed but my wife is not yet pregnant. I checked her from gyni specialist and all seems fine. I also feel myself motivated with my wife, tacking care of my health and have no disease also. What would you recommend to me. I am looking for IUI. Tell me, should I wait for one year? I am not sure if I have low sperm problem. didnt test etc. Please tell me which test is necessary for me first so I can send you reports. Saudações.
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Lista de ações & amp; Trocas de Derivativos.
Se você tiver uma reclamação relacionada a um corretor que lhe forneça acesso a um produto negociado em bolsa, como Ações, ETFs, Fundos Mútuos, Futuros ou Opções, será necessário considerar se deve ou não envolver a troca a fim de resolver sua disputa.
As bolsas têm supervisão regulamentar sobre certos aspectos de como o seu corretor opera, como a definição de requisitos de margem ou o cancelamento de negociações. Como a execução comercial depende, em primeira instância, da plataforma de software fornecida pelo seu corretor e, na segunda instância, quando da correspondência de ordens roteadas nos sistemas da bolsa, a responsabilidade pode ser uma área cinzenta. No entanto, contanto que você seja capaz de explicar claramente os fatos que cercam a sua reclamação, um representante da bolsa deve ser capaz de fornecer uma resposta relativamente rápida sobre se é ou não uma questão sobre a qual a bolsa tem supervisão regulamentar.
Por favor, note que Forex, CFDs, Opções Binárias e Financial Spread Betting são todos produtos de balcão e não são negociados em bolsa ou regulados por qualquer bolsa centralizada. No caso de reclamações contra corretores para esses instrumentos, você precisará entrar em contato com o órgão regulador financeiro relevante para o país do qual o corretor opera.
A lista abaixo abrange centenas de trocas de todos os tipos, por conveniência, basta clicar no tipo de troca em que você está interessado em pular para essa parte da página:
Ir para as Bolsas de Valores.
Ir para futuros & amp; Trocas de Opções.
Todas as listas são agrupadas por continente e organizadas alfabeticamente por país. Para cada troca, vinculamos a página apropriada da Wikipedia, onde você encontrará informações imparciais sobre o intercâmbio, bem como links para o site oficial.
Finalmente, você também deve estar ciente de que todas as trocas, como provedores de serviços financeiros, também estão sujeitas à regulamentação do regulador de serviços financeiros do país. Em alguns casos raros (onde um corretor está localizado em um país e facilitou a negociação através de uma bolsa localizada em outro país), isso pode significar que você exigirá o envolvimento de dois órgãos reguladores para resolver sua disputa de corretagem.
Lista de Bolsas de Valores por País.
Lista de Bolsas de Valores do Leste Asiático.
Lista de Bolsas de Valores na Ásia Ocidental.
Lista de Bolsas de Valores do Sul da Ásia.
Lista de opções e amp; Bolsas de Futuros por País.
África do Sul.
Troca de Futuros Financeiros da China (CFFEX) Dalian Commodity Exchange (DCE) Troca de Futuros de Xangai (SHFE) Troca de Mercadorias de Zhengzhou (ZCE)
Bolsa de Valores e Compensação de Hong Kong (HKEx) Bolsa de Valores de Hong Kong (HKFE) [incorporada] Bolsa de Valores de Hong Kong (HKSE) [incorporada] Bolsa Mercantil de Hong Kong (HKMEx, extinta)
Bolsa de Valores da Bharat Diamond Bolsa de Valores da Bombaim (BSE) Bolsa de Valores da Índia (IEX) Bolsa de Valores MCX (MCX-SX) Bolsa de Mercadorias (MCX) Bolsa Nacional de Mercadoria e Derivativos (NCDEX) Bolsa Nacional de Valores da Índia (NSE)
Central Japan Commodity Exchange (C-COM, extinta) Kansai Commodities Exchange (KEX) Bolsa de Osaka (OSE) Bolsa de Tóquio (TOCOM) Bolsa de Tóquio (TFX) Bolsa de Tóquio (TSE) Bolsa de Mercadorias de Yokohama (Y-COM) ( fundido, 2006)
Korea Exchange (KRX), formado pela fusão da KOSDAQ.
Bolsa de Valores de Karachi (KSE) Bolsa Mercantil do Paquistão (PMEX), anteriormente National Commodity Exchange Limited (NCEL)
Troca Mercantil de Cingapura (SICOM) Troca Cingapura (SGX) Troca Mercantil de Cingapura (SMX)
Bolsa de Futuros de Taiwan (TAIFEX)
Bolsa de Futuros da Tailândia (TFEX) Bolsa de Câmbio Futuro da Tailândia (BEX) Bolsa de Futuros da Tailândia (AFET)
Bolsa de Derivados da Turquia (TURDEX, em turco: Vadeli İşlem ve Opsiyon Borsası ou VOB)
Emirados Árabes Unidos.
BELFOX (Bolsa de Futuros e Opções Belgas)
República Checa.
OTE, mercado de emissões de CO2, Praga.
Risk Management Exchange (RMX), anteriormente denominado Warenterminbörse Hannover (Commodity Exchange Hannover, WTB)
GPW (Bolsa de Varsóvia)
Bursa de Valori Bucureşti (BVB) (Bolsa de Valores de Bucareste)
Câmbio de Moscou Intercâmbio de Câmbio Interbancário (MICEX) (fundido, 2012) RTS Stock Exchange (RTS) (fundido, 2012)
Bolsa de Valores de Belgrado (BELEX)
Reino Unido.
Troca Báltica ICE Futures Europe, anteriormente London International Financial Futures and Exchange Options (LIFFE) London Metal Exchange (LME)
América do Norte.
Montreal Exchange (MX) (pertencente ao Grupo TMX)
Troca de Derivativos Mexicanos (MexDer)
Estados Unidos.
Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT) (Desde 2007 um Mercado de Contratos Designados pertencente ao CME Group) Chicago Climate Exchange (CCE) Bolsa Mercantil de Chicago (CME) (Desde 2007 um Mercado de Contratos Designados de propriedade do CME Group) Intercontinental Exchange do CME Group ICE) Mercado Monetário Internacional (IMM) - Kansas City Board of Trade (KCBT) (desde 2012, mercado contratado designado pelo CME Group). Troca de grãos de Minneapolis (MGEX) Nadex (ex-HedgeStreet) New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX) e ( COMEX) (Desde 2008 Mercados de Contrato Designados pertencentes ao CME Group) OneChicago (Futuros de Ações Únicas (SSF & # 8217; s) e Futuros em ETFs)
Nova Zelândia.
América do Sul.
Mercado aérmino de Buenos Aires Mercado Abierto Eletrônico ROFEX (Rosario Futures Exchange)
Lista de Agências Reguladoras de Corretagem.
Abaixo, você encontrará uma lista abrangente de agências regulatórias de corretagem por país. Em alguns países, como os EUA, existem vários órgãos, cada um responsável pelo comércio de diferentes instrumentos financeiros, portanto, visite o site e leia atentamente para garantir que você está se aproximando da organização correta com sua reclamação.
Antes de abordar qualquer agência reguladora, recomendamos que você leia estes dois artigos sobre “Como Reclamar Sobre um Corretor”. e & # 8216; Relatório de um corretor para o regulador & # 8216; a fim de garantir que você está corretamente preparado para lutar contra o seu caso.
Você também pode encontrar a página da Lista de Trocas útil, que fornecerá informações regulatórias adicionais se a sua reclamação estiver relacionada a uma corretora oferecendo um instrumento negociado em bolsa tais como ações, futuros ou opções.
Lista de agências reguladoras de corretoras por país.
Afeganistão & # 8211; Da Afghanistan Bank (DAB) [1] Albânia & # 8211; Autoridade de Supervisão Financeira da Albânia (FSA) [2] Argélia & # 8211; Comissão de Organização e de Vigilância das Bolsas de Valores (COSOB) [3] Andorra & # 8211; Institut Nacional Andorrà de Finanças (INAF) [4] Anguilla & # 8211; Comissão de Serviços Financeiros de Anguilla [5] Antigua & amp; Barbuda & # 8211; Comissão Reguladora de Serviços Financeiros [6] Argentina & # 8211; Comissão Nacional de Valores (CNV) [7] Arménia & # 8211; Banco Central da Arménia (CBA) [8] Austrália: Autoridade Australiana de Regulamentação Prudencial (APRA) [9] Comissão Australiana de Valores Mobiliários e Investimentos (ASIC) [10] Painel Australiano de Aquisições [11] Áustria: Autoridade do Mercado Financeiro (FMA, Finanzmarkbeufsichtsbehörde em alemão) ) [12] Banco Nacional da Áustria (Nationalbank em alemão) [13] Comissão Austríaca de Aquisição (Übernahmekommission em alemão) [14] Sector bancário do Azerbaijão & # 8211; Banco Central da República do Azerbaijão [15]; setor de seguros & # 8211; Ministério das Finanças da República do Azerbaijão [16]; setor de valores mobiliários & # 8211; Comissão Estatal de Valores Mobiliários da República do Azerbaijão [17] Bahamas: Banco Central das Bahamas [18] Comissão de Valores Mobiliários das Bahamas [19] Bahrain & # 8211; Banco Central do Bahrein [20] Bangladesh & # 8211; Comissão de Valores Mobiliários (Bangladesh) [21] Barbados: Comissão de Serviços Financeiros de Barbados [22] Central Bank of Barbados [23] Unidade de Informações Financeiras (Barbados) [24] Bélgica: Autoridade de Serviços Financeiros e Mercados (FSMA & # 8211; Autorité des services et marchés financiers / Autorité voor Financiële Diensten en Markten) [25] Banco Nacional da Bélgica (NBB & # 8211; Banco nacional da Bélgica / Nationale Bank van België) Belize & # 8211; Comissão Internacional de Serviços Financeiros [26] Bermuda & # 8211; Autoridade Monetária das Bermudas [27] Bolívia & # 8211; Autoridade de Supervisão do Sistema Financeiro (ASFI) [28] Bósnia e Herzegovina: Comissão de Valores Mobiliários Republika Srpska para a Republika Srpska Securities Commission da Federação da Bósnia e Herzegovina [29] Brasil Banco Central do Brasil (BCB) [30] Comissão de Valores Mobiliários (CVM) [31] Superintendência de Seguros Privados (SUSEP) [32] Ilhas Virgens Britânicas & # 8211; Comissão de Serviços Financeiros das Ilhas Virgens Britânicas [33] Brunei & # 8211; Brunei International Financial Centre do Ministério das Finanças [34] Bulgária & # 8211; Comissão de Supervisão Financeira (Bulgária) (FSC) [35]
Canadá: Canadá Gabinete de Seguro de Depósitos Escritório do Superintendente de Instituições Financeiras (OSFI) [36] Centro de Análise de Transações Financeiras e Relatórios do Canadá (FINTRAC) [37] Administradores de Valores Mobiliários Canadenses (CSA) [38] Organização Reguladora de Investimentos do Canadá (IIROC) [39] Comissão de Valores Mobiliários do Fundo Mútuo (MFDA) Comissão de Valores Mobiliários de Ontário (OSC) [40] Comissão de Serviços Financeiros do Ontário Autorité des marchés financiers (Québec) [41] Comissão de Valores Mobiliários da Colômbia Britânica (BCSC) [42] Ilhas Caimã ; Autoridade Monetária das Ilhas Cayman [43] Chile & # 8211; Superintendência de Valores e Seguros [44] China, República Popular da China; China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) [45] China Banking Regulatory Commission (CBRC) [46] China Insurance Regulatory Commission (CIRC) [47] China, República de (Taiwan) & # 8211; Comissão de Supervisão Financeira [48] Colômbia & # 8211; Superintendencia Financiera de Colombia [49] Costa Rica; Superintendencia Geral de Valores [50] Superintendencia Geral de Seguros (Costa Rica) [51] Costa do Marfim; Banque Centrale des Etats de l & # 8217; Afrique de l & # 8217; Ouest [52] Croatia & # 8211; Agência de Supervisão dos Serviços Financeiros da Croácia [53] Chipre; Banco Central de Chipre [54] Comissão de Valores Mobiliários do Chipre (CYSEC) [55] Serviço de Controlo das Empresas de Seguros de Chipre (ICCS) [56] República Checa & # 8211; Banco Nacional Tcheco [57] Dinamarca & # 8211; Autoridade de Supervisão Financeira (Dinamarca), (Finanstilsynet em Dinamarquês) [58] República Dominicana: Banco Central da República Dominicana [59] Superintendência de Bancos da República Dominicana [60] Unidade de Serviços Financeiros da Dominica da Comunidade da Dominica [61]
Equador & # 8211; Superintendencia de Compañías [62] Egito & # 8211; Autoridade Egípcia de Supervisão Financeira (EFSA) [63] El Salvador & # 8211; Superintendência do Sistema Financeiro [64] União Europeia: Autoridade Bancária Europeia do Banco Central Europeu (BCE) Autoridade Europeia dos Valores Mobiliários e dos Mercados (ESMA) Autoridade Europeia de Seguros e Pensões Complementares (EIOPA) European Systemic Risk Board (ESRB) Estónia: Supervisão Financeira Autoridade (Finantsinspektsioon em estónio) [65] Banco da Estónia (Eesti Pank em estónio) [66] Faroe Islands & # 8211; Autoridade de Seguros das Ilhas Faroé (Tryggingareftirlitið em Faroese) [67] (Para Seguros, Pensões e hipotecas todos os outros financiamentos são regulados pela Autoridade de Supervisão Financeira (Dinamarca)) Finlândia & # 8211; Autoridade de Supervisão Financeira, (FIN-FSA Finanssivalvonta em finlandês) [68] França: Autorité des marchés financiers (França) (AMF) [69] Registre exclusivo de Intermediaires en Assurance, Banque e Finanças (França) (ORIAS) [70] Autorité de Controle Prudentiel (França) (ACPR) [71] Painel de aquisição francês [72] Geórgia & # 8211; Banco Nacional da Geórgia [73] Alemanha & # 8211; Autoridade Federal de Supervisão Financeira (BaFin & Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht) [74] Gana; Comissão dos Valores Mobiliários dos EUA (Gana) (SEC) [75] Banco do Gana (BOG) [76] Grécia & # 8211; Comissão do Mercado Helénico do Capital [77] Grenada & # 8211; Autoridade dos Serviços Financeiros Internacionais de Granada (GIFSA) Guatemala & # 8211; Superintendência de Bancos (SB) Guernsey & # 8211; Comissão de Serviços Financeiros de Guernsey [78] Honduras & # 8211; Comissão Nacional de Bancos e Valores Mobiliários (Comissão Nacional de Bancos e Seguros em espanhol) [79] Hong Kong: Autoridade Monetária de Hong Kong (HKMA) [80] Comissão de Valores Mobiliários e Futuros de Hong Kong (SFC) [81] Hungria & # 8211; O Banco Central da Hungria [82] Islândia & # 8211; Autoridade de Supervisão Financeira [83] Índia: Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) Banco Central da Índia (SEBI) Forward Markets Commission (Índia) (FMC) Autoridade de Regulamentação e Desenvolvimento de Seguros (IRDA) [84] Autoridade de Regulamentação e Desenvolvimento de Fundos de Pensão (PFRDA) [85] Ministério de Assuntos Corporativos (MCA) [86] Indonésia: Autoridade de Serviços Financeiros (Indonésia) (Indonésia: Otoritas Jasa Keuangan) (OJK) [87] Banco Indonésia [88] Irlanda: Banco Central da Irlanda [89] ] Painel de aquisição irlandês [90] Iraque & # 8211; Comissão de Valores Mobiliários do Iraque (ISC) Ilha de Man: Comissão de Supervisão Financeira (FSC, para empresas bancárias, de investimento e fiduciárias) Autoridade de Seguros e Pensões (IPA, para empresas de seguros e pensões) Israel & # 8211; Autoridade de Valores Mobiliários de Israel (ISA) [91] Itália: Comissão Nacional para a Sociedade e a Borsa (CONSOB) [92] Instituto de Supervisão dos Seguros (ISVAP) [93]
Jamaica & # 8211; Comissão de Serviços Financeiros (Jamaica) [94] Japão: Comissão de Vigilância de Valores Mobiliários e Câmbio da Agência de Serviços Financeiros (SESC) Jersey & # 8211; Comissão de Serviços Financeiros de Jersey [95] Jordan & # 8211; Comissão de Valores Mobiliários da Jordânia [96] Cazaquistão: Agência da República do Cazaquistão sobre a Regulamentação e Supervisão das Organizações Financeiras e do Mercado Financeiro (Агентство Республики Казахстан по регулированию и надзору финансового рынка и финансовых организаций no Cazaquistão) Comitê para o Controle e Supervisão do Mercado Financeiro e organizações financeiras do Banco Nacional da República do Cazaquistão [97] Kenya & # 8211; Autoridade dos Mercados de Capitais (Quénia) [98] Coreia do Sul: Financial Supervisory Service (FSS) da Comissão de Serviços Financeiros (FSC) Letónia & # 8211; Comissão Financeira e Mercado de Capitais [99] Líbano & # 8211; Comissão de Controle Bancário do Líbano (BCCL) [100] Liechtenstein & # 8211; Autoridade do Mercado Financeiro (Liechtenstein) (FMA) [101] Lituânia & # 8211; Banco da Lituânia [102] Luxemburgo: Comissão de Fiscalização do Sector Financeiro (CSSF) [103] Commissariat aux Assurances (CAA) [104]
Malásia Banco Negara Malásia (BNM) [105] Comissão de Valores Mobiliários Malásia (SC) [106] Autoridade de Serviços Financeiros de Labuan (Labuan FSA) [107] Banco de Reserva do Malawi do Malawi (RBM) [108] Malta & # 8211; Autoridade de Serviços Financeiros de Malta (MFSA) [109] Mauritânia & # 8211; Banco Central da Mauritânia (BCM) [110] Banco Maurícia das Maurícias (BOM) [111] Comissão de Serviços Financeiros (FSC) [112] México & # 8211; Comissão Nacional do Bancário e Valores [113] Moldávia & # 8211; Comissão Nacional de Mercados Financeiros [114] Montenegro & # 8211; Agência de Supervisão de Seguros [115] Montserrat & # 8211; Comissão de Serviços Financeiros de Montserrat [116] Mongólia & # 8211; [117] Marrocos e # 8211; Conseil déontologique des valeurs mobilières [118] Holanda & # 8211; Autoridade dos Países Baixos para os Mercados Financeiros (AFM & # 8211; Autoriteit Financiële Markten em holandês) [119] Nova Zelândia & # 8211; Autoridade dos Mercados Financeiros (Nova Zelândia) [120] Nigéria & # 8211; Comissão de Valores Mobiliários e Câmbio (Nigéria) [121] Noruega & # 8211; Autoridade de Supervisão Financeira da Noruega [122] (Finanstilsynet em norueguês) Omã & # 8211; Autoridade do Mercado de Capitais (Omã) [123] Paquistão & # 8211; Comissão de Valores Mobiliários e Câmbio do Paquistão [124] Panamá & # 8211; Superintendência do Mercado de Valores [125] Peru & # 8211; Superintendência do Mercado de Valores [126] Filipinas & # 8211; Site da Comissão de Valores Mobiliários das Filipinas (SEC), Polônia & # 8211; Autoridade de Supervisão Financeira Polaca (KNF) [127] Portugal: Comissão do Mercado de Valores Mobiliários (CMVM) [128] Regulador de Seguros de Portugal (ASF) [129] Qatar & # 8211; Autoridade dos Mercados Financeiros do Qatar (QFMA) [130] República da Macedónia: Comissão de Valores Mobiliários da República da Macedónia (MSEC) [131] Banco Nacional da República da Macedónia [132] Roménia & # 8211; Autoridade de Supervisão Financeira da Roménia [133] Russia & # 8211; Banco Central da Rússia (CBR) [134]
Santa Lúcia & # 8211; Unidade de Supervisão do Setor Financeiro [135] São Cristóvão e Névis: Comissão Reguladora de Serviços Financeiros [136] Comissão de Regulamentação Financeira de Nevis [137] São Vicente e Granadinas & # 8211; Autoridade de Serviços Financeiros [138] San Marino & # 8211; Banco Central de San Marino (BCSM) [139] Arábia Saudita & # 8211; Autoridade do Mercado de Capitais (Arábia Saudita) (CMA) (هيئة السوق المالية em árabe) Serbia & # 8211; Comissão de Valores Mobiliários (Sérvia) [140] Seicheles; Banco Central das Seychelles [141] Cingapura & # 8211; Autoridade Monetária de Singapura (MAS) Eslovénia & # 8211; Agência do Mercado de Valores Mobiliários (ATVP Agencija za Trg Vrednostnih Papirjev) África do Sul; Banco de Reserva da África do Sul [142] Regulador Nacional de Crédito [143] Conselho de Serviços Financeiros (África do Sul) [144] Espanha: Regulador do setor de investimento & # 8211; Comissão do Mercado de Valores Mobiliários (Comissão Nacional do Mercado de Valores, CNMV) [MiFID] [145] Regulador do setor segurador (vida e geral) & # 8211; Direção Geral de Seguros (DGS) [IMD] [146] Regulador do setor bancário & # 8211; Banco de España (BdE) [147] Banco Central do Sri Lanka no Sri Lanka [148] Securities and Exchange Commission do Sri Lanka [149] Suazilândia & # 8211; Unidade de Desenvolvimento de Mercados de Capitais (Banco Central da Suazilândia) [150] Suécia & # 8211; Autoridade de Supervisão Financeira (Suécia) (Finansinspektionen, FI) [151] Suíça & # 8211; Autoridade de Supervisão do Mercado Financeiro Suíço [152] Tanzânia & # 8211; Autoridade de Mercado de Capitais e Valores Mobiliários [153] Taiwan & # 8211; Gabinete de Valores Mobiliários e Futuros [154] Tailândia: Banco da Tailândia (BOT) [155] Gabinete da Comissão de Valores Mobiliários, Tailândia (Tailândia SEC) [156] Tunísia & # 8211; Conseil du marché financier [157] Turquia: Agência de Regulação e Supervisão Bancária da Turquia (BRSA & # 8211; [158]) Conselho de Mercado de Capitais da Turquia (CMB)
Autoridade dos Mercados de Capitais do Uganda (Uganda) (CMA) [159] Autoridade Reguladora de Seguros do Uganda [160] Ucrânia & # 8211; National Securities and Stock Market Commission (NSSMC) [161] Emirados Árabes Unidos: Autoridade de Seguros & # 8211; (IA) [162] Autoridade de Valores Mobiliários e Mercadorias # 8211; (SCA) [163] Emirados Árabes Unidos (Dubai) & # 8211; Autoridade de Serviços Financeiros do Dubai & # 8211; (DFSA) [164] Reino Unido: Bank of England (BoE) [165] Autoridade de Regulamentação Prudencial (PRA) [166] Autoridade de Conduta Financeira (FCA) [167] Painel de Aquisições e Fusões (PANEL) [168] Comitê de Política Financeira (FPC) [169] Estados Unidos: Valores Mobiliários & amp; Comissão de Câmbio (SEC) Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) [170] Sistema de Reserva Federal (FED) Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) 171] Gabinete do Controlador da Moeda (OCC) Administração Nacional da União de Crédito (NCUA) Departamento de Proteção Financeira ao Consumidor (CFPB) Associação Nacional dos Comissários de Seguros (NAIC) Além disso, cada estado tem sua própria autoridade bancária [3] 8211; Banco Central del Uruguay [172] Uzbequistão & # 8211; Centro de Coordenação e Controle sobre o Funcionamento do Mercado de Valores Mobiliários [173] Cidade do Vaticano & # 8211; Autoridade de Informação Financeira Venezuela & # 8211; Superintendência Nacional de Valores (SNV) [174] Vietnã & # 8211; Comissão Estatal de Valores Mobiliários (SSC) [175] Zâmbia & # 8211; Comissão de Valores Mobiliários e Câmbio (Zâmbia) [176] Zimbábue & # 8211; Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ) [177]
Relato de um corretor para o regulador.
A agência reguladora que você deve usar para relatar uma reclamação sobre seu corretor irá variar dependendo de qual país ou jurisdição o corretor está registrado. O país em que você mora é bastante irrelevante, embora os reguladores tenham provado estar mais dispostos a ajudar os corretores. vivendo no país que é especificamente sua responsabilidade supervisionar.
Você está pronto para se aproximar de um regulador?
Antes de entrar em contato com um regulador, certifique-se de ter seguido as etapas listadas no artigo "Como reclamar sobre a conduta do seu corretor", já que muitas reclamações podem ser resolvidas sem a necessidade de envolver um órgão regulador. Se você já explorou todos os caminhos possíveis para resolver sua reclamação diretamente com o corretor, e você tem uma trilha de auditoria por escrito para provar isso, então é mais provável que o regulador esteja disposto a ajudá-lo.
Qual é o órgão regulador correto?
Na maioria dos países, um órgão, como um regulador de serviços financeiros, é responsável por supervisionar as operações de corretagem, mas em algumas jurisdições, como os EUA, a agência relevante pode depender do tipo de instrumento que você está negociando; A Autoridade Reguladora da Indústria Financeira (FINRA) é responsável pelos corretores que oferecem títulos, como ações negociadas na Bolsa de Valores de Nova York, enquanto a National Futures Association (NFA) é responsável por corretores de futuros de commodities, por exemplo.
Há também níveis para o controle regulatório, muitas vezes com órgãos da indústria autônomos supervisionados por uma agência governamental. Por exemplo, a Autoridade Reguladora da Indústria Financeira (FINRA) é, em última instância, responsável perante a Securities Exchange Commission (SEC), e a National Futures Association (NFA) atua sob a autoridade da Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC).
Troca Negociada ou Over-the-Counter?
Se suas transações foram realizadas por meio de uma bolsa organizada, como a Bolsa de Valores de Nova York ou a bolsa Chicago Mercantile, você se beneficiará de um nível adicional de regulamentação. Se o seu corretor lhe disser que o seu negócio foi cancelado ou "apanhado", por exemplo, então você gostaria de perguntar se esta ação foi tomada pelo corretor ou pela bolsa, cada um dos quais precisaria fornecer uma resposta satisfatória. explicação. Como os feeds de dados de preços são fornecidos pelas trocas, há menos potencial para os tipos de discrepâncias de preços que podem ocorrer em instrumentos não negociados em bolsa.
Visite nossa lista abrangente por país de todas as bolsas de ações e derivativos para mais informações.
Se você está negociando em mercados de forex, contratos por diferença ou apostas de spread financeiro, então esses produtos negociam com os preços oferecidos pela mesa de operações da corretora, e não há fonte centralizada ou definitiva para informações de preços. Isso não significa, naturalmente, que seu corretor deve ser capaz de enganá-lo, mas que a objetividade de terceiros que vem da supervisão regulamentar do Exchange não estará lá para apoiá-lo. Instrumentos que negociam desta forma são referidos como "OTC & # 8216; OTC & # 8217; ou over-the-counter.
Aproximando-se de um regulador.
Tendo estabelecido os pontos acima, você deve agora estar em posição de se aproximar de um órgão regulador. Você deve encontrar em nossa lista completa de agências reguladoras de corretagem um recurso útil para isso. Coloque sua reivindicação por escrito. Tente permanecer desapegado e se ater aos fatos. Não confunda o assunto com informações irrelevantes ou irrelevantes, mas certifique-se de que você se depara com os principais aspectos de sua reivindicação. O envio de evidências de apoio relevantes (como transcrições de chats ao vivo com representantes do corretor, correspondência por e-mail ou tabelas de preços) é uma boa ideia, mas anexe-as separadamente, em vez de incluí-las no corpo de sua solicitação.
Lembre-se: você quer que a agência reguladora o ajude, para que você não pareça muito emocional ou difícil de lidar e nunca faça ameaças de qualquer tipo.
Reclamações da PaxForex.
Se você tiver uma reclamação sobre a PaxForex, informe-a usando o formulário de comentários abaixo. Todas as reclamações do corretor são completamente anônimas.
Reclamações da BelforFX.
Se você tiver uma reclamação sobre a BelforFX, informe-a usando o formulário de comentários abaixo. Todas as reclamações do corretor são completamente anônimas.
Reclamações de Pepperstone.
Se você tiver uma reclamação sobre a Pepperstone, informe-a usando o formulário de comentários abaixo. Todas as reclamações do corretor são completamente anônimas.
Reclamações do Everest Markets.
Se você tiver uma reclamação sobre o Everest Markets, informe-o usando o formulário de comentários abaixo. Todas as reclamações do corretor são completamente anônimas.

Logging with Spring AOP.
Spring AOP is one of the key components of Spring Framework. It is very easy to start with, and can be used for getting complicated things done very easy. For example, Spring Transactional Management is made possible using Spring AOP.
Here you will see how to add logging of method calls with Spring. On every call you can log method name, method arguments, returned object, as well as method execution time. So you can use AOP as a profiler, where you can check where are the bottlenecks of your application.
Here are steps for easy starting with Spring AOP (if you are already using spring framework):
1. Add support for spring-aop and aspectj.
If you are using maven, and not using spring-aop already, just add this two new dependencies.
2. Define your aspect and pointcuts.
There are two ways two define aspects : With @Aspect annotation, or in Spring`s application. xml file. Here we`ll be using Spring annotation.
Just Create aspect class file as below. Also, to enable automatic generation of proxies, tag “<aop:aspectj-autoproxy/>” needs to be added in applicationContext. xml file.
In this example, method calls are logged with execution time. You can check Spring’s AOP documentation which Joint Point, Advice, Pointcuts, etc. you can define for your application. For example if you want to log what method is returning, use @AfterReturnung Advice:
If you want to dynamically enable/disable logging, one way this can be done is introducing new flag in Logging Aspect. Than just add new Join point that will intercept your’s specific calls of changing this flag.
You can also completely disable aspects with just commenting Pointcut definition, or you can externalize this configuration using Spring.
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Song of Myself.
By Walt Whitman.
And what I assume you shall assume,
For every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you.
I lean and loafe at my ease observing a spear of summer grass.
Born here of parents born here from parents the same, and their.
parents the same,
I, now thirty-seven years old in perfect health begin,
Hoping to cease not till death.
Retiring back a while sufficed at what they are, but never forgotten,
I harbor for good or bad, I permit to speak at every hazard,
Nature without check with original energy.
I breathe the fragrance myself and know it and like it,
The distillation would intoxicate me also, but I shall not let it.
distillation, it is odorless,
It is for my mouth forever, I am in love with it,
I will go to the bank by the wood and become undisguised and naked,
I am mad for it to be in contact with me.
Echoes, ripples, buzz'd whispers, love-root, silk-thread, crotch and vine,
My respiration and inspiration, the beating of my heart, the passing.
of blood and air through my lungs,
The sniff of green leaves and dry leaves, and of the shore and.
dark-color'd sea-rocks, and of hay in the barn,
A few light kisses, a few embraces, a reaching around of arms,
The play of shine and shade on the trees as the supple boughs wag,
The delight alone or in the rush of the streets, or along the fields.
The feeling of health, the full-noon trill, the song of me rising.
from bed and meeting the sun.
Have you practis'd so long to learn to read?
Have you felt so proud to get at the meaning of poems?
You shall possess the good of the earth and sun, (there are millions.
You shall no longer take things at second or third hand, nor look through.
the eyes of the dead, nor feed on the spectres in books,
You shall not look through my eyes either, nor take things from me,
You shall listen to all sides and filter them from your self.
beginning and the end,
But I do not talk of the beginning or the end.
Nor any more youth or age than there is now,
And will never be any more perfection than there is now,
Nor any more heaven or hell than there is now.
Always the procreant urge of the world.
increase, always sex,
Always a knit of identity, always distinction, always a breed of life.
To elaborate is no avail, learn'd and unlearn'd feel that it is so.
entretied, braced in the beams,
Stout as a horse, affectionate, haughty, electrical,
I and this mystery here we stand.
Till that becomes unseen and receives proof in its turn.
Knowing the perfect fitness and equanimity of things, while they.
discuss I am silent, and go bathe and admire myself.
Not an inch nor a particle of an inch is vile, and none shall be.
less familiar than the rest.
As the hugging and loving bed-fellow sleeps at my side through the night,
and withdraws at the peep of the day with stealthy tread,
Leaving me baskets cover'd with white towels swelling the house with.
Shall I postpone my acceptation and realization and scream at my eyes,
That they turn from gazing after and down the road,
And forthwith cipher and show me to a cent,
Exactly the value of one and exactly the value of two, and which is ahead?
People I meet, the effect upon me of my early life or the ward and.
city I live in, or the nation,
The latest dates, discoveries, inventions, societies, authors old and new,
My dinner, dress, associates, looks, compliments, dues,
The real or fancied indifference of some man or woman I love,
The sickness of one of my folks or of myself, or ill-doing or loss.
or lack of money, or depressions or exaltations,
Battles, the horrors of fratricidal war, the fever of doubtful news,
the fitful events;
These come to me days and nights and go from me again,
But they are not the Me myself.
Stands amused, complacent, compassionating, idle, unitary,
Looks down, is erect, or bends an arm on an impalpable certain rest,
Looking with side-curved head curious what will come next,
Both in and out of the game and watching and wondering at it.
linguists and contenders,
I have no mockings or arguments, I witness and wait.
And you must not be abased to the other.
Not words, not music or rhyme I want, not custom or lecture, not.
Only the lull I like, the hum of your valved voice.
How you settled your head athwart my hips and gently turn'd over upon me,
And parted the shirt from my bosom-bone, and plunged your tongue.
to my bare-stript heart,
And reach'd till you felt my beard, and reach'd till you held my feet.
all the argument of the earth,
And I know that the hand of God is the promise of my own,
And I know that the spirit of God is the brother of my own,
And that all the men ever born are also my brothers, and the women.
my sisters and lovers,
And that a kelson of the creation is love,
And limitless are leaves stiff or drooping in the fields,
And brown ants in the little wells beneath them,
And mossy scabs of the worm fence, heap'd stones, elder, mullein and.
How could I answer the child? I do not know what it is any more than he.
A scented gift and remembrancer designedly dropt,
Bearing the owner's name someway in the corners, that we may see.
and remark, and say Whose?
And it means, Sprouting alike in broad zones and narrow zones,
Growing among black folks as among white,
Kanuck, Tuckahoe, Congressman, Cuff, I give them the same, I.
receive them the same.
It may be you transpire from the breasts of young men,
It may be if I had known them I would have loved them,
It may be you are from old people, or from offspring taken soon out.
of their mothers' laps,
And here you are the mothers' laps.
Darker than the colorless beards of old men,
Dark to come from under the faint red roofs of mouths.
And I perceive they do not come from the roofs of mouths for nothing.
And the hints about old men and mothers, and the offspring taken.
soon out of their laps.
And what do you think has become of the women and children?
The smallest sprout shows there is really no death,
And if ever there was it led forward life, and does not wait at the.
end to arrest it,
And ceas'd the moment life appear'd.
And to die is different from what any one supposed, and luckier.
I hasten to inform him or her it is just as lucky to die, and I know it.
am not contain'd between my hat and boots,
And peruse manifold objects, no two alike and every one good,
The earth good and the stars good, and their adjuncts all good.
I am the mate and companion of people, all just as immortal and.
fathomless as myself,
(They do not know how immortal, but I know.)
For me those that have been boys and that love women,
For me the man that is proud and feels how it stings to be slighted,
For me the sweet-heart and the old maid, for me mothers and the.
mothers of mothers,
For me lips that have smiled, eyes that have shed tears,
For me children and the begetters of children.
I see through the broadcloth and gingham whether or no,
And am around, tenacious, acquisitive, tireless, and cannot be shaken away.
I lift the gauze and look a long time, and silently brush away flies.
I peeringly view them from the top.
I witness the corpse with its dabbled hair, I note where the pistol.
The heavy omnibus, the driver with his interrogating thumb, the.
clank of the shod horses on the granite floor,
The snow-sleighs, clinking, shouted jokes, pelts of snow-balls,
The hurrahs for popular favorites, the fury of rous'd mobs,
The flap of the curtain'd litter, a sick man inside borne to the hospital,
The meeting of enemies, the sudden oath, the blows and fall,
The excited crowd, the policeman with his star quickly working his.
passage to the centre of the crowd,
The impassive stones that receive and return so many echoes,
What groans of over-fed or half-starv'd who fall sunstruck or in fits,
What exclamations of women taken suddenly who hurry home and.
give birth to babes,
What living and buried speech is always vibrating here, what howls.
restrain'd by decorum,
Arrests of criminals, slights, adulterous offers made, acceptances,
rejections with convex lips,
I mind them or the show or resonance of them--I come and I depart.
The dried grass of the harvest-time loads the slow-drawn wagon,
The clear light plays on the brown gray and green intertinged,
The armfuls are pack'd to the sagging mow.
I felt its soft jolts, one leg reclined on the other,
I jump from the cross-beams and seize the clover and timothy,
And roll head over heels and tangle my hair full of wisps.
Wandering amazed at my own lightness and glee,
In the late afternoon choosing a safe spot to pass the night,
Kindling a fire and broiling the fresh-kill'd game,
Falling asleep on the gather'd leaves with my dog and gun by my side.
My eyes settle the land, I bend at her prow or shout joyously from the deck.
I tuck'd my trowser-ends in my boots and went and had a good time;
You should have been with us that day round the chowder-kettle.
the bride was a red girl,
Her father and his friends sat near cross-legged and dumbly smoking,
they had moccasins to their feet and large thick blankets.
hanging from their shoulders,
On a bank lounged the trapper, he was drest mostly in skins, his luxuriant.
beard and curls protected his neck, he held his bride by the hand,
She had long eyelashes, her head was bare, her coarse straight locks.
descended upon her voluptuous limbs and reach'd to her feet.
I heard his motions crackling the twigs of the woodpile,
Through the swung half-door of the kitchen I saw him limpsy and weak,
And went where he sat on a log and led him in and assured him,
And brought water and fill'd a tub for his sweated body and bruis'd feet,
And gave him a room that enter'd from my own, and gave him some.
coarse clean clothes,
And remember perfectly well his revolving eyes and his awkwardness,
And remember putting piasters on the galls of his neck and ankles;
He staid with me a week before he was recuperated and pass'd north,
I had him sit next me at table, my fire-lock lean'd in the corner.
Twenty-eight young men and all so friendly;
Twenty-eight years of womanly life and all so lonesome.
She hides handsome and richly drest aft the blinds of the window.
Ah the homeliest of them is beautiful to her.
You splash in the water there, yet stay stock still in your room.
The rest did not see her, but she saw them and loved them.
Little streams pass'd all over their bodies.
It descended tremblingly from their temples and ribs.
sun, they do not ask who seizes fast to them,
They do not know who puffs and declines with pendant and bending arch,
They do not think whom they souse with spray.
at the stall in the market,
I loiter enjoying his repartee and his shuffle and break-down.
Each has his main-sledge, they are all out, there is a great heat in.
The lithe sheer of their waists plays even with their massive arms,
Overhand the hammers swing, overhand so slow, overhand so sure,
They do not hasten, each man hits in his place.
underneath on its tied-over chain,
The negro that drives the long dray of the stone-yard, steady and.
tall he stands pois'd on one leg on the string-piece,
His blue shirt exposes his ample neck and breast and loosens over.
His glance is calm and commanding, he tosses the slouch of his hat.
away from his forehead,
The sun falls on his crispy hair and mustache, falls on the black of.
his polish'd and perfect limbs.
I go with the team also.
To niches aside and junior bending, not a person or object missing,
Absorbing all to myself and for this song.
is that you express in your eyes?
It seems to me more than all the print I have read in my life.
They rise together, they slowly circle around.
And acknowledge red, yellow, white, playing within me,
And consider green and violet and the tufted crown intentional,
And do not call the tortoise unworthy because she is not something else,
And the in the woods never studied the gamut, yet trills pretty well to me,
And the look of the bay mare shames silliness out of me.
Ya-honk he says, and sounds it down to me like an invitation,
The pert may suppose it meaningless, but I listening close,
Find its purpose and place up there toward the wintry sky.
chickadee, the prairie-dog,
The litter of the grunting sow as they tug at her teats,
The brood of the turkey-hen and she with her half-spread wings,
I see in them and myself the same old law.
They scorn the best I can do to relate them.
Of men that live among cattle or taste of the ocean or woods,
Of the builders and steerers of ships and the wielders of axes and.
mauls, and the drivers of horses,
I can eat and sleep with them week in and week out.
Me going in for my chances, spending for vast returns,
Adorning myself to bestow myself on the first that will take me,
Not asking the sky to come down to my good will,
Scattering it freely forever.
The carpenter dresses his plank, the tongue of his foreplane.
whistles its wild ascending lisp,
The married and unmarried children ride home to their Thanksgiving dinner,
The pilot seizes the king-pin, he heaves down with a strong arm,
The mate stands braced in the whale-boat, lance and harpoon are ready,
The duck-shooter walks by silent and cautious stretches,
The deacons are ordain'd with cross'd hands at the altar,
The spinning-girl retreats and advances to the hum of the big wheel,
The farmer stops by the bars as he walks on a First-day loafe and.
looks at the oats and rye,
The lunatic is carried at last to the asylum a confirm'd case,
(He will never sleep any more as he did in the cot in his mother's.
The jour printer with gray head and gaunt jaws works at his case,
He turns his quid of tobacco while his eyes blurr with the manuscript;
The malform'd limbs are tied to the surgeon's table,
What is removed drops horribly in a pail;
The quadroon girl is sold at the auction-stand, the drunkard nods by.
the bar-room stove,
The machinist rolls up his sleeves, the policeman travels his beat,
the gate-keeper marks who pass,
The young fellow drives the express-wagon, (I love him, though I do.
The half-breed straps on his light boots to compete in the race,
The western turkey-shooting draws old and young, some lean on their.
rifles, some sit on logs,
Out from the crowd steps the marksman, takes his position, levels his piece;
The groups of newly-come immigrants cover the wharf or levee,
As the woolly-pates hoe in the sugar-field, the overseer views them.
from his saddle,
The bugle calls in the ball-room, the gentlemen run for their.
partners, the dancers bow to each other,
The youth lies awake in the cedar-roof'd garret and harks to the.
The Wolverine sets traps on the creek that helps fill the Huron,
The squaw wrapt in her yellow-hemm'd cloth is offering moccasins and.
bead-bags for sale,
The connoisseur peers along the exhibition-gallery with half-shut.
eyes bent sideways,
As the deck-hands make fast the steamboat the plank is thrown for.
the shore-going passengers,
The young sister holds out the skein while the elder sister winds it.
off in a ball, and stops now and then for the knots,
The one-year wife is recovering and happy having a week ago borne.
her first child,
The clean-hair'd Yankee girl works with her sewing-machine or in the.
factory or mill,
The paving-man leans on his two-handed rammer, the reporter's lead.
flies swiftly over the note-book, the sign-painter is lettering.
with blue and gold,
The canal boy trots on the tow-path, the book-keeper counts at his.
desk, the shoemaker waxes his thread,
The conductor beats time for the band and all the performers follow him,
The child is baptized, the convert is making his first professions,
The regatta is spread on the bay, the race is begun, (how the white.
The drover watching his drove sings out to them that would stray,
The pedler sweats with his pack on his back, (the purchaser higgling.
about the odd cent;)
The bride unrumples her white dress, the minute-hand of the clock.
The opium-eater reclines with rigid head and just-open'd lips,
The prostitute draggles her shawl, her bonnet bobs on her tipsy and.
The crowd laugh at her blackguard oaths, the men jeer and wink to.
(Miserable! I do not laugh at your oaths nor jeer you;)
The President holding a cabinet council is surrounded by the great.
On the piazza walk three matrons stately and friendly with twined arms,
The crew of the fish-smack pack repeated layers of halibut in the hold,
The Missourian crosses the plains toting his wares and his cattle,
As the fare-collector goes through the train he gives notice by the.
jingling of loose change,
The floor-men are laying the floor, the tinners are tinning the.
roof, the masons are calling for mortar,
In single file each shouldering his hod pass onward the laborers;
Seasons pursuing each other the indescribable crowd is gather'd, it.
is the fourth of Seventh-month, (what salutes of cannon and small arms!)
Seasons pursuing each other the plougher ploughs, the mower mows,
and the winter-grain falls in the ground;
Off on the lakes the pike-fisher watches and waits by the hole in.
the frozen surface,
The stumps stand thick round the clearing, the squatter strikes deep.
Flatboatmen make fast towards dusk near the cotton-wood or pecan-trees,
Coon-seekers go through the regions of the Red river or through.
those drain'd by the Tennessee, or through those of the Arkansas,
Torches shine in the dark that hangs on the Chattahooche or Altamahaw,
Patriarchs sit at supper with sons and grandsons and great-grandsons.
In walls of adobie, in canvas tents, rest hunters and trappers after.
their day's sport,
The city sleeps and the country sleeps,
The living sleep for their time, the dead sleep for their time,
The old husband sleeps by his wife and the young husband sleeps by his wife;
And these tend inward to me, and I tend outward to them,
And such as it is to be of these more or less I am,
And of these one and all I weave the song of myself.
Regardless of others, ever regardful of others,
Maternal as well as paternal, a child as well as a man,
Stuff'd with the stuff that is coarse and stuff'd with the stuff.
One of the Nation of many nations, the smallest the same and the.
largest the same,
A Southerner soon as a Northerner, a planter nonchalant and.
hospitable down by the Oconee I live,
A Yankee bound my own way ready for trade, my joints the limberest.
joints on earth and the sternest joints on earth,
A Kentuckian walking the vale of the Elkhorn in my deer-skin.
leggings, a Louisianian or Georgian,
A boatman over lakes or bays or along coasts, a Hoosier, Badger, Buckeye;
At home on Kanadian snow-shoes or up in the bush, or with fishermen.
At home in the fleet of ice-boats, sailing with the rest and tacking,
At home on the hills of Vermont or in the woods of Maine, or the.
Comrade of Californians, comrade of free North-Westerners, (loving.
their big proportions,)
Comrade of raftsmen and coalmen, comrade of all who shake hands.
and welcome to drink and meat,
A learner with the simplest, a teacher of the thoughtfullest,
A novice beginning yet experient of myriads of seasons,
Of every hue and caste am I, of every rank and religion,
A farmer, mechanic, artist, gentleman, sailor, quaker,
Prisoner, fancy-man, rowdy, lawyer, physician, priest.
Breathe the air but leave plenty after me,
And am not stuck up, and am in my place.
The bright suns I see and the dark suns I cannot see are in their place,
The palpable is in its place and the impalpable is in its place.)
are not original with me,
If they are not yours as much as mine they are nothing, or next to nothing,
If they are not the riddle and the untying of the riddle they are nothing,
If they are not just as close as they are distant they are nothing.
This the common air that bathes the globe.
I play not marches for accepted victors only, I play marches for.
conquer'd and slain persons.
I also say it is good to fall, battles are lost in the same spirit.
in which they are won.
I blow through my embouchures my loudest and gayest for them.
And to those whose war-vessels sank in the sea!
And to those themselves who sank in the sea!
And to all generals that lost engagements, and all overcome heroes!
And the numberless unknown heroes equal to the greatest heroes known!
It is for the wicked just same as the righteous, I make appointments.
I will not have a single person slighted or left away,
The kept-woman, sponger, thief, are hereby invited,
The heavy-lipp'd slave is invited, the venerealee is invited;
There shall be no difference between them and the rest.
This the touch of my lips to yours, this the murmur of yearning,
This the far-off depth and height reflecting my own face,
This the thoughtful merge of myself, and the outlet again.
Well I have, for the Fourth-month showers have, and the mica on the.
side of a rock has.
Does the daylight astonish? does the early redstart twittering.
through the woods?
Do I astonish more than they?
I might not tell everybody, but I will tell you.
How is it I extract strength from the beef I eat?
Else it were time lost listening to me.
That months are vacuums and the ground but wallow and filth.
goes to the fourth-remov'd,
I wear my hat as I please indoors or out.
doctors and calculated close,
I find no sweeter fat than sticks to my own bones.
And the good or bad I say of myself I say of them.
To me the converging objects of the universe perpetually flow,
All are written to me, and I must get what the writing means.
I know this orbit of mine cannot be swept by a carpenter's compass,
I know I shall not pass like a child's carlacue cut with a burnt.
I do not trouble my spirit to vindicate itself or be understood,
I see that the elementary laws never apologize,
(I reckon I behave no prouder than the level I plant my house by,
If no other in the world be aware I sit content,
And if each and all be aware I sit content.
And whether I come to my own to-day or in ten thousand or ten.
I can cheerfully take it now, or with equal cheerfulness I can wait.
I laugh at what you call dissolution,
And I know the amplitude of time.
The pleasures of heaven are with me and the pains of hell are with me,
The first I graft and increase upon myself, the latter I translate.
into new tongue.
And I say it is as great to be a woman as to be a man,
And I say there is nothing greater than the mother of men.
We have had ducking and deprecating about enough,
I show that size is only development.
It is a trifle, they will more than arrive there every one, and.
I call to the earth and sea half-held by the night.
Night of south winds--night of the large few stars!
Still nodding night--mad naked summer night.
Earth of the slumbering and liquid trees!
Earth of departed sunset--earth of the mountains misty-topt!
Earth of the vitreous pour of the full moon just tinged with blue!
Earth of shine and dark mottling the tide of the river!
Earth of the limpid gray of clouds brighter and clearer for my sake!
Far-swooping elbow'd earth--rich apple-blossom'd earth!
Smile, for your lover comes.
O unspeakable passionate love.
I behold from the beach your crooked fingers,
I believe you refuse to go back without feeling of me,
We must have a turn together, I undress, hurry me out of sight of the land,
Cushion me soft, rock me in billowy drowse,
Dash me with amorous wet, I can repay you.
Sea breathing broad and convulsive breaths,
Sea of the brine of life and of unshovell'd yet always-ready graves,
Howler and scooper of storms, capricious and dainty sea,
I am integral with you, I too am of one phase and of all phases.
Extoller of amies and those that sleep in each others' arms.
(Shall I make my list of things in the house and skip the house that.
of wickedness also.
Evil propels me and reform of evil propels me, I stand indifferent,
My gait is no fault-finder's or rejecter's gait,
I moisten the roots of all that has grown.
Did you guess the celestial laws are yet to be work'd over and rectified?
Soft doctrine as steady help as stable doctrine,
Thoughts and deeds of the present our rouse and early start.
There is no better than it and now.
The wonder is always and always how there can be a mean man or an infidel.
And mine a word of the modern, the word En-Masse.
Here or henceforward it is all the same to me, I accept Time absolutely.
That mystic baffling wonder alone completes all.
Materialism first and last imbuing.
Fetch stonecrop mixt with cedar and branches of lilac,
This is the lexicographer, this the chemist, this made a grammar of.
the old cartouches,
These mariners put the ship through dangerous unknown seas.
This is the geologist, this works with the scalper, and this is a.
Your facts are useful, and yet they are not my dwelling,
I but enter by them to an area of my dwelling.
And more the reminders they of life untold, and of freedom and extrication,
And make short account of neuters and geldings, and favor men and.
women fully equipt,
And beat the gong of revolt, and stop with fugitives and them that.
plot and conspire.
Turbulent, fleshy, sensual, eating, drinking and breeding,
No sentimentalist, no stander above men and women or apart from them,
No more modest than immodest.
Unscrew the doors themselves from their jambs!
And whatever is done or said returns at last to me.
By God! I will accept nothing which all cannot have their.
counterpart of on the same terms.
Voices of the interminable generations of prisoners and slaves,
Voices of the diseas'd and despairing and of thieves and dwarfs,
Voices of cycles of preparation and accretion,
And of the threads that connect the stars, and of wombs and of the.
And of the rights of them the others are down upon,
Of the deform'd, trivial, flat, foolish, despised,
Fog in the air, beetles rolling balls of dung.
Voices of sexes and lusts, voices veil'd and I remove the veil,
Voices indecent by me clarified and transfigur'd.
I keep as delicate around the bowels as around the head and heart,
Copulation is no more rank to me than death is.
Seeing, hearing, feeling, are miracles, and each part and tag of me.
The scent of these arm-pits aroma finer than prayer,
This head more than churches, bibles, and all the creeds.
my own body, or any part of it,
Translucent mould of me it shall be you!
Shaded ledges and rests it shall be you!
Firm masculine colter it shall be you!
Whatever goes to the tilth of me it shall be you!
You my rich blood! your milky stream pale strippings of my life!
Breast that presses against other breasts it shall be you!
My brain it shall be your occult convolutions!
Root of wash'd sweet-flag! timorous pond-snipe! nest of guarded.
duplicate eggs! it shall be you!
Mix'd tussled hay of head, beard, brawn, it shall be you!
Trickling sap of maple, fibre of manly wheat, it shall be you!
Sun so generous it shall be you!
Vapors lighting and shading my face it shall be you!
You sweaty brooks and dews it shall be you!
Winds whose soft-tickling genitals rub against me it shall be you!
Broad muscular fields, branches of live oak, loving lounger in my.
winding paths, it shall be you!
Hands I have taken, face I have kiss'd, mortal I have ever touch'd,
it shall be you.
Each moment and whatever happens thrills me with joy,
I cannot tell how my ankles bend, nor whence the cause of my faintest wish,
Nor the cause of the friendship I emit, nor the cause of the.
friendship I take again.
A morning-glory at my window satisfies me more than the metaphysics.
The little light fades the immense and diaphanous shadows,
The air tastes good to my palate.
Scooting obliquely high and low.
Seas of bright juice suffuse heaven.
The heav'd challenge from the east that moment over my head,
The mocking taunt, See then whether you shall be master!
If I could not now and always send sun-rise out of me.
We found our own O my soul in the calm and cool of the daybreak.
With the twirl of my tongue I encompass worlds and volumes of worlds.
It provokes me forever, it says sarcastically,
Walt you contain enough, why don't you let it out then?
Do you not know O speech how the buds beneath you are folded?
Waiting in gloom, protected by frost,
The dirt receding before my prophetical screams,
I underlying causes to balance them at last,
My knowledge my live parts, it keeping tally with the meaning of all things,
Happiness, (which whoever hears me let him or her set out in search.
Encompass worlds, but never try to encompass me,
I crowd your sleekest and best by simply looking toward you.
I carry the plenum of proof and every thing else in my face,
With the hush of my lips I wholly confound the skeptic.
To accrue what I hear into this song, to let sounds contribute toward it.
clack of sticks cooking my meals,
I hear the sound I love, the sound of the human voice,
I hear all sounds running together, combined, fused or following,
Sounds of the city and sounds out of the city, sounds of the day and night,
Talkative young ones to those that like them, the loud laugh of.
work-people at their meals,
The angry base of disjointed friendship, the faint tones of the sick,
The judge with hands tight to the desk, his pallid lips pronouncing.
The heave'e'yo of stevedores unlading ships by the wharves, the.
refrain of the anchor-lifters,
The ring of alarm-bells, the cry of fire, the whirr of swift-streaking.
engines and hose-carts with premonitory tinkles and color'd lights,
The steam-whistle, the solid roll of the train of approaching cars,
The slow march play'd at the head of the association marching two and two,
(They go to guard some corpse, the flag-tops are draped with black muslin.)
I hear the key'd cornet, it glides quickly in through my ears,
It shakes mad-sweet pangs through my belly and breast.
Ah this indeed is music--this suits me.
The orbic flex of his mouth is pouring and filling me full.
The orchestra whirls me wider than Uranus flies,
It wrenches such ardors from me I did not know I possess'd them,
It sails me, I dab with bare feet, they are lick'd by the indolent waves,
I am cut by bitter and angry hail, I lose my breath,
Steep'd amid honey'd morphine, my windpipe throttled in fakes of death,
At length let up again to feel the puzzle of puzzles,
And that we call Being.
(Round and round we go, all of us, and ever come back thither,)
If nothing lay more develop'd the quahaug in its callous shell were enough.
I have instant conductors all over me whether I pass or stop,
They seize every object and lead it harmlessly through me.
To touch my person to some one else's is about as much as I can stand.
Flames and ether making a rush for my veins,
Treacherous tip of me reaching and crowding to help them,
My flesh and blood playing out lightning to strike what is hardly.
different from myself,
On all sides prurient provokers stiffening my limbs,
Straining the udder of my heart for its withheld drip,
Behaving licentious toward me, taking no denial,
Depriving me of my best as for a purpose,
Unbuttoning my clothes, holding me by the bare waist,
Deluding my confusion with the calm of the sunlight and pasture-fields,
Immodestly sliding the fellow-senses away,
They bribed to swap off with touch and go and graze at the edges of me,
No consideration, no regard for my draining strength or my anger,
Fetching the rest of the herd around to enjoy them a while,
Then all uniting to stand on a headland and worry me.
They have left me helpless to a red marauder,
They all come to the headland to witness and assist against me.
I talk wildly, I have lost my wits, I and nobody else am the.
I went myself first to the headland, my own hands carried me there.
Unclench your floodgates, you are too much for me.
Did it make you ache so, leaving me?
Rich showering rain, and recompense richer afterward.
Landscapes projected masculine, full-sized and golden.
They neither hasten their own delivery nor resist it,
They do not need the obstetric forceps of the surgeon,
The insignificant is as big to me as any,
(What is less or more than a touch?)
The damp of the night drives deeper into my soul.
Only what nobody denies is so.)
I believe the soggy clods shall become lovers and lamps,
And a compend of compends is the meat of a man or woman,
And a summit and flower there is the feeling they have for each other,
And they are to branch boundlessly out of that lesson until it.
And until one and all shall delight us, and we them.
And the pismire is equally perfect, and a grain of sand, and the egg.
And the tree-toad is a chef-d'oeuvre for the highest,
And the running blackberry would adorn the parlors of heaven,
And the narrowest hinge in my hand puts to scorn all machinery,
And the cow crunching with depress'd head surpasses any statue,
And a mouse is miracle enough to stagger sextillions of infidels.
grains, esculent roots,
And am stucco'd with quadrupeds and birds all over,
And have distanced what is behind me for good reasons,
But call any thing back again when I desire it.
In vain the plutonic rocks send their old heat against my approach,
In vain the mastodon retreats beneath its own powder'd bones,
In vain objects stand leagues off and assume manifold shapes,
In vain the ocean settling in hollows and the great monsters lying low,
In vain the buzzard houses herself with the sky,
In vain the snake slides through the creepers and logs,
In vain the elk takes to the inner passes of the woods,
In vain the razor-bill'd auk sails far north to Labrador,
I follow quickly, I ascend to the nest in the fissure of the cliff.
I stand and look at them long and long.
They do not lie awake in the dark and weep for their sins,
They do not make me sick discussing their duty to God,
Not one is dissatisfied, not one is demented with the mania of.
Not one kneels to another, nor to his kind that lived thousands of.
Not one is respectable or unhappy over the whole earth.
They bring me tokens of myself, they evince them plainly in their.
Did I pass that way huge times ago and negligently drop them?
Gathering and showing more always and with velocity,
Infinite and omnigenous, and the like of these among them,
Not too exclusive toward the reachers of my remembrancers,
Picking out here one that I love, and now go with him on brotherly terms.
Head high in the forehead, wide between the ears,
Limbs glossy and supple, tail dusting the ground,
Eyes full of sparkling wickedness, ears finely cut, flexibly moving.
His well-built limbs tremble with pleasure as we race around and return.
Why do I need your paces when I myself out-gallop them?
Even as I stand or sit passing faster than you.
What I guess'd when I loaf'd on the grass,
What I guess'd while I lay alone in my bed,
And again as I walk'd the beach under the paling stars of the morning.
I skirt sierras, my palms cover continents,
I am afoot with my vision.
Along the ruts of the turnpike, along the dry gulch and rivulet bed,
Weeding my onion-patch or hosing rows of carrots and parsnips,
crossing savannas, trailing in forests,
Prospecting, gold-digging, girdling the trees of a new purchase,
Scorch'd ankle-deep by the hot sand, hauling my boat down the.
Where the panther walks to and fro on a limb overhead, where the.
buck turns furiously at the hunter,
Where the rattlesnake suns his flabby length on a rock, where the.
otter is feeding on fish,
Where the alligator in his tough pimples sleeps by the bayou,
Where the black bear is searching for roots or honey, where the.
beaver pats the mud with his paddle-shaped tall;
Over the growing sugar, over the yellow-flower'd cotton plant, over.
the rice in its low moist field,
Over the sharp-peak'd farm house, with its scallop'd scum and.
slender shoots from the gutters,
Over the western persimmon, over the long-leav'd corn, over the.
delicate blue-flower flax,
Over the white and brown buckwheat, a hummer and buzzer there with.
Over the dusky green of the rye as it ripples and shades in the breeze;
Scaling mountains, pulling myself cautiously up, holding on by low.
Walking the path worn in the grass and beat through the leaves of the brush,
Where the quail is whistling betwixt the woods and the wheat-lot,
Where the bat flies in the Seventh-month eve, where the great.
goldbug drops through the dark,
Where the brook puts out of the roots of the old tree and flows to.
Where cattle stand and shake away flies with the tremulous.
shuddering of their hides,
Where the cheese-cloth hangs in the kitchen, where andirons straddle.
the hearth-slab, where cobwebs fall in festoons from the rafters;
Where trip-hammers crash, where the press is whirling its cylinders,
Wherever the human heart beats with terrible throes under its ribs,
Where the pear-shaped balloon is floating aloft, (floating in it.
myself and looking composedly down,)
Where the life-car is drawn on the slip-noose, where the heat.
hatches pale-green eggs in the dented sand,
Where the she-whale swims with her calf and never forsakes it,
Where the steam-ship trails hind-ways its long pennant of smoke,
Where the fin of the shark cuts like a black chip out of the water,
Where the half-burn'd brig is riding on unknown currents,
Where shells grow to her slimy deck, where the dead are corrupting below;
Where the dense-starr'd flag is borne at the head of the regiments,
Approaching Manhattan up by the long-stretching island,
Under Niagara, the cataract falling like a veil over my countenance,
Upon a door-step, upon the horse-block of hard wood outside,
Upon the race-course, or enjoying picnics or jigs or a good game of.
At he-festivals, with blackguard gibes, ironical license,
bull-dances, drinking, laughter,
At the cider-mill tasting the sweets of the brown mash, sucking the.
juice through a straw,
At apple-peelings wanting kisses for all the red fruit I find,
At musters, beach-parties, friendly bees, huskings, house-raisings;
Where the mocking-bird sounds his delicious gurgles, cackles,
Where the hay-rick stands in the barn-yard, where the dry-stalks are.
scatter'd, where the brood-cow waits in the hovel,
Where the bull advances to do his masculine work, where the stud to.
the mare, where the cock is treading the hen,
Where the heifers browse, where geese nip their food with short jerks,
Where sun-down shadows lengthen over the limitless and lonesome prairie,
Where herds of buffalo make a crawling spread of the square miles.
Where the humming-bird shimmers, where the neck of the long-lived.
swan is curving and winding,
Where the laughing-gull scoots by the shore, where she laughs her.
Where bee-hives range on a gray bench in the garden half hid by the.
Where band-neck'd partridges roost in a ring on the ground with.
their heads out,
Where burial coaches enter the arch'd gates of a cemetery,
Where winter wolves bark amid wastes of snow and icicled trees,
Where the yellow-crown'd heron comes to the edge of the marsh at.
night and feeds upon small crabs,
Where the splash of swimmers and divers cools the warm noon,
Where the katy-did works her chromatic reed on the walnut-tree over.
Through patches of citrons and cucumbers with silver-wired leaves,
Through the salt-lick or orange glade, or under conical firs,
Through the gymnasium, through the curtain'd saloon, through the.
office or public hall;
Pleas'd with the native and pleas'd with the foreign, pleas'd with.
the new and old,
Pleas'd with the homely woman as well as the handsome,
Pleas'd with the quakeress as she puts off her bonnet and talks melodiously,
Pleas'd with the tune of the choir of the whitewash'd church,
Pleas'd with the earnest words of the sweating Methodist preacher,
impress'd seriously at the camp-meeting;
Looking in at the shop-windows of Broadway the whole forenoon,
flatting the flesh of my nose on the thick plate glass,
Wandering the same afternoon with my face turn'd up to the clouds,
or down a lane or along the beach,
My right and left arms round the sides of two friends, and I in the middle;
Coming home with the silent and dark-cheek'd bush-boy, (behind me.
he rides at the drape of the day,)
Far from the settlements studying the print of animals' feet, or the.
By the cot in the hospital reaching lemonade to a feverish patient,
Nigh the coffin'd corpse when all is still, examining with a candle;
Voyaging to every port to dicker and adventure,
Hurrying with the modern crowd as eager and fickle as any,
Hot toward one I hate, ready in my madness to knife him,
Solitary at midnight in my back yard, my thoughts gone from me a long while,
Walking the old hills of Judaea with the beautiful gentle God by my side,
Speeding through space, speeding through heaven and the stars,
Speeding amid the seven satellites and the broad ring, and the.
diameter of eighty thousand miles,
Speeding with tail'd meteors, throwing fire-balls like the rest,
Carrying the crescent child that carries its own full mother in its belly,
Storming, enjoying, planning, loving, cautioning,
Backing and filling, appearing and disappearing,
I tread day and night such roads.
And look at quintillions ripen'd and look at quintillions green.
My course runs below the soundings of plummets.
No guard can shut me off, no law prevent me.
My messengers continually cruise away or bring their returns to me.
pike-pointed staff, clinging to topples of brittle and blue.
I take my place late at night in the crow's-nest,
We sail the arctic sea, it is plenty light enough,
Through the clear atmosphere I stretch around on the wonderful beauty,
The enormous masses of ice pass me and I pass them, the scenery is.
plain in all directions,
The white-topt mountains show in the distance, I fling out my.
fancies toward them,
We are approaching some great battle-field in which we are soon to.
We pass the colossal outposts of the encampment, we pass with still.
feet and caution,
Or we are entering by the suburbs some vast and ruin'd city,
The blocks and fallen architecture more than all the living cities.
I turn the bridgroom out of bed and stay with the bride myself,
I tighten her all night to my thighs and lips.
They fetch my man's body up dripping and drown'd.
The courage of present times and all times,
How the skipper saw the crowded and rudderless wreck of the.
steamship, and Death chasing it up and down the storm,
How he knuckled tight and gave not back an inch, and was faithful of.
days and faithful of nights,
And chalk'd in large letters on a board, Be of good cheer, we will.
How he follow'd with them and tack'd with them three days and.
would not give it up,
How he saved the drifting company at last,
How the lank loose-gown'd women look'd when boated from the.
side of their prepared graves,
How the silent old-faced infants and the lifted sick, and the.
sharp-lipp'd unshaved men;
All this I swallow, it tastes good, I like it well, it becomes mine,
I am the man, I suffer'd, I was there.
The mother of old, condemn'd for a witch, burnt with dry wood, her.
children gazing on,
The hounded slave that flags in the race, leans by the fence,
blowing, cover'd with sweat,
The twinges that sting like needles his legs and neck, the murderous.
buckshot and the bullets,
All these I feel or am.
Hell and despair are upon me, crack and again crack the marksmen,
I clutch the rails of the fence, my gore dribs, thinn'd with the.
ooze of my skin,
I fall on the weeds and stones,
The riders spur their unwilling horses, haul close,
Taunt my dizzy ears and beat me violently over the head with whip-stocks.
I do not ask the wounded person how he feels, I myself become the.
My hurts turn livid upon me as I lean on a cane and observe.
Tumbling walls buried me in their debris,
Heat and smoke I inspired, I heard the yelling shouts of my comrades,
I heard the distant click of their picks and shovels,
They have clear'd the beams away, they tenderly lift me forth.
Painless after all I lie exhausted but not so unhappy,
White and beautiful are the faces around me, the heads are bared.
of their fire-caps,
The kneeling crowd fades with the light of the torches.
They show as the dial or move as the hands of me, I am the clock myself.
I am there again.
Again the attacking cannon, mortars,
Again to my listening ears the cannon responsive.
The cries, curses, roar, the plaudits for well-aim'd shots,
The ambulanza slowly passing trailing its red drip,
Workmen searching after damages, making indispensable repairs,
The fall of grenades through the rent roof, the fan-shaped explosion,
The whizz of limbs, heads, stone, wood, iron, high in the air.
He gasps through the clot Mind not me--mind--the entrenchments.
(I tell not the fall of Alamo,
Not one escaped to tell the fall of Alamo,
The hundred and fifty are dumb yet at Alamo,)
'Tis the tale of the murder in cold blood of four hundred and twelve.
Nine hundred lives out of the surrounding enemies, nine times their.
number, was the price they took in advance,
Their colonel was wounded and their ammunition gone,
They treated for an honorable capitulation, receiv'd writing and.
seal, gave up their arms and march'd back prisoners of war.
Matchless with horse, rifle, song, supper, courtship,
Large, turbulent, generous, handsome, proud, and affectionate,
Bearded, sunburnt, drest in the free costume of hunters,
Not a single one over thirty years of age.
massacred, it was beautiful early summer,
The work commenced about five o'clock and was over by eight.
Some made a mad and helpless rush, some stood stark and straight,
A few fell at once, shot in the temple or heart, the living and dead.
The maim'd and mangled dug in the dirt, the new-comers saw them there,
Some half-kill'd attempted to crawl away,
These were despatch'd with bayonets or batter'd with the blunts of muskets,
A youth not seventeen years old seiz'd his assassin till two more.
came to release him,
The three were all torn and cover'd with the boy's blood.
That is the tale of the murder of the four hundred and twelve young men.
Would you learn who won by the light of the moon and stars?
List to the yarn, as my grandmother's father the sailor told it to me.
His was the surly English pluck, and there is no tougher or truer,
and never was, and never will be;
Along the lower'd eve he came horribly raking us.
My captain lash'd fast with his own hands.
On our lower-gun-deck two large pieces had burst at the first fire,
killing all around and blowing up overhead.
Ten o'clock at night, the full moon well up, our leaks on the gain,
and five feet of water reported,
The master-at-arms loosing the prisoners confined in the after-hold.
to give them a chance for themselves.
They see so many strange faces they do not know whom to trust.
The other asks if we demand quarter?
If our colors are struck and the fighting done?
We have not struck, he composedly cries, we have just begun our part.
of the fighting.
One is directed by the captain himself against the enemy's main-mast,
Two well serv'd with grape and canister silence his musketry and.
clear his decks.
They hold out bravely during the whole of the action.
The leaks gain fast on the pumps, the fire eats toward the powder-magazine.
He is not hurried, his voice is neither high nor low,
His eyes give more light to us than our battle-lanterns.
Two great hulls motionless on the breast of the darkness,
Our vessel riddled and slowly sinking, preparations to pass to the.
one we have conquer'd,
The captain on the quarter-deck coldly giving his orders through a.
countenance white as a sheet,
Near by the corpse of the child that serv'd in the cabin,
The dead face of an old salt with long white hair and carefully.
The flames spite of all that can be done flickering aloft and below,
The husky voices of the two or three officers yet fit for duty,
Formless stacks of bodies and bodies by themselves, dabs of flesh.
upon the masts and spars,
Cut of cordage, dangle of rigging, slight shock of the soothe of waves,
Black and impassive guns, litter of powder-parcels, strong scent,
A few large stars overhead, silent and mournful shining,
Delicate sniffs of sea-breeze, smells of sedgy grass and fields by.
the shore, death-messages given in charge to survivors,
The hiss of the surgeon's knife, the gnawing teeth of his saw,
Wheeze, cluck, swash of falling blood, short wild scream, and long,
dull, tapering groan,
These so, these irretrievable.
In at the conquer'd doors they crowd! I am possess'd!
Embody all presences outlaw'd or suffering,
See myself in prison shaped like another man,
And feel the dull unintermitted pain.
It is I let out in the morning and barr'd at night.
and walk by his side,
(I am less the jolly one there, and more the silent one with sweat.
on my twitching lips.)
My face is ash-color'd, my sinews gnarl, away from me people retreat.
I project my hat, sit shame-faced, and beg.
Somehow I have been stunn'd. Stand back!
Give me a little time beyond my cuff'd head, slumbers, dreams, gaping,
I discover myself on the verge of a usual mistake.
That I could forget the trickling tears and the blows of the.
bludgeons and hammers!
That I could look with a separate look on my own crucifixion and.
I resume the overstaid fraction,
The grave of rock multiplies what has been confided to it, or to any graves,
Corpses rise, gashes heal, fastenings roll from me.
Inland and sea-coast we go, and pass all boundary lines,
Our swift ordinances on their way over the whole earth,
The blossoms we wear in our hats the growth of thousands of years.
Continue your annotations, continue your questionings.
Is he waiting for civilization, or past it and mastering it?
Is he from the Mississippi country? Iowa, Oregon, California?
The mountains? prairie-life, bush-life? or sailor from the sea?
They desire he should like them, touch them, speak to them, stay with them.
head, laughter, and naivete,
Slow-stepping feet, common features, common modes and emanations,
They descend in new forms from the tips of his fingers,
They are wafted with the odor of his body or breath, they fly out of.
the glance of his eyes.
You light surfaces only, I force surfaces and depths also.
Say, old top-knot, what do you want?
And might tell what it is in me and what it is in you, but cannot,
And might tell that pining I have, that pulse of my nights and days.
When I give I give myself.
Open your scarf'd chops till I blow grit within you,
Spread your palms and lift the flaps of your pockets,
I am not to be denied, I compel, I have stores plenty and to spare,
And any thing I have I bestow.
You can do nothing and be nothing but what I will infold you.
On his right cheek I put the family kiss,
And in my soul I swear I never will deny him.
(This day I am jetting the stuff of far more arrogant republics.)
Turn the bed-clothes toward the foot of the bed,
Let the physician and the priest go home.
O despairer, here is my neck,
By God, you shall not go down! hang your whole weight upon me.
Every room of the house do I fill with an arm'd force,
Lovers of me, bafflers of graves.
Not doubt, not decease shall dare to lay finger upon you,
I have embraced you, and henceforth possess you to myself,
And when you rise in the morning you will find what I tell you is so.
And for strong upright men I bring yet more needed help.
Heard it and heard it of several thousand years;
It is middling well as far as it goes--but is that all?
Outbidding at the start the old cautious hucksters,
Taking myself the exact dimensions of Jehovah,
Lithographing Kronos, Zeus his son, and Hercules his grandson,
Buying drafts of Osiris, Isis, Belus, Brahma, Buddha,
In my portfolio placing Manito loose, Allah on a leaf, the crucifix.
With Odin and the hideous-faced Mexitli and every idol and image,
Taking them all for what they are worth and not a cent more,
Admitting they were alive and did the work of their days,
(They bore mites as for unfledg'd birds who have now to rise and fly.
and sing for themselves,)
Accepting the rough deific sketches to fill out better in myself,
bestowing them freely on each man and woman I see,
Discovering as much or more in a framer framing a house,
Putting higher claims for him there with his roll'd-up sleeves.
driving the mallet and chisel,
Not objecting to special revelations, considering a curl of smoke or.
a hair on the back of my hand just as curious as any revelation,
Lads ahold of fire-engines and hook-and-ladder ropes no less to me.
than the gods of the antique wars,
Minding their voices peal through the crash of destruction,
Their brawny limbs passing safe over charr'd laths, their white.
foreheads whole and unhurt out of the flames;
By the mechanic's wife with her babe at her nipple interceding for.
every person born,
Three scythes at harvest whizzing in a row from three lusty angels.
with shirts bagg'd out at their waists,
The snag-tooth'd hostler with red hair redeeming sins past and to come,
Selling all he possesses, traveling on foot to fee lawyers for his.
brother and sit by him while he is tried for forgery;
What was strewn in the amplest strewing the square rod about me, and.
not filling the square rod then,
The bull and the bug never worshipp'd half enough,
Dung and dirt more admirable than was dream'd,
The supernatural of no account, myself waiting my time to be one of.
The day getting ready for me when I shall do as much good as the.
best, and be as prodigious;
By my life-lumps! becoming already a creator,
Putting myself here and now to the ambush'd womb of the shadows.
My own voice, orotund sweeping and final.
Come my boys and girls, my women, household and intimates,
Now the performer launches his nerve, he has pass'd his prelude on.
the reeds within.
climax and close.
Music rolls, but not from the organ,
Folks are around me, but they are no household of mine.
Ever the eaters and drinkers, ever the upward and downward sun, ever.
the air and the ceaseless tides,
Ever myself and my neighbors, refreshing, wicked, real,
Ever the old inexplicable query, ever that thorn'd thumb, that.
breath of itches and thirsts,
Ever the vexer's hoot! hoot! till we find where the sly one hides.
and bring him forth,
Ever love, ever the sobbing liquid of life,
Ever the bandage under the chin, ever the trestles of death.
To feed the greed of the belly the brains liberally spooning,
Tickets buying, taking, selling, but in to the feast never once going,
Many sweating, ploughing, thrashing, and then the chaff for payment.
A few idly owning, and they the wheat continually claiming.
Whatever interests the rest interests me, politics, wars, markets,
The mayor and councils, banks, tariffs, steamships, factories,
stocks, stores, real estate and personal estate.
I am aware who they are, (they are positively not worms or fleas,)
I acknowledge the duplicates of myself, the weakest and shallowest.
is deathless with me,
What I do and say the same waits for them,
Every thought that flounders in me the same flounders in them.
Know my omnivorous lines and must not write any less,
And would fetch you whoever you are flush with myself.
But abruptly to question, to leap beyond yet nearer bring;
This printed and bound book--but the printer and the.
The well-taken photographs--but your wife or friend close and solid.
The black ship mail'd with iron, her mighty guns in her turrets--but.
the pluck of the captain and engineers?
In the houses the dishes and fare and furniture--but the host and.
hostess, and the look out of their eyes?
The sky up there--yet here or next door, or across the way?
The saints and sages in history--but you yourself?
Sermons, creeds, theology--but the fathomless human brain,
And what is reason? and what is love? and what is life?
My faith is the greatest of faiths and the least of faiths,
Enclosing worship ancient and modern and all between ancient and modern,
Believing I shall come again upon the earth after five thousand years,
Waiting responses from oracles, honoring the gods, saluting the sun,
Making a fetich of the first rock or stump, powowing with sticks in.
the circle of obis,
Helping the llama or brahmin as he trims the lamps of the idols,
Dancing yet through the streets in a phallic procession, rapt and.
austere in the woods a gymnosophist,
Drinking mead from the skull-cap, to Shastas and Vedas admirant,
minding the Koran,
Walking the teokallis, spotted with gore from the stone and knife,
beating the serpent-skin drum,
Accepting the Gospels, accepting him that was crucified, knowing.
assuredly that he is divine,
To the mass kneeling or the puritan's prayer rising, or sitting.
patiently in a pew,
Ranting and frothing in my insane crisis, or waiting dead-like till.
my spirit arouses me,
Looking forth on pavement and land, or outside of pavement and land,
Belonging to the winders of the circuit of circuits.
man leaving charges before a journey.
Frivolous, sullen, moping, angry, affected, dishearten'd, atheistical,
I know every one of you, I know the sea of torment, doubt, despair.
How they contort rapid as lightning, with spasms and spouts of blood!
I take my place among you as much as among any,
The past is the push of you, me, all, precisely the same,
And what is yet untried and afterward is for you, me, all, precisely.
But I know it will in its turn prove sufficient, and cannot fail.
single one can it fall.
Nor the young woman who died and was put by his side,
Nor the little child that peep'd in at the door, and then drew back.
and was never seen again,
Nor the old man who has lived without purpose, and feels it with.
bitterness worse than gall,
Nor him in the poor house tubercled by rum and the bad disorder,
Nor the numberless slaughter'd and wreck'd, nor the brutish koboo.
call'd the ordure of humanity,
Nor the sacs merely floating with open mouths for food to slip in,
Nor any thing in the earth, or down in the oldest graves of the earth,
Nor any thing in the myriads of spheres, nor the myriads of myriads.
that inhabit them,
Nor the present, nor the least wisp that is known.
I launch all men and women forward with me into the Unknown.
There are trillions ahead, and trillions ahead of them.
And other births will bring us richness and variety.
That which fills its period and place is equal to any.
I am sorry for you, they are not murderous or jealous upon me,
All has been gentle with me, I keep no account with lamentation,
(What have I to do with lamentation?)
On every step bunches of ages, and larger bunches between the steps,
All below duly travel'd, and still I mount and mount.
Afar down I see the huge first Nothing, I know I was even there,
I waited unseen and always, and slept through the lethargic mist,
And took my time, and took no hurt from the fetid carbon.
Faithful and friendly the arms that have help'd me.
For room to me stars kept aside in their own rings,
They sent influences to look after what was to hold me.
My embryo has never been torpid, nothing could overlay it.
The long slow strata piled to rest it on,
Vast vegetables gave it sustenance,
Monstrous sauroids transported it in their mouths and deposited it.
Now on this spot I stand with my robust soul.
O manhood, balanced, florid and full.
Crowding my lips, thick in the pores of my skin,
Jostling me through streets and public halls, coming naked to me at night,
Crying by day, Ahoy! from the rocks of the river, swinging and.
chirping over my head,
Calling my name from flower-beds, vines, tangled underbrush,
Lighting on every moment of my life,
Bussing my body with soft balsamic busses,
Noiselessly passing handfuls out of their hearts and giving them to be mine.
after and out of itself,
And the dark hush promulges as much as any.
And all I see multiplied as high as I can cipher edge but the rim of.
the farther systems.
Outward and outward and forever outward.
He joins with his partners a group of superior circuit,
And greater sets follow, making specks of the greatest inside them.
If I, you, and the worlds, and all beneath or upon their surfaces,
were this moment reduced back to a pallid float, it would.
not avail the long run,
We should surely bring up again where we now stand,
And surely go as much farther, and then farther and farther.
not hazard the span or make it impatient,
They are but parts, any thing is but a part.
Count ever so much, there is limitless time around that.
The Lord will be there and wait till I come on perfect terms,
The great Camerado, the lover true for whom I pine will be there.
never will be measured.
My signs are a rain-proof coat, good shoes, and a staff cut from the woods,
No friend of mine takes his ease in my chair,
I have no chair, no church, no philosophy,
I lead no man to a dinner-table, library, exchange,
But each man and each woman of you I lead upon a knoll,
My left hand hooking you round the waist,
My right hand pointing to landscapes of continents and the public road.
You must travel it for yourself.
Perhaps you have been on it since you were born and did not know,
Perhaps it is everywhere on water and on land.
Wonderful cities and free nations we shall fetch as we go.
And in due time you shall repay the same service to me,
For after we start we never lie by again.
And I said to my spirit When we become the enfolders of those orbs,
and the pleasure and knowledge of every thing in them, shall we.
be fill'd and satisfied then?
And my spirit said No, we but level that lift to pass and continue beyond.
I answer that I cannot answer, you must find out for yourself.
Here are biscuits to eat and here is milk to drink,
But as soon as you sleep and renew yourself in sweet clothes, I kiss you.
with a good-by kiss and open the gate for your egress hence.
Now I wash the gum from your eyes,
You must habit yourself to the dazzle of the light and of every.
moment of your life.
Now I will you to be a bold swimmer,
To jump off in the midst of the sea, rise again, nod to me, shout,
and laughingly dash with your hair.
He that by me spreads a wider breast than my own proves the width of my own,
He most honors my style who learns under it to destroy the teacher.
but in his own right,
Wicked rather than virtuous out of conformity or fear,
Fond of his sweetheart, relishing well his steak,
Unrequited love or a slight cutting him worse than sharp steel cuts,
First-rate to ride, to fight, to hit the bull's eye, to sail a.
skiff, to sing a song or play on the banjo,
Preferring scars and the beard and faces pitted with small-pox over.
And those well-tann'd to those that keep out of the sun.
I follow you whoever you are from the present hour,
My words itch at your ears till you understand them.
I wait for a boat,
(It is you talking just as much as myself, I act as the tongue of you,
Tied in your mouth, in mine it begins to be loosen'd.)
And I swear I will never translate myself at all, only to him or her.
who privately stays with me in the open air.
The nearest gnat is an explanation, and a drop or motion of waves key,
The maul, the oar, the hand-saw, second my words.
But roughs and little children better than they.
The woodman that takes his axe and jug with him shall take me with.
The farm-boy ploughing in the field feels good at the sound of my voice,
In vessels that sail my words sail, I go with fishermen and seamen.
On the night ere the pending battle many seek me, and I do not fail them,
On that solemn night (it may be their last) those that know me seek me.
My face rubs to the hunter's face when he lies down alone in his blanket,
The driver thinking of me does not mind the jolt of his wagon,
The young mother and old mother comprehend me,
The girl and the wife rest the needle a moment and forget where they are,
They and all would resume what I have told them.
And I have said that the body is not more than the soul,
And nothing, not God, is greater to one than one's self is,
And whoever walks a furlong without sympathy walks to his own.
funeral drest in his shroud,
And I or you pocketless of a dime may purchase the pick of the earth,
And to glance with an eye or show a bean in its pod confounds the.
learning of all times,
And there is no trade or employment but the young man following it.
may become a hero,
And there is no object so soft but it makes a hub for the wheel'd universe,
And I say to any man or woman, Let your soul stand cool and composed.
before a million universes.
For I who am curious about each am not curious about God,
(No array of terms can say how much I am at peace about God and.
Nor do I understand who there can be more wonderful than myself.
I see something of God each hour of the twenty-four, and each moment then,
In the faces of men and women I see God, and in my own face in the glass,
I find letters from God dropt in the street, and every one is sign'd.
And I leave them where they are, for I know that wheresoe'er I go,
Others will punctually come for ever and ever.
try to alarm me.
I see the elder-hand pressing receiving supporting,
I recline by the sills of the exquisite flexible doors,
And mark the outlet, and mark the relief and escape.
I smell the white roses sweet-scented and growing,
I reach to the leafy lips, I reach to the polish'd breasts of melons.
(No doubt I have died myself ten thousand times before.)
O suns--O grass of graves--O perpetual transfers and promotions,
If you do not say any thing how can I say any thing?
Of the moon that descends the steeps of the soughing twilight,
Toss, sparkles of day and dusk--toss on the black stems that decay.
Toss to the moaning gibberish of the dry limbs.
I perceive that the ghastly glimmer is noonday sunbeams reflected,
And debouch to the steady and central from the offspring great or small.
I sleep--I sleep long.
It is not in any dictionary, utterance, symbol.
To it the creation is the friend whose embracing awakes me.
It is not chaos or death--it is form, union, plan--it is eternal.
life--it is Happiness.
And proceed to fill my next fold of the future.
Look in my face while I snuff the sidle of evening,
(Talk honestly, no one else hears you, and I stay only a minute longer.)
Very well then I contradict myself,
(I am large, I contain multitudes.)
Who wishes to walk with me?
and my loitering.
I sound my barbaric yawp over the roofs of the world.
It flings my likeness after the rest and true as any on the shadow'd wilds,
It coaxes me to the vapor and the dusk.
I effuse my flesh in eddies, and drift it in lacy jags.
If you want me again look for me under your boot-soles.
But I shall be good health to you nevertheless,
And filter and fibre your blood.
Missing me one place search another,
I stop somewhere waiting for you.
DayPoems Poem No. 1900.
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